Mog Wardrobe 3 & 4 Announced With A Fee.

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Mog Wardrobe 3 & 4 announced with a fee.
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Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2016-06-30 07:08:40
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Maybe SE did this so people will quit the game and go to XIV...
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2016-06-30 07:09:15
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Valefor.Omnys said: »
How much to use your ffxiah account fonewear?
You're gonna be scammed, you can't make much use of that account since a lot of people blocked him!
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2016-06-30 07:09:37
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Valefor.Omnys said: »
How much to use your ffxiah account fonewear?

Not much lately I've been waiting for FFXI to be great again. So whenever that happens.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Azriel 2016-06-30 07:11:20
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Take my money / so i can unsub 2 mules and play 22 jobs again >:D
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2016-06-30 07:11:42
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The real funny part of this say 25% of the people playing rage quit you won't even notice cause the server populations are already low.
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By Asura.Blittzjr 2016-06-30 07:13:23
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Im cool with this "optional" addition. Just hope more money for them correlates to more content for us. I would love to never have to move gear around and just simply job change so im sold.
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2016-06-30 07:13:52
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fonewear said: »
Maybe SE did this so people will quit the game and go to XIV...

They did it in the worst possible way then because XIV is doing this too, only even worse (for the time being). Retainers offer far more benefits than just inventory space and cost $2/month for extras, for example, and that isn't even considering the lack of player support overall.

Honestly XI and XIV are the same to the bigwigs: cash flow. None of them play games*, none of them develop games*. They handle money in the billions. If they see a way to make more $ they will do it, even if there are risks, because they are calculated risks.

*In general, exceptions are few.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2016-06-30 07:15:19
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Valefor.Prothescar said: »
fonewear said: »
Maybe SE did this so people will quit the game and go to XIV...

They did it in the worst possible way then because XIV is doing this too, only even worse (for the time being). Retainers offer far more benefits than just inventory space and cost $2/month for extras, for example, and that isn't even considering the lack of player support overall.

Honestly XI and XIV are the same to the bigwigs: cash flow. None of them play games, none of them develop games. They handle money in the billions. If they see a way to make more $ they will do it, even if there are risks, because they are calculated risks.

...and this is how every single company operates with a few exceptions.
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2016-06-30 07:17:20
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Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
Valefor.Prothescar said: »
fonewear said: »
Maybe SE did this so people will quit the game and go to XIV...

They did it in the worst possible way then because XIV is doing this too, only even worse (for the time being). Retainers offer far more benefits than just inventory space and cost $2/month for extras, for example, and that isn't even considering the lack of player support overall.

Honestly XI and XIV are the same to the bigwigs: cash flow. None of them play games, none of them develop games. They handle money in the billions. If they see a way to make more $ they will do it, even if there are risks, because they are calculated risks.

...and this is how every single company operates with a few exceptions.

Not an excuse, and certainly not valid rationale for expecting everyone to roll over and accept SE's ***-flavored dog treat that you still have to pay for. Those dog treats are only going to get more and more expensive and taste worse and worse as time goes by.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2016-06-30 07:21:10
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Asura.Blittzjr said: »
Im cool with this "optional" addition. Just hope more money for them correlates to more content for us. I would love to never have to move gear around and just simply job change so im sold.

You would think that is what they will do but. If they see this is very profitable. A lot of people will *** then go right ahead and get wardrobe 3 and 4. So they will add in more "optional" content in the future.
Server: Asura
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user: Kadas
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By Asura.Keaddo 2016-06-30 07:21:53
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I can play more jobs, weee.
By Verda 2016-06-30 07:22:01
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To be honest it always amazes me how petty people get over the subscription fee. A ticket to the movies can cost more than one month of ffxi, and they haven't upped their prices in 14 years. They're making less just due to inflation, unlike every other business in existence that HAS upped it's fees. And yet, if SE did it you'd roast them alive and threaten to quit forever. The amount of time vs money spent is probably the best that can be had for paid entertainment. It always makes me feel like this is actually straining your budget somehow if 12.95 means so much to you, seriously. I might play 10 to 30 hours in a week. That means on average I'm paying 3/10 of one cent a minute, oh the horror. I used to go to arcades and spend 25 cents in one minute you guys are so crazy.

