Aspir And Mb |
aspir and mb
Hello all! Since aspir isn't affect by mab would mb dmg + affect its power?
To understand what is going on, we have to understand how MB works. Generally there are two separate bonuses. One is the "potency multiplier" mentioned in the March 2015 version update and the other one is the magic burst damage multiplier that's also applied during magic burst. They apply multiplicatively, i.e., (total damage before magic burst)X(magic burst potency multiplier)X(magic burst damage multiplier)
For a one-step skillchain, the potency multiplier has at least two values, either (approximately) 2.85 for a "low resistance" state and 2.20 for a "normal" state. This is discussed in a JP blog post from 2015. Based on this there are at least 3 possible ways Aspir is affected by magic burst 1) Aspir is affected by the MB "potency multiplier" but not magic burst damage 2) Aspir is affected by both the MB "potency multiplier" and magic burst damage 3) Aspir is not affected by the MB "potency multiplier" but is affected by magic burst damage I went out and tested this using Aspir II on Metalcruncher Worms near the zone line between Woh Gates and Kamihr Drifts (near the Frontier Station). The below item set got me to 500 dark magic skill (max augments on Amalric Coif and Amalric Doublet and some job point gifts) and +50 total magic burst bonus as described below. Some assumptions: - Magic critical hits don't apply to Aspir as Aspir is unaffected by MAB - At 500 dark magic skill, the max Aspir value is 300 (500*.6). For now this can be considered an extrapolation but it's a reasonable one. - 95% magic accuracy rate ItemSet 347272 500 Dark Magic skill 0 "affects potency of Drain and Aspir" I just did this today about an hr ago during Firesday and no weather interference. 50 MBB - 9 Job trait - 6 from JP gifts - 10 from Akademos - 5 from Static Earring - 5 from Locus Ring - 5 from Seshaw Cape - 5 from Mujin Band (bonus II) - 5 from Amalric Gages (bonus II) So possible effective multipliers and the corresponding Aspir II ranges are - (2.85)(1.5) => 641 - 1282 - (2.2)(1.5) => 495 - 990 - 2.85 => 427 - 855 - 2.2 => 330 - 600 - 1.5 => 225 - 450 This is what I got so far (min 229, max 943): 646 229 897 874 742 861 943 643 811 547 405 930 685 507 696 798 718 None of the above Aspir II values were truncated. Assuming 229 represents a resist, the next lowest value is 507, so it looks like Aspir values could be multiplied (approx) by (2.2)(1.5). 2.85 doesn't work, nor does 2.2 and 1.5, so magic burst damage does seem to affect Aspir potency. Really thankful for your explanation and your test Antisense
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