Random Politics & Religion #00

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Random Politics & Religion #00
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Server: Leviathan
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user: ChaosX128
Posts: 20284
By Leviathan.Chaosx 2015-01-05 09:25:34
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Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Garuda.Chanti said: »
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Leviathan.Chaosx said: »
Can we at least all agree that Greece leaving the EU is a good thing?
I believe it's too late to repair the damage that Greece inflicted on the EU to be honest.
And vice versa as well.
I don't think Greece was harmed by the EU to be honest.

That's like blaming the ship for the 100 ton weight sinking it.
Blame the captain for not knowing how much weight their ship can hold. Meanwhile that weight is now at the bottom of the ocean.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Nikolce
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2015-01-05 09:33:28
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Bloodrose said: »
In other words, it's just easier to make ***up, and pretend reality doesn't exist beyond our own 2 eyes, or that empty space between some people's heads (plural, because in case they be a hydra)

for some people, yes. and we just need to move on and leave them alone...

look... I know it sounds like a harsh criticism, but there isn't enough time in the universe to explain even the simplest things to people that stubbornly refuse to learn.

I was at a party once chatting with an old friend of mine and I couldn't get past his eyes which were yellowing because he was drinking so much and bloodshot from all the weed...

and he was trying to explain to me this black supremacy movement he joined that involved mysticism and who knows what else... weed and beer and conspiracy theories obviously....

I politely told him it sounded great and to call me when they took over the world and we could do some business...

and that was the last time I saw him. it's been twenty years and I don't know what happened to him. he either pulled his head out of his *** and went on to leave a "normal" life, or he kept drinking until he died.

his eyes were so yellow I felt like I could catch hepatitis just sitting next to him so I quit doing it...

with nine billion people on the planet there are only going to be so many you can help. you'll have to learn to cut your losses on some of them or you will crack up under the strain of trying to save them all.
Posts: 13787
By Bloodrose 2015-01-05 09:37:14
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I do not live under such a grand delusion as to believe I could save all people, particularly with some conspiracy theory ***, that would make even the most extreme conspiracy nuts look sane enough to hold onto the cash register at taco bell.

I've met a few people I've written off as "The Unsaveables".

One of which includes my sister's boyfriends, who openly admits police should have the right to enforce capital punishment without due trial if by some measure, someone calls them guilty.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: ChaosX128
Posts: 20284
By Leviathan.Chaosx 2015-01-05 09:39:03
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Italian Prime Minster Matteo Renzi, the youngest leader in Europe, faces a national economic morass that, if not decisively addressed in the coming months, could bring down the entire 17-nation eurozone.

Indeed, if he does not tackle the staggering national debt and woeful unemployment numbers, Italians this time next year could find themselves back using the lire – and the Germans marks, French francs, Spanish pesetas and Dutch guilders too.

When the 89-year old president of Italy, Giorgio Napolitano, announced this week that he is stepping down soon because of his age, he urged Italians to embrace something that has always been in short order here: national unity and trust in each other and in Italy’s institutions.

Giannelli, the cartoonist of the Corriere della Sera, could not help but comment on the symbolism of the departure of Napolitano, who it depicted throwing a crown over his head that was caught by a smiling Renzi, who turns just 40 on Jan. 11. “Grazie, Giorgio!” Renzi exclaims in the cartoon.

Napolitano’s looming departure creates an immediate political quandary for Renzi: Can he bring Italy’s famously fractious political factions together to choose an acceptable presidential successor? If he navigates that battle successfully, there may hope for the coming war to remake the Italian economy and reduce its out-of-control debt, which stood at 132.6 percent of GDP in 2013 and is expected to hit 138 percent for 2014. Forcing it off its steady rise is the largest job of the center-left government: and a grinding, horrible, unpopular one it will be.

In a recent press conference, Renzi said that 2015 would be the critical year for Italy. He admitted that there was “a sense of worry, of weariness, of mistrust” but said that “the word for 2015 is the same as that for 2014 — rhythm, to give the idea of change and urgency, to do everything possible so that Italy again plays its proper role in the world.”