A game riddled with paid boosts isn't something I want either, but you're being alarmist if you that's all you think it means or that one follows the other 100% of the time. This at least is a welcome addition. I will probably just cancel a 3rd account I rarely use, since I'll have so much more inventory and it'll be a net savings for me. I haven't really made much progression to triboxing with that third account anyway. I know some people who pay for 6, 7 or 8 accounts. Just makes you guys rage quitting and crying fowl seem all the more ludicrous to me. SE could obviously never up the subscription price if this is how it's player base behaves, even though every year they lose more and more subscribers and inflation *** them over more and more. As long as some of the proceeds go to keeping FFXI alive and developing new content I have no problems with this and am happy for it. It will be a net savings for me though so not sure how much they will end up making off it in the end anyway. The amount of inventory each mule can save just went up by 160, that's a lot, which means I need less mules too...
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2016-06-30 07:27:54
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Asura.Keaddo said: »
I can play more jobs, weee.

Long as they aren't DRG MONK SAM DRK or WAR !
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2016-06-30 07:30:26
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I'm finding it funny all the people thinking that "inflation" is causing SE to lose money and that they're biting a bullet here for you. They are making more money from your 12.95 today than they did 10 years ago.

Let me put it more simply: if XI cost as much as you think it does to maintain the servers for and continue to support on the level they have been, you wouldn't be able to be playing on official servers anymore. They would be long gone. The entire reason the game is still profitable is because of how low the upkeep cost is compared to the profit-per-sub.

That said, complaining about thinking that people feel 12.95 is too much is not even related to this discussion. Fact is, your 12.95 is not a lot by itself but, and this may be shocking, everyone playing the game is also paying 12.95. For every one of their dual/tri/quad/quintuple/thornyboxed(<3) accounts. They are already making much more money than they spend appeasing you.
Server: Siren
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user: Leocon
Posts: 143
By Siren.Leocon 2016-06-30 07:30:37
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Just noticed my 69th post is up next, so thought it'd only be fitting to share it in the thread discussing SE screwing us all~

Sorry, just getting the lame joke out of the way.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Trulusia
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By Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia 2016-06-30 07:32:19
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I've been moving ***in and out of my storage, storage slips, other characters and everything else for like 11 years now. I play PUP, COR, WAR and SCH at a high level. I also play BST, RUN, DRK and RNG at a moderately high level. I dabble in some other ***.

I don't really NEED more wardrobes, they'll just make it easier for me to play my ***. I'm paying for convenience. Jimmy Johns costs me like an extra 5 bucks for delivery, same basically for Chinese. I pay 3$ to use an ATM not associated with my bank usually. I pay these costs because they are worthwhile to me to exert less effort because I am lazy.

That's how I feel about Mog Wardrobes. I don't need them, but I'm willing to pay for the convenience for now. If at some point I no longer feel it's worthwhile, I'll just stop paying for it.

Do I think it should be free? I'd prefer it were, but companies exist to make money. If this is how they chose to do it, so be it. I'm willing to pay until I'm not anymore.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2016-06-30 07:32:44
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This 4.00 dollars a month may sound like a lot to you...but that is the developers budget for the game !
Server: Bahamut
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user: Neb
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By Bahamut.Neb 2016-06-30 07:33:32
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Verda said: »
To be honest it always amazes me how petty people get over the subscription fee. A ticket to the movies can cost more than one month of ffxi, and they haven't upped their prices in 14 years. They're making less just due to inflation, unlike every other business in existence that HAS upped it's fees. And yet, if SE did it you'd roast them alive and threaten to quit forever. The amount of time vs money spent is probably the best that can be had for paid entertainment. It always makes me feel like this is actually straining your budget somehow if 12.95 means so much to you, seriously. I might play 10 to 30 hours in a week. That means on average I'm paying 3/10 of one cent a minute, oh the horror. I used to go to arcades and spend 25 cents in one minute you guys are so crazy.

A game riddled with paid boosts isn't something I want either, but you're being alarmist if you that's all you think it means or that one follows the other 100% of the time. This at least is a welcome addition. I will probably just cancel a 3rd account I rarely use, since I'll have so much more inventory and it'll be a net savings for me. I haven't really made much progression to triboxing with that third account anyway. I know some people who pay for 6, 7 or 8 accounts. Just makes you guys rage quitting and crying fowl seem all the more ludicrous to me. SE could obviously never up the subscription price if this is how it's player base behaves, even though every year they lose more and more subscribers and inflation *** them over more and more. As long as some of the proceeds go to keeping FFXI alive and developing new content I have no problems with this and am happy for it. It will be a net savings for me though so not sure how much they will end up making off it in the end anyway. The amount of inventory each mule can save just went up by 160, that's a lot, which means I need less mules too...

