Ideal Automaton Attachment Set Up

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Ideal Automaton Attachment set up
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Seidell
Posts: 140
By Sylph.Seidell 2016-06-21 12:33:24
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Hey guys I am recently coming back to the game and I was just wondering what would be some ideal set ups for our automatons in different situations (tank, blm, whm, rdm, DD range, DD melee, etc).
Posts: 50
By Inudesu 2016-06-21 12:43:26
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It honestly depends on what you're fighting. I think I have like 15 different ones in the acon plugin for just melee/tank. It's not a job where 1 set fits all. Usually you'll have stuff like your Optic Fiber set. I'd recommend experimentation. It'll also help you get reacquainted with the Job.
Server: Leviathan
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user: Stamos
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By Leviathan.Stamos 2016-06-21 12:50:37
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Nothing but Accelerators, Pattern Reader, and Smoke Screen. Obviously Optic Fiber to enhance this evasion God
Posts: 570
By dustinfoley 2016-06-21 13:11:54
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1) use the acon plugin
2) get 100/1200 jp
3) profit

Like others posted it depends on the mob, the number of JP you have, and a million other factors.

EG no using inhibitors or speedloaders on WKR unless you are solo, otherwise your pet will never weapon skill.

I personally have
VEDD - my generic dd frame
VEDDWKR - no inhibitors/speedloaders
VECPTANK - ment for tanking frogs in resin
VEDDOD - ve dd frame optimized for overdrive
VEACC - ve built for pure acc
RDM - for salvage
WHM - for giggles
whmtank - for whm head + harle body tanking
RNG - ss head ss body
MELrng - ve head ss body
blm - magic bursting pet
Server: Phoenix
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user: Anza
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2016-06-21 17:32:18
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There are really only a few practical frame combinations in the current game.

This is the same thinking regardless of whether you have 100/1200 gifts. Obviously more gifts is better, but pre-1200 gift puppets are still easily capable of tanking all but the very hardest content (like, T3~4 Reisenjima and Kirin is about it) if you have decent gear and attachments. You should still at least go out and get that 100 gift first if you're even semi-serious though :)

The viable options:
1) VE body & Soulsoother head. Your go-to choice for PUP's most useful role in today's game - automaton tanking. WHM head over VE head due to the better mix of elemental capacity for tanking purposes (it won't cast spells with VE body).

2) Harle body/Soulsoother head. Another tanking setup. I tend not to use "Harle tank", but it's an option primarily for the puppet casting shell on itself for some extra magic defense.

3) VE/VE is for DD-focused situations. In general, it's your go to puppet partner whenever the situation calls for the master meleeing, supplementing your own DD. It's also sturdy enough to do some light tanking: for instance, CP parties (including tanking Apex mobs while also acting as a SC partner for you), farming Warder NMs, low danger NMs, etc.

Stuff that isn't used much:
Not much reason to use Sharpshot or Spiritreaver unless you're in some extremely niche situation (pet alliance doing a multi-PUP nuke volley? idk...).

EDIT 6/22: OK, maybe Sharpshot is getting a buff very soon, so perhaps will become useful again as a DD frame. See:

WHM RDM puppet is theoretically useful if you need the buffs/cures, but is generally not terribly practical since other players or trusts will fill the same role in the vast majority of content. Even in something like a party setup when you can't get the mages to haste you like they should, while I used to think it was OK to just use the RDM puppet as a Haste II bot, now I can't really bear giving up the much improved supplemental offense and SCs of a melee pupppet (improvements including massively improved SC utility, easy pet haste gear without having to sacrifice good master gear - i.e. 25% in 3 pieces with cape/h2h/waist).

Any setup:
- Optic Fiber
- Likely want some Auto-Repair Kits, even on a DD oriented puppet

Tank setup:
- Flashbulb
- Auto-Repair Kits (as much as you can fit with Optic Fiber+Flash)
- Strobe I and II
- Armor Plates (PDT-) and Mana Jammers (MDT-) to fit available slots
- Galvanizer (nice, not essential)
- Speedloaders? Really depends on setup (availability of mage backline to MB) and difficulty of the NM. On easier stuff to tank you might be able to "cheat" a little with a couple DD attachments and gear instead of all out "turtle" style tank setup, to let the puppet gain TP and close SCs (Speedloader will generally allow a SCH SC to finish, then add a WS to close multi-step Light/Darkness). On super deadly mobs, I'd err on the side of a fully defensive setup.

DD setup:
- Turbo Charger 1 & 2 (top priority)
- Thunder mix depends on needed Acc; Stabilizers/Target Marker as needed for accuracy, drop them for Coilers (and I guess Dynamo) as the situation allows
- Speedloaders!
- Tension Springs
- I usually like to at least use a few slots for defense too, with an Auto-Repair kit and maybe a couple PDT/MDT attachments.
- Usually doesn't hurt to add at least some hate grabbing tool (Strobe, Flashbulb) even if you don't use all 3 like you would for a dedicated tanking setup.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Seidell
Posts: 140
By Sylph.Seidell 2016-06-22 07:41:01
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Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
farming Warder NMs, low danger NMs, etc.

Awesome. I am still coming back into the job and unfamiliar what can and cannot be solo'ed and I was wondering about the Warders.

Thank you for all the information!
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Trulusia
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By Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia 2016-06-22 09:41:51
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Leviathan.Stamos said: »
Nothing but Accelerators, Pattern Reader, and Smoke Screen. Obviously Optic Fiber to enhance this evasion God

I actually tried that before to just see what was possible.

It's pretty *** underwhelming.
Server: Phoenix
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user: Anza
Posts: 3,705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2016-06-22 14:58:45
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Of course after I posted that yesterday, it comes out that Sharpshot is getting buffs in the near future. Maybe that makes it a viable DD frame! - edited above post too.