The many pessimists grumble that in his 10 months in office, he hasn’t hauled Italy out of the mire. But on the other hand, he’s giving it a good shot.
The return of the lira? This year, Italy’s fate hangs in the balance.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Nikolce
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2015-01-05 10:00:25
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Bloodrose said: »
One of which includes my sister's boyfriends, who openly admits police should have the right to enforce capital punishment without due trial if by some measure, someone calls them guilty.

there are a lot of Judge Dredd fans out there...

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Posts: 42671
By Jetackuu 2015-01-05 10:02:36
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Bloodrose said: »
I do not live under such a grand delusion as to believe I could save all people, particularly with some conspiracy theory ***, that would make even the most extreme conspiracy nuts look sane enough to hold onto the cash register at taco bell.

I've met a few people I've written off as "The Unsaveables".

One of which includes my sister's boyfriends, who openly admits police should have the right to enforce capital punishment without due trial if by some measure, someone calls them guilty.
She has more than one? and they simultaneously believe in this delusion?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Flavin
Posts: 18466
By Lakshmi.Flavin 2015-01-05 10:05:15
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That's only because they're under the delusion that they will never be the target of such an accusation or situation. The people who would be deserve to go anyways in their minds lol...

I've had discussions in which people argue that we should just gas the entire prison population right here and now.
Posts: 13787
By Bloodrose 2015-01-05 10:11:53
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Was a typo, meant to be singular "boyfriend", not "boyfriends", but she's had a few who've believed that kind of crap.
Posts: 42671
By Jetackuu 2015-01-05 10:12:55
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Bloodrose said: »
Was a typo, meant to be singular "boyfriend", not "boyfriends", but she's had a few who've believed that kind of crap.
Sounds like she picks real winners.

Posts: 13787
By Bloodrose 2015-01-05 10:14:18
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When it comes to burnt out lightbulbs...

Yeah, she ain't the brightest.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: BKiddo
By Siren.Mosin 2015-01-05 10:14:19
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Lakshmi.Flavin said: »
I've had discussions in which people argue that we should just gas the entire prison population right here and now.

why stop there!?!?

let's just gas everyone, & be done with this shitshow.
Posts: 13787
By Bloodrose 2015-01-05 10:14:57
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Siren.Mosin said: »
Lakshmi.Flavin said: »
I've had discussions in which people argue that we should just gas the entire prison population right here and now.

why stop there!?!?

let's just gas everyone, & be done with this shitshow.
Don't make me gas you with cow farts!
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: BKiddo
By Siren.Mosin 2015-01-05 10:20:09
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Bloodrose said: »
Don't make me gas you with cow farts!

good luck, I grew up in south dakota, the atmosphere is 70% cow fart.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: ChaosX128
Posts: 20284
By Leviathan.Chaosx 2015-01-05 10:25:02
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Siren.Mosin said: »
Lakshmi.Flavin said: »
I've had discussions in which people argue that we should just gas the entire prison population right here and now.

why stop there!?!?

let's just gas everyone, & be done with this shitshow.
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Chanti
Posts: 11337
By Garuda.Chanti 2015-01-05 10:30:45
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Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Garuda.Chanti said: »
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Leviathan.Chaosx said: »
Can we at least all agree that Greece leaving the EU is a good thing?
I believe it's too late to repair the damage that Greece inflicted on the EU to be honest.
And vice versa as well.
I don't think Greece was harmed by the EU to be honest.
Austerity was imposed by the EU and the IMF.

Oh wait, you probably think austerity works.

That's like blaming the ship for the 100 ton weight sinking it.
No, in that case you blame the supercargo.
Bug Hunter
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2015-01-05 12:50:49
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Garuda.Chanti said: »
Austerity was imposed by the EU and the IMF.

Oh wait, you probably think austerity works.
So, to you, the best way to reduce the budget deficit is to not reduce the budget deficit?

If a government is convulsing money, you don't speed up the process....

But let's ask you what was the best way to bring Greece back to economic prosperity then.

Do you:

A) Stop the problem?


