Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium |
Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium
Feedback/suggestions appreciated.
Cheers. Much appreciation Falkirk! Looks great :)
Well done Falky. If anyone would make a BST guide, I'm glad it was you.
The art is totes adorbs!
Love it! Just one thing to note: pet DT is the same as player DT. Eg: they both hard cap at -87.5%. So that statement is erroneous in the guide. (Mind you, a player can't obtain anything higher than -68%PDT on PLD and -75%PDT on RUN... But the hard DT cap can easily be obtained for MDT on PLD.) So you should clarify that. Also: I don't quite recall, but iirc Stout Servant's DT was multiplicative and not additive to gear DT. Though I could be misremembering. If so, that should be added; if not, ignore my statement. DAMN. Excellent...
Yay, it's released. Just in time for the big bst buff today! Thanks for taking the time to make this. Extremely comprehensive and will help new and old time bst a like.
ha i was right, you are the one for the job.
great job. This is the president of guides
I don't even have BST unlocked, but holy Hell, this is one damned impressive guide. Hats off to you for all your hard work.
I don't post much on here, but I wanted to say this is a great guide! All the hard work that went into it, is very much appreciated! Thank you!
Patch notes up
Feb 19th, 2015 update 3 new pets added - Colibri - Spider - Acurex EDIT: looks like they added pecking flurry to SC list We over at Minions LS will be conducting many cruel science experiments once the servers are back up.
No LIVE animals will be harmed during our experiments, go PETA can GTFO! New JP categories are
- Ready Effect Increased pet special ability damage by 1 percet - Spur effect Increased physical attack by 3 Thank you phunk and falkirk great job
Droopy Dortwin
Footkick - Reverberation Whirlclaws - Impaction ---- Swooping Zhivago Swooping Frenzy - Fusion Pentapeck - Distortion --- Sharpwit Hermes Headbutt - Detonation Wild Oats - Transfixion Leaf Dagger - Impaction --- Blackbeard Randy Razor Fang - Impaction Claw Cyclone - Scission ---- Warlike Patrick Tailblow - Impaction Blockhead - Reverberation Braincrush - Liquefaction ---- Brainy Waluis Frogkick - Compression ---- Hurler Percival Power Attack - Induration Rhino Attack - Detonation --- Threestar Lynn Sudden Lunge - Impaction Spiral Spin - Scission --- Headbreaker Ken Somersault - Compression Cursed sphere - Not in patch notes --- Redolent Candi Tickling Tendrils - Impaction --- Caring Kiyomaro Sweeping Gouge - Induration Very cool guide.
15 second Sic/Ready recast time now
also, reports of 18k razor fang. indirect buff to aymur Pentapeck and molting plummage were hitting around 5k on woh gates bats. So far the SC properties are disappointing but the ready move buff seems substantial.
Thanks for all the kind replies. :)
FaeQueenCory said: » Just one thing to note: pet DT is the same as player DT. Eg: they both hard cap at -87.5%. Good catch! Corrected, thanks. :) Valefor.Prothescar said: » 15 second Sic/Ready recast time now also, reports of 18k razor fang. indirect buff to aymur Nicesssss. The reduced timer is sick. And I assume your friend has 5 Ready Recast merits + Ready Gift + probably the augmented Desultor Tassets. Very cool! -- Still testing damage types, but here's the level cap info on everything except the HQ Acuex (who is 119+ anyway). I accounted for Gift Atk/Acc/Eva/Def bonuses, but the HQ spider's numbers might be off by 1 due to rounding. The guide looks great! Kudo's to you~
-- Acuex doesn't double attack and he has over 1000 MP, so I think it's safe to say he's a mage of some sort. ![]() I'm not even a BST and that is a superb guide, well done sir.
Sickle Slash - Transfixion (light)
Pecking Flurry - Transfixion (light) Big Scissors - Scission (earth) Lamb Chop - Impaction (thunder) Sheep Charge - Reverberation (water) Frog Kick - Compression (darkness) Recoil Dive - Transfixion (light) Sensilla Blades - Scission (earth) Haven't finished testing Tegmina Buffet, but: Onslaught -> Tegmina Buffet -> Darkness Sweeping frenzy + cloudsplitter = light sc :)
This is an incredible guide. Thank you so much!
I want it in a poster form or hardcover book form! Ok, after some more testing.
Swooping Frenzy + Cloudsplitter = Light SC + Molting Plummage = Magic Burst Molting Plummage :D I love the dmg this combo is putting out. |
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