The Black Sacrament -- A Guide To Black Mage |
The Black Sacrament -- A Guide to Black Mage
Yeah I was gonna mention that too, missing the WS allows the SCH to start skillchaining right away without thinking about it
Slore said: » Hello all me again :) So I am working on my Oshala AM set but I still find I am missing it on Sortie basement bosses but I cannot find anymore raw acc for it wonder what people are using. 1188 with this set here. when I have food up its a marine stewpot. Stage 4 prime. ItemSet 395586 Gazu Bracelets +1 have 96 accuracy, to Nyame's 40 Combatant's Torque is all combat skills +15, to Lissome's 8 acc Dominance earring +1 has Acc +15 and Dex +10, to the 10 acc of dignitary or crep depending on RP level, Agwu's gets up to +15 acc per piece per slot over nyame path b I mean, no, do not use Agwu at all. Empy+3 pieces are all 60+ acc, R30 Agwu is just 55 at best. Gazu bracelets are a good idea if you really are having trouble landing it though.
Carbuncle.Samuraiking said: » I mean, no, do not use Agwu at all. Empy+3 pieces are all 60+ acc, R30 Agwu is just 55 at best. Gazu bracelets are a good idea if you really are having trouble landing it though. Good catch, I forgot all about Empy (clearly) well the thing to landing it is you can close it for darkness or even more on some sortie bosses like cgedh you can make a 6 step fusion. That is my goal when landing.
If you just about is landing Oshala for an extra magic burst window then just go full accuracy. Gazu bracelets and 4/5 empyrean +3 armor, cut the oshasha's treatise and add in amar cluster in the ammo slot, and put combatant's torque in the neck slot. You don't really need the WSD since the damage will be coming from the followup magic bursts, and you won't have melee rolls or songs anyway. A Taranus's cape augmented with 30 accuracy and 20 dex will also beat out Aurist's +1.
![]() whats does a good MB set look like for a 0 ML blm who just got access to sortie and trying to upgrade their empy pieces?
Offset said: » whats does a good MB set look like for a 0 ML blm who just got access to sortie and trying to upgrade their empy pieces? I would assume 5/5 agwu's (with whatever rp you can get) and all the standard accessories. Offset said: » whats does a good MB set look like for a 0 ML blm who just got access to sortie and trying to upgrade their empy pieces? The community guide has a lot of tiers of MB nuking sets. Just start at the best and work your way back and plug in the pieces you can get ahold of. Depend if you can purchase odyssey gear.
Early tier would be Merlinic augmented, moving on to Odyssey/Emp3 as you can so, unfortunately, there's no simple answer. agwu is obviously good, but if you no RP, then there's a lot of better options. 5/5 emp +3 is a good all around base set to work with. it may lack some key elements for higher content, but it'll get you on the board at least. the important part is that you hit that 40 magic burst bonus on whatever combo of gear you're using. mb2 is icing on the cake, as is additional mab, magic acc/ele skill, and int.
but for reference, barring an AM Laev, or the prime stage 4 staff with AM up, you should have bunzi/amurapi, which has MB 10, so you'll only need 30 elsewhere. and temper whatever you think with the understanding that and RP on the oddy gear will make it stronger. But as per that guide, empy head, body and legs are generally the better option even over r30 agwu. I believe the guide shows r25 agwu for hands/feet If R0 Agwu's is not on the table, then the following (low budget) would be viable somewhat.
ItemSet 395848
At a glance it looks like only the MB gear set has been updated since emp+3 came out in the OP.
Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: » If R0 Agwu's is not on the table, then the following (low budget) would be viable somewhat. Pretty sure full empy+2 would do better than that set. Empy+2 is kinda the minimum you'd need in Sortie. Easy to get, even solo. Dodik said: » Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: » If R0 Agwu's is not on the table, then the following (low budget) would be viable somewhat. Pretty sure full empy+2 would do better than that set. Empy+2 is kinda the minimum you'd need in Sortie. Easy to get, even solo. I don't disagree honestly, with the exception of Amalric Gages +1(BIS if Agwu's Gages aren't an option) or Ea Hat +1(BIS if macc is not needed). this is what im wearing on the 0 ML blm for MBing:
main="Laevateinn", sub="Enki Strap", ammo="Pemphredo Tathlum", head="Ea Hat +1", neck="Sorcerer's Stole +2", ear1="Malignance Earring",ear2="Regal Earring", body="Ea Houppelande +1", hands="Archmage's Gloves +3", ring1="Mujin Band",ring2="Shiva Ring +1", back={ name="Taranus's Cape", augments={'INT+20','Mag. Acc+20 /Mag. Dmg.+20','INT+10','"Mag.Atk.Bns."+10',}}, waist="Hachirin-no-Obi", legs="Ea Slops +1", feet="Spaekona's Sabots +3" Need macc for sortie, which neither of those have a lot of.
I use Ea Hat +1 in my current burst set for blm. Amalric Gages +1 has better INT that Agwu's and Wicce +2, 20 macc and 14 elemental skill, so it's only slightly worse in terms of macc.