B) Increase the speed of the hemorrhaging of money?
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: milamber
Posts: 3691
By Bahamut.Milamber 2015-01-05 12:54:49
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Shiva.Nikolce said: »
Bloodrose said: »
One of which includes my sister's boyfriends, who openly admits police should have the right to enforce capital punishment without due trial if by some measure, someone calls them guilty.

there are a lot of Judge Dredd fans out there...

YouTube Video Placeholder
Judge Dredd is historically real.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: milamber
Posts: 3691
By Bahamut.Milamber 2015-01-05 13:00:15
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You also have to keep in mind the damage done to Greece when entering the EU that they still will bear the consequence for, specifically: http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/greek-debt-crisis-how-goldman-sachs-helped-greece-to-mask-its-true-debt-a-676634.html
Bug Hunter
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2015-01-05 13:15:28
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Bahamut.Milamber said: »
Shiva.Nikolce said: »
Bloodrose said: »
One of which includes my sister's boyfriends, who openly admits police should have the right to enforce capital punishment without due trial if by some measure, someone calls them guilty.

there are a lot of Judge Dredd fans out there...

YouTube Video Placeholder
Judge Dredd is historically real.
A comic book said so.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Lordgrim
Posts: 2020
By Siren.Lordgrim 2015-01-05 18:02:06
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Bloodrose said: »
Shiva.Nikolce said: »
Bahamut.Ravael said: »
The beauty of the Random P&R thread is that there's no such thing as a derail. Also, I don't think you're offending anybody. You're just not making sense.

Which we are also allowed to do!!!... if he wants to never leave his house and smoke a pound of weed every day and pretend jeb bush is responsible for his apathy imposed poverty I say live and let fester.

it's a lot easier to blame imaginary forces for your own inequities than get a job and spend less than you earn.

it's also easier to pretend herbert hoover was secretly a nazi than facing all of the hideous things we actually did do in ww2...
In other words, it's just easier to make ***up, and pretend reality doesn't exist beyond our own 2 eyes, or that empty space between some people's heads (plural, because in case they be a hydra)

Sad thing is what i posted was actual facts, it is just pure ignorance to not care about it. I do not use substance i never said Herbert hoover was a Nazi but i did say he helped support them which is fact. Henry Ford received Hitlers highest medal of honor to foreigners for helping produce thousands of trucks used in the war. Prescott Bush helped Hitlers rise to power by being a financial backer here in the U.S as a Directer and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany. It was so effective that my own government had to seize Prescott Bushes company's assets. They were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act.
Bug Hunter
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2015-01-05 18:15:17
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Siren.Lordgrim said: »
Sad thing is what i posted was actual facts, it is just pure ignorance to not care about it.
In other words, if nobody agrees with you, we must all be idiots in your mind, that's the only explanation you can come up with as to why nobody agrees with your reality of hydras riding unicorns in war with the Fed.

Siren.Lordgrim said: »
I do not use substance i never said Herbert hoover was a Nazi but i did say he helped support them which is fact.
Where's your proof? Opinionated youtube videos are not proof.

Siren.Lordgrim said: »
Henry Ford received Hitlers highest medal of honor to foreigners for helping produce thousands of trucks used in the war.
Again, where's your proof? This one should be very easy to prove, and yet, you offer none. Again, opinionated (and conspiracy theory) youtube videos are not proof.

Siren.Lordgrim said: »
Prescott Bush helped Hitlers rise to power by being a financial backer here in the U.S as a Directer and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.
Again, where's your proof?

Siren.Lordgrim said: »
It was so effective that my own government had to seize Prescott Bushes company's assets.
Actually, that's not true. For one, it wasn't his company. He was not a majority owner of the UBC, just a director, who only held 1 share of the company. For another thing, the federal government only froze the assets during the time America was in WWII. They did that with a lot of banks that held assets for German, Italian, and Japanese accounts.

If you want to play the "guilt by association" card, then I hearby declare you guilty of all of humanity's crimes in all of the history of the world because you are human. See how that works?

Now, here is a special message to Lordgrim:
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Nausi
Posts: 6709
By Ragnarok.Nausi 2015-01-06 12:28:39
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Bohener is currently 4 votes from being blocked as speaker. (1:28 EST).

