Post Your Dial Key #AB Gobbiebox Scores! |
Post your Dial Key #AB Gobbiebox Scores!
It... it's called an exaggeration.
Only participated in this most recent Dial Key event so far, got 7 99's, 2 or 3 75 I think, and one 119.
Posts: 4028
Ive never seen anything besides Aquarian and Lenitive abjurations.. dont know how so many people get the i119 abjurations.
At first I got enough Aquarian/Martial/Earthen to gear up the whole server, then I started getting Bushin, Shinryu, etc. Now I've gotten so many of them that I won't be able to uncurse them all.
If you have multiple characters on the same account, it goes really fast. Well guys I have 10 total characters since I like to abuse mog bonanza and dials. I'm sort of a masochist like that. I'd say about 20 Abj's are from me doing 2 days worth of an older Abj campaign when I first got back. Here are my in depth results so far:
Aquarian: 3/5 Headx3 Handsx3 Legsx1 Feetx4 Dryadic: 4/5 Headx2 Handsx4 Legsx2 Feetx6 Earthen: 3/5 Handsx2 Legsx1 Feetx5 Hadean: 3/5 Handsx3 Legsx1 Feetx4 Martial: 5/5 Headx2 Bodyx1 Handsx5 Legsx2 Feetx9 Neptunal: 2/5 Handsx3 Feetx5 Phantasmal: 4/5 Bodyx2 Handsx3 Legsx2 Feetx5 Wyrmal: 4/5 Headx1 Handsx3 Legsx2 Feetx1 Corvine: 4/5 Headx2 Handsx3 Legsx1 Feetx2 Foreboding: 4/5 Bodyx1 Handsx2 Legsx1 Feetx1 Lenitive: 2/5 Bodyx1 Feetx2 Supernal: 4/5 Headx1 Handsx3 Legsx1 Feetx2 Transitory: 4/5 Headx2 Bodyx1 Handsx3 Feetx2 Abyssal: 0/5?? Arean: 1/5 Headx1 Bushin: 1/5 Feetx1 Cronian: 4/5 Bodyx1 Handsx1 Legsx1 Feetx2 Cyllenian: 3/5 Headx1 Legsx1 Feetx1 Grove: 2/5 Headx1 Handsx1 Jovian: 1/5 Handsx2 Shinryu:2/5 Headx1 Handsx1 Triton: 3/5 Handsx2 Legsx1 Feetx1 Vale: 4/5 Headx1 Handsx1 Legsx1 Feetx1 Venerian: 1/5 Feetx1 I'm not expert but I notice a pattern in it all. I'm certain hands/feet are more common than other stuff, and that legs/head may be the next tier followed by bodies. I seem to have more of the 75's, less of the 99's, and even less of the i119. Curiously there are a few things that go low such as Wyrmal, and then there's the fact I'm almost 100% characters on martial feet. A damn shame at the results soo, all I want are the Jovian and Shinryu abjs. I'm guessing if I mule them all to 1 character I'd get Gob Mess Tin instead of forcing stuff I want to drop? Bunshin feet
Cyll. legs Cyll. feet x2 Cyll. head Arean head Arean feet Arean hands Abyssal feet Abyssal legs Jovian legs x2 Jovian feet Jovian hands Vene Head Vene feet Vene legs Vene head Vale feet Vale head Cronian head Cronian legs Shinryu head Shinryu feet x2 And alot of old HNM/Legion/Ein abj's Out of 4 characters so far out of the 119 abjs I've got.
Jovian: feet Vale: legs Bushin: body Venerian: hands Abyssal: hands I got:
Jovian Body x1 Cyllenian Feet x1 Arean who cares x2 Grove who knows x2 Vale zzz x1 Bushin ???x1 Triton ?!x3 Still waiting for Venerian anything. Asura.Tarquine
Full set of Cronian. Time to get the DRG out!
Got another 119 Abjuration today for mage feet. Now if only I had 50 million to spend on some jinxed boots.
i got shinryu abj legs this morning. :) and hands on thursday.
Posts: 164
So far:
Jovian: head/hands/legs Shinryu: body/hands/feet (legs please! T^T) Bushin: hands/legs/feet Venerian: hands/legs Cylennian: hands Triton: head/hand/feet Abyssal: legs Grove: hands/feet Arean: legs Vale: hands/feet Cronian: head/legs/feet |
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