Ideally, OP is working on Agwu's set for sure. And the set I posted won't be getting the OP any 8/9 boss wins or anything. But it's likely enough to at least kill E with an equally geared team to get his Empy +2 stuff. Ok all I come for your great knowledge. I am having trouble with my blm on aminon, specifically my aspir set. I am trying to tweak my sets to get mp back after comet and death. Most of the time I don't get back enough tp to myrkr but comets are doing between 60-75k and deaths are capped. I have bene looking online all over for aspir death mode sets but they are all tanked mp. Last one I looked at max mp was only 1701 in it.
I have the best myrkr set I think I can make and I thought my aspir set was good but its only aspiring like between 30-80 each on t1 t2 and t3. For what its worth I do switch weapons between comet and death, comet being stage 4 prime and death being empy so I lose the tp there from comet and death even capped rarely brings me above 800tp. This is old set I was using that I am having trouble with. ammo="Pemphredo Tathlum", head={ name="Merlinic Hood", augments={'"Drain" and "Aspir" potency +11','MND+1','Mag. Acc.+15','"Mag.Atk.Bns."+8',}}, body="Wicce Coat +3", hands={ name="Merlinic Dastanas", augments={'"Mag.Atk.Bns."+29','"Drain" and "Aspir" potency +11','MND+7',}}, legs="Wicce Chausses +3", feet={ name="Agwu's Pigaches", augments={'Path: A',}}, neck="Erra Pendant", waist="Fucho-no-Obi", left_ear="Hirudinea Earring", right_ear="Regal Earring", left_ring="Evanescence Ring", right_ring="Archon Ring", back={ name="Aurist's Cape +1", augments={'Path: A', are those freecast numbers? double bursting will make a huge difference.
freecasting sorry
Slore said: » Ok all I come for your great knowledge. I am having trouble with my blm on aminon, specifically my aspir set. I am trying to tweak my sets to get mp back after comet and death. Most of the time I don't get back enough tp to myrkr but comets are doing between 60-75k and deaths are capped. I have bene looking online all over for aspir death mode sets but they are all tanked mp. Last one I looked at max mp was only 1701 in it. I have the best myrkr set I think I can make and I thought my aspir set was good but its only aspiring like between 30-80 each on t1 t2 and t3. For what its worth I do switch weapons between comet and death, comet being stage 4 prime and death being empy so I lose the tp there from comet and death even capped rarely brings me above 800tp. This is old set I was using that I am having trouble with. ammo="Pemphredo Tathlum", head={ name="Merlinic Hood", augments={'"Drain" and "Aspir" potency +11','MND+1','Mag. Acc.+15','"Mag.Atk.Bns."+8',}}, body="Wicce Coat +3", hands={ name="Merlinic Dastanas", augments={'"Mag.Atk.Bns."+29','"Drain" and "Aspir" potency +11','MND+7',}}, legs="Wicce Chausses +3", feet={ name="Agwu's Pigaches", augments={'Path: A',}}, neck="Erra Pendant", waist="Fucho-no-Obi", left_ear="Hirudinea Earring", right_ear="Regal Earring", left_ring="Evanescence Ring", right_ring="Archon Ring", back={ name="Aurist's Cape +1", augments={'Path: A', I think that you might want to look into locking your Prime staff for a couple reasons: 1) Maintain that Tacticians TP for stronger Myrkr 2) Putting up and maintaining AM3 for stronger Comets. You are right, you will lose a hefty amount of FC from the Empyrean Staff, but try this set below: sets.magic_burst.DeathPrime = { main="Opashoro", sub="Enki Strap", ammo="Sapience Orb", -- FC2 head="Pixie Hairpin +1", body={ name="Agwu's Robe", augments={'Path: A',}}, -- 10/0, FC8 hands={ name="Agwu's Gages", augments={'Path: A',}}, --8/6, FC6 legs={ name="Agwu's Slops", augments={'Path: A',}}, -- 9/0, FC7 feet={ name="Agwu's Pigaches", augments={'Path: A',}}, -- 6/0, FC4 neck={ name="Src. Stole +2", augments={'Path: A',}}, -- 10/0 waist={ name="Acuity Belt +1", augments={'Path: A',}}, left_ear="Malignance Earring", -- FC4 right_ear="Etiolation Earring", -- FC1 left_ring={ name="Metamor. Ring +1", augments={'Path: A',}}, right_ring="Archon Ring", back={ name="Taranus's Cape", augments={'MP+60','Mag. Acc+20 /Mag. Dmg.+20','MP+20','Haste+10','Phys. dmg. taken-10%',}}, -- 5/0 } --48/6, cap of 40 MBBI, 2242 Idle / 2254 FC / 2239 No MB / [1958] Prime MB, 24/25 Gear Haste + 32FC (relying on Valiance, need 72FC at haste cap to cap recast) You can see my annotations and thought process above. How many Inspiration merits is your RUN running? Mine has 4 so I get an additional 48% FC from his Valiance still capping my Death recast. RUN should be able to maintain Valiance full time to help maximize recast of Death for the entire fight. I would not fixate too much on MP. I can cap Death with the above set as long as I am over 1550+MP on cast, which means I need to enter Comet with about 1900MP which is very doable. Putting up and maintaining AM3 can be a little tricky while trying to maintain TP for Myrkr MP management, but I can go into more detail about that if you'd like. It comes down to an emergency Icarus Wing, if needed, an Occult Acumen Impact set, Aspir, and Sublimation MP. I am surprised you are getting such low numbers as our sets are very similar and I can get back up to 1k not bursted pretty routinely. sets.midcast.Drain = { ammo="Pemphredo Tathlum", head={ name="Merlinic Hood", augments={'Mag. Acc.