Cross your fingers.

1 vote away, with an unknown number of members who didn't answer the roll call..... (1:37)

Back to 4 votes again. (1:47) Looks like that's it.
Bug Hunter
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2015-01-06 12:39:10
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Welcome back Nausi,

How was your ban vacation?
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Nausi
Posts: 6709
By Ragnarok.Nausi 2015-01-06 12:47:07
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Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Welcome back Nausi,

How was your ban vacation?
Vacation was excellent. No New Years quite like a Nassau New Years..
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2015-01-06 13:27:58
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Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Siren.Lordgrim said: »
Henry Ford received Hitlers highest medal of honor to foreigners for helping produce thousands of trucks used in the war.
Again, where's your proof? This one should be very easy to prove, and yet, you offer none. Again, opinionated (and conspiracy theory) youtube videos are not proof.

Interview: Ford's Anti-Semitism

Haven't backread all of Lordgrim's statements and assuredly many-to-most are utter nonsense. But Ford was a pretty powerful antisemetic presence in the United States who had connections to Nazi Germany.
Bug Hunter
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2015-01-06 13:34:01
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Ramyrez said: »
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Siren.Lordgrim said: »
Henry Ford received Hitlers highest medal of honor to foreigners for helping produce thousands of trucks used in the war.
Again, where's your proof? This one should be very easy to prove, and yet, you offer none. Again, opinionated (and conspiracy theory) youtube videos are not proof.

Interview: Ford's Anti-Semitism

Haven't backread all of Lordgrim's statements and assuredly many-to-most are utter nonsense. But Ford was a pretty powerful antisemetic presence in the United States who had connections to Nazi Germany.
It's one thing to have a public opinion, it's another to receive a medal of honor from a known enemy, especially for producing products used for the war.

Where's the medal of honor? Where are the vehicles (since the majority, if not all, of the vehicles made for German use was BMWs, not Fords)? Where is the picture of Hitler presenting it to Ford?
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2015-01-06 13:45:07
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Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Where's the medal of honor? Where are the vehicles (since the majority, if not all, of the vehicles made for German use was BMWs, not Fords)? Where is the picture of Hitler presenting it to Ford?

Wasn't presented directly by Hitler, it was presented by German ambassadors. Your desired picture is included.

Ford and GM Scrutinized for Alleged Nazi Collaboration

He did receive the medal. That is a historical fact.

The shady area is whether or not Ford (and GM, for that matter) had any control over their European branches producing vehicles and machinery for Hitler's war engine.

This is information that's been public for quite some time.

In certain instances, American managers of both GM and Ford went along with the conversion of their German plants to military production at a time when U.S. government documents show they were still resisting calls by the Roosevelt administration to step up military production in their plants at home.

Edit: All I'm saying is this one instance of Lordgrim's normally-inane babble has some basis in reality. "The Greatest Generation" and their rugged, depression-defying parents aren't necessarily as wholesome and clean cut as we constantly hold them up as being.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Viciouss
Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2015-01-06 13:48:42
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Henry Ford's connections to Nazi Germany are well known, how did this subject come up and why is even being questioned? Or am I better off knowing?
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: milamber
Posts: 3691
By Bahamut.Milamber 2015-01-06 13:49:42
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Quite a few US organizations/companies/people did. IBM, GM spring to mind, and quite a few current well known companies participated or were involved (Volkswagen, Siemens, Hugo Boss).
Hell, there were some US organizations involved in funding eugenics in the early 1900s (e.g. Carnegie institute, Rockefeller foundation). It was a popular idea at the time.

There isn't some secret society conspiring to keep the "Truth" from people. Most simply didn't pay attention in class, or never really cared to read into the time period. The worst are the exceptionalists who deny the US could have done anything wrong.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2015-01-06 13:49:52
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Shiva.Viciousss said: »
Henry Ford's connections to Nazi Germany are well known, how did this subject come up and why is even being questioned? Or am I better off knowing?

How it came up I don't know, I didn't backread. Lordgrim's fault somehow. KN is merely calling it into question because, as isn't entirely without merit, he's naturally questioning anything Lordgrim says.
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