Posts: 1448
By fillerbunny9 2016-06-30 07:33:53
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I think they would have done better cutting the cost for this in half. $4 a month is a bitter pill to swallow considering what they have been offering as far as updates are concerned. however, this likely will give me more than enough wiggle room to disable a mule or two and make gearing pretty much anything I play considerably easier, so I see the benefits that are possible here. it's a shame, because I happily paid the $10 for Satchel (or Satchel 2?) from the security token when that launched, and if they had just came out with these and said one time fee of $10 each, I think that would have been even easier to buy into.
Server: Sylph
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user: traxusIV
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By Sylph.Traxus 2016-06-30 07:33:57
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They've nearly ceased all development on this game, but some people are ok with paying even more for it than before? Wow.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2016-06-30 07:33:59
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Valefor.Sehachan said: »
Cash shop in FFXI? *slams the door angrily*
This sort of stuff, mounts, trusts, lockstyle gear etc is the perfect sort of thing they should be selling in a cash shop if the game didn't have a monthly fee.

But with a monthly fee still going and not even a single reduction in over 13 years... I mean, this sounds a bit out of place.

Regardless, despite my angst I'm still glad they're releasing Wardrobe3&4
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2016-06-30 07:36:17
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The dream of this leading to a major content update is just that a dream.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 221
By Asura.Tarquine 2016-06-30 07:40:15
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I know no one really cares, but just in case someone is counting:

I'm out

No, i don't need it. Yes, i can afford it. But cash shop on a subscription game? Nah.

Good luck all!
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2016-06-30 07:41:21
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Asura.Tarquine said: »
I know no one really cares, but just in case someone is counting:

I'm out

No, i don't need it. Yes, i can afford it. But cash shop on a subscription game? Nah.

Good luck all!

We'll always have FFXIAH

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Server: Siren
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user: Leocon
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By Siren.Leocon 2016-06-30 07:46:49
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So... With so many people peacing out about this, shall we start referring to this as FFrexit?

Okay I'm really sorry. Now that the initial anger has worn off all I can do is find the fun in it all.
Server: Leviathan
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user: Rairin
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By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2016-06-30 07:46:49
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A lot of the problems have already been stated, but something I haven't seen mentioned:

How is this going to be implemented? There's no additional services part of the 'square enix account management system'. Will they jerry-rig it to have a reactivatable character that counts as the wardrobe? Will it use the registration thing like destrier beret and force you to buy a new code every month? If it's done properly in a way that looks appropriate and can auto-renew, it means more inter-server communication and likely more actual development work than they've done on the game for real updates. If they're sinking that kind of effort into updating the web interface, they're almost certainly planning on using it for more than this.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
By Shiva.Shruiken 2016-06-30 07:48:41
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Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
So you have 14 jobs geared, with wardrobe 1 and 2, but somehow 3 and 4 being released is a big issue for you?

I have two mules and make extensive use of them, porter slips, and infinitely sending/returning things to myself. I shouldn't have to pay $4 extra on top of my monthly sub just so I don't have to jump through hoops.

The inventory issue is SE's fault by design, not ours. We're playing the game the way it's meant to be played. Their solution is charging people $24-48 extra a year to fix it, on a 14 year old game that they've stopped releasing major content for? Nah.

It wouldn't bother me as much if it was just a small one time fee like the token/satchel, but a monthly fee leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
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user: Seha
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2016-06-30 07:48:47
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Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »
they're almost certainly planning on using it for more than this.
I believe that mounts are obviously going there. And probably some new trusts.
Maybe hats too.
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Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2016-06-30 07:48:49
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Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »
A lot of the problems have already been stated, but something I haven't seen mentioned:

How is this going to be implemented? There's no additional services part of the 'square enix account management system'. Will they jerry-rig it to have a reactivatable character that counts as the wardrobe? Will it use the registration thing like destrier beret and force you to buy a new code every month? If it's done properly in a way that looks appropriate and can auto-renew, it means more inter-server communication and likely more actual development work than they've done on the game for real updates. If they're sinking that kind of effort into updating the web interface, they're almost certainly planning on using it for more than this.

Probably either add a new service option (similar to how you add mules now) or an entire Mog Station-esque Optional Items section.
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