Like Tru said in the other thread, I'm not sure it will outshine VE anyway with Bone Crusher being as strong as it is. And I also like VE's utility as something you can more easily set to be a hybrid DD/tank for lower impact content, plus its ease of use in not having to worry about it getting out of melee range. But I guess we'll see!

Same basic thinking would apply to Sharpshot attachments as the DD setup above, except you'd want to add Scopes and maybe Drum Magazine to the options. And you'd still want to use SS like 75cap days, melee range to generate more TP. Even with Divinator II, SS doesn't stand back far enough to avoid most dangerous AoE, so I don't see it being worthwhile to try to make the puppet stay at range and shoot.
Server: Shiva
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user: Siviard
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By Shiva.Siviard 2016-06-22 15:57:41
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Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
Of course after I posted that yesterday, it comes out that Sharpshot is getting buffs in the near future. Maybe that makes it a viable DD frame! - edited above post too.

Like Tru said in the other thread, I'm not sure it will outshine VE anyway with Bone Crusher being as strong as it is. And I also like VE's utility as something you can more easily set to be a hybrid DD/tank for lower impact content, plus its ease of use in not having to worry about it getting out of melee range. But I guess we'll see!

Same basic thinking would apply to Sharpshot attachments as the DD setup above, except you'd want to add Scopes and maybe Drum Magazine to the options. And you'd still want to use SS like 75cap days, melee range to generate more TP. Even with Divinator II, SS doesn't stand back far enough to avoid most dangerous AoE, so I don't see it being worthwhile to try to make the puppet stay at range and shoot.

I wouldn't add the Drum Magazine yet as a possible option. At least not yet. The person who did the testing (no clue who) said Drum Magazine hasn't been updated to current standards, but in SE's response, they stated they were only increasing R. Atk and WS damage.

However, if in the near future SE says they will buff Drum Magazine, or add a Drum Magazine II and its determined to be useful, then yeah, it becomes a viable option.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Trulusia
Posts: 1,132
By Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia 2016-06-23 08:50:16
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Shiva.Siviard said: »
I wouldn't add the Drum Magazine yet as a possible option. At least not yet. The person who did the testing (no clue who) said Drum Magazine hasn't been updated to current standards, but in SE's response, they stated they were only increasing R. Atk and WS damage.

However, if in the near future SE says they will buff Drum Magazine, or add a Drum Magazine II and its determined to be useful, then yeah, it becomes a viable option.

The biggest cockblock for updating Drum Magazine is Automaton ranged attacks don't seem to follow any known rules for ranged attacks. Iirc, they are instant, there is no aiming delay. It's almost more like the puppet is using a job ability, honestly. The reload time without Drum Magazine is so absurd that it's more like a for a job ability.

With triple wind and rocking SS/SS, your puppet will shoot every five seconds. Considering the base recast is 20 seconds, 5 seconds would 75%. And 4 seconds would be 80%. SE really doesn't seem to like going over 80% reduction in delay for anything, I just can't see Drum Magazine being the exception. So if it got reduced to 4 seconds, you'd gain a whopping 3 shots per minute. Because the TP gain is based off a 360 delay weapon, there is no way to make a reasonable three shot build outside of Overdrive which doesn't count anyway.

Unless they decide to do an overhaul of how SS works, or we get an upgraded Drum Magazine that drops the delay down to 2 seconds, SS is never going to be a shooting puppet. We already know Sharpshot won't get an overhaul, and I don't see us getting an improved Drum Magazine. Maybe if they lower the base recast we could get something good out of it.

But then on a whole other note, you HAVE to use triple wind to fire that fast. No fire, no thunder. So what's the point even? At least with VE you can do double wind and 1x fire/light/thunder based on whatever you need to do. Sharpshot basically has no choice but to put up triple wind. While I get why they made the Automaton's ranged attack act like a job ability instead of like a regular ranged attack, they have backed themselves into a corner as far as actually increasing the little dude's power. If it just functioned like a normal ranged attack and Drum Magazine acted like Snapshot, everything would be golden.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2016-06-23 09:06:49
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Ranged attacks are (were?) a job ability. Unless something got patched recently, they used to get "blocked out" when the automaton was under the effect of Amnesia.
Not sure if SE ever came to fix it, but it's how they were at the beginning and have been for a loooong time at least.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Trulusia
Posts: 1,132
By Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia 2016-06-23 15:58:07
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Ranged attacks are (were?) a job ability. Unless something got patched recently, they used to get "blocked out" when the automaton was under the effect of Amnesia.
Not sure if SE ever came to fix it, but it's how they were at the beginning and have been for a loooong time at least.

I'd never really bothered to research it, to be honest. But that makes a lot of sense, they behave exactly like job abilities do. Sorta upsetting in a way considering it's extremely limited on what we can do with it so long as it's a job ability. What a weird way to set that up. I guess it made sense back in 2006, but that was literally a decade ago at this point.

Almost a 0% chance of seeing a change at this point. Maybe we just need a new attachment that gives the automaton a second type of shot?
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By 2016-07-08 23:38:29
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Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 60
By Bismarck.Cloudxi 2016-07-09 00:07:16
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there is a screenshot of a automaton MBing 99,999, so yea, it can work
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By 2016-07-09 13:20:49
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Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Trulusia
Posts: 1,132
By Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia 2016-07-09 14:10:14
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Asura.Kaitaru said: »
Bismarck.Cloudxi said: »
there is a screenshot of a automaton MBing 99,999, so yea, it can work
Yeah I did see some of those, but I think they were magic bursts with the GEO debuff?

Well, most BLM bursts you see for 99999 also have Geo buffs/debuffs.
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By 2016-07-10 12:58:01
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