+14 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+14','"Drain" and "Aspir" potency +10','MND+7','Mag. Acc.+11',}}, body={ name="Merlinic Jubbah", augments={'Mag. Acc.+12 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+12','"Drain" and "Aspir" potency +8','INT+2','Mag. Acc.+13',}}, hands={ name="Merlinic Dastanas", augments={'"Mag.Atk.Bns."+20','"Drain" and "Aspir" potency +11','CHR+10','Mag. Acc.+11',}}, legs="Spae. Tonban +3", feet={ name="Agwu's Pigaches", augments={'Path: A',}}, neck="Erra Pendant", waist="Fucho-no-Obi", left_ear="Hirudinea Earring", right_ear="Regal Earring", left_ring="Evanescence Ring", right_ring="Archon Ring", back={ name="Aurist's Cape +1", augments={'Path: A',}}, } Definitely look into the AF3 legs as they have a hefty amount of Aspir potency paired with reasonable M.Acc when paired with the Regal Earring. Also, verify that your Gearswap is actually working and swapping to a proper midcast by casting on an NPC or using //gs showswaps. Reason I bring that up is I had an issue with my LUA where Aspir II and Aspir III were not mapped properly. I use Motes and had to manually modify the Spell Mappings file. You can also add a manual override within the BLM LUA itself too, but please verify that as my Aspir set was casting in FC gear initially. ItemSet 395955
This is my Aspir set. It's about as close to perfect as it can get. Yours is similar. It sounds like you're getting resists more than anything. If this goes through unresisted you should be seeing full MP return on aminon. Merlinic Jubbah - Magic Acc + 10; Drain and Aspir potency +10 Merlinic Dastanas - Magic Acc 10; Drain and Aspir potency + 10 Sent you a message on ffxiah, don't wanna clog up thread.
Ok all next question. I do not use the empy staff anymore for aminon due to its dmg loss, I have been using the stage 4 prime. My death recast is higher obviously at 29 seconds. Looking to get that down. DO you all think the haste +10% ring from tvr is a good buy? I kinda want it for dnc because thats what I will be using for hard mode aminon or is it not a considerable reduction.
I opted for Lehko's from day one and haven't regretted it one bit, but the choice was greatly based on my DD jobs like RNG and WAR primarily.
That being said- its a great option for Occult Acumen sets with its stp+10, and I also do use it in BLM DD sets. Don't really feel the need to put it in midcast sets to improve recast, but it could work there. I came to the same conclusion you did regarding using Empy Staff on Normal Aminons....the solution I opted for was using Mpaca's Staff. Definitely a damage boost with solid INT/mab even pre-augments (and wow, its really solid at r30 eventually!), but for me the real clincher was without augments again, you get Fast Cast +5% and Burst Bonus II+2. Really noticeable for me in that fight. Bahamut.Celebrindal said: » I opted for Lehko's from day one and haven't regretted it one bit, but the choice was greatly based on my DD jobs like RNG and WAR primarily. Echo this playing most of the jobs in the game. Working on completing my mythics but then will be working on some of the other jobs, so will be interesting to see if I make a switch. On some more specified mules I do have the Gurebu (meva refresh/regen Ailment res) as it just makes sense as an afk item on them. Though I don't have all the fancy automation/gearswap some people have that play, so that may make a difference for you. Regardless, enjoying Lehko's on my main that plays most jobs. As Cele points out above, the STP is helpful in many places, and even the haste can help make sets easier, as you never really need to think about it. (edit: If you don't look at haste in your sets, you may be surprised that it is something you should still be thinking about, as it won't automatically happen with some newer combinations... looking at my RUN sets in particular) Bahamut.Celebrindal said: » the solution I opted for was using Mpaca's Staff. Definitely a damage boost with solid INT/mab even pre-augments (and wow, its really solid at r30 eventually!), but for me the real clincher was without augments again, you get Fast Cast +5% and Burst Bonus II+2. Really noticeable for me in that fight. ![]() Ninjaxtasy said: » 2025 Lol. It's the same as it was yesterday in 2024 :) (slight variation between the two sets, waist slot R15 Acuity +1 or Skrymid Cord +1. The difference is very small and Acuity is way cheaper) I don't have Opashoro so I can't comment on how Stage 5 compares with R30 Bunzi's Rod/Mpaca's Staff. I'm only ML26 |
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