Bubble Trouble: A Geomancer Guide

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Bubble Trouble: A Geomancer Guide
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Server: Ragnarok
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user: Tdizzle
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By Ragnarok.Tdizzle 2017-11-24 21:23:05
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Use some sort of repeater script or plugin and walk in the shinryu zone and get refresh atmas and set script to case indi poison over and over. You’ll never run out if mp and can come back in a couple hours and be capped.
Server: Asura
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user: toralin
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By Asura.Toralin 2017-12-12 08:25:26
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Bagua mitaines +3 looks pretty nice. If you have capped fastcast already does it make any sense to put these in precast?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2017-12-12 09:46:44
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Certainly for nuke precast. These are great free-nuke piece as well, and they have -8 enmity, so they are all around goodness. refresh+2 is handy. The MBB is not II so nothing to write home about, but I will get these for my GEO nuke set.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2017-12-12 09:53:57
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Asura.Toralin said: »
Bagua mitaines +3 looks pretty nice. If you have capped fastcast already does it make any sense to put these in precast?
I dunno. If they go beyond the FC cap totally.
If they don't it kinda depends on the swaps you can do with your current gear in your other slots.
would need 69% in the other slots, I think? Not sure how ele-precast and FC work together. Considering them the same thing is just an approximation of how the formula really works
Server: Asura
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user: toralin
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By Asura.Toralin 2017-12-12 20:51:57
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Asura.Toralin said: »
Bagua mitaines +3 looks pretty nice. If you have capped fastcast already does it make any sense to put these in precast?
I dunno. If they go beyond the FC cap totally.
If they don't it kinda depends on the swaps you can do with your current gear in your other slots.
would need 69% in the other slots, I think? Not sure how ele-precast and FC work together. Considering them the same thing is just an approximation of how the formula really works

Thanks Big Sexy
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2017-12-13 02:23:54
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Btw all "ele cast -" gear so far does NOT go beyond the FC cap.
These hands might be an exception and we won't know until someone upgrades them, but I doubt honestly.

Not sure I would use them for Magic bursting either.
Someone mentioned that in another thread. The stats (macc, mab, int, MBurst+12 etc) are very hot, but you gonna miss the MB2 bonus from Amalric/Ea hands.
Considering how it's not particularly hard to reach the 40MB cap, would these hands allow for powerful enough swaps in the other slots to compensate for the loss of 6% MB2?
I haven't done the math of course, but I'm a bit skeptic there are good enough options to offer a convincing tradeoff from the missing 6% MB2.

These hands are still very hot for idle for the Refresh+2 and generally good base stats.
Granted with the current prices... it's quite a costly upgrade for such a limited use.
Especially because if Luopan is out you would probably use AF+3 anyway, which kinda limits the use of these hands even further.
I mean, when/if they'll be cheaper then gg, but spending 90+ mils for an item you're gonna use just for idling when Luopan is down is quite an unefficient use of gil, if you ask me.
Posts: 70
By Pankas 2018-01-05 06:25:01
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Can anyone share GEO lua please?
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Tussell
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By Quetzalcoatl.Tesseracta 2018-01-11 13:12:23
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Pankas said: »
Can anyone share GEO lua please?
try https://github.com/ArislanShiva/luas/blob/master/Safiyeh-GEO.lua

Is there a cap on indi duration from gear?
Server: Sylph
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user: Bilix
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By Sylph.Chocobro 2018-01-11 14:16:33
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Quetzalcoatl.Tesseracta said: »
Is there a cap on indi duration from gear?

If there is, I don't think it's been hit yet.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2018-01-29 09:17:48
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Are there any +Phalanx items we can equip outside of DM Merlinic?
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By geigei 2018-01-29 09:56:10
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Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
Are there any +Phalanx items we can equip outside of DM Merlinic?
Posts: 265
By Nocki 2018-02-10 13:27:30
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Some initial testing from the Bagua Galero +2 that actually changes some things that we thought about luopans.

Noticeable thing #1:
Most people who have played geo for some time already knew this, but Radial Arcana is based on Luopan HP (and is magically modified by lightsday), with the hat and the shoes equipeed at 5/5 Radial Arcana I got back 541 MP !

Noticeable thing #2:
When I added the hat to my aftercast sets only, the luopan would spawn and then 500 HP would be added so it would be at 76%. After unequipping it and putting it back on the luopan would then be at 98%. This is mostly irrelevant information, as this is how HP gear with players and SMN pets works.

The more relevant part comes when you add the hat to your midcast sets. It made the luopan spawn with full HP, but it also made the luopan's HP go down by 1.5% a tick with 24hp/tick Pet: Regen Gear on. This means that casting the luopan with more HP increases it's perpetuation cost!! If I used lasting emanation after this, it would stop ticking completely. This means that the perpetuation cost is 24hp/tick with lasting. Assuming the ratio is the same as regular perp to lasting, this means that it's ticking 34 hp/tick (I have yet to confirm this exact number, I would have to mess with vorseals in escha zones, math based on the HP ratio indicates it could also be 31.)

From this information I concluded that you should or shouldn't equip the hat in various situatoins with your bubble:
You should equip the hat in midcast if
- You are going to lasting
- The bubble is bolstered
You should equip the hat in aftercast only if
- You are going to ecliptic, then follow-up with life cycle
- The bubble is blazed, then follow-up with life cycle
- You are in escha zones with regen vorseals, or you have companion's roll

Noticeable thing #3:
The hat's "augments concentric pulse" appears to increase damage by 50%, (I went from doing ~1950 to ~2900) but the skill is still garbage so...
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3,185
By Asura.Geriond 2018-02-10 13:32:42
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Does the perpetuation stay high after you take the hat off?
Posts: 265
By Nocki 2018-02-10 13:44:21
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Asura.Geriond said: »
Does the perpetuation stay high after you take the hat off?

Yes, casting in the hat for midcast, then taking it off for aftercast keeps the perpetuation high. Re-equipping it after just makes your luopan lose 500 HP for no reason essentially.

Something else worth noting is that you lose any benefits of using the hat in midcast if you change hats at all until that 500 HP is lost from your luopan (either by getting hit or ticking off).
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By 2018-02-10 16:15:39
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-02-10 17:01:23
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So it's literally useless. Using it to negate BoG hp- doesnt even work that well if the perp ends up higher for using it.

And even calling that an acceptable reason was a stretch to begin with.
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By 2018-02-10 17:03:06
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Posts: 367
By Creecreelo 2018-02-10 18:23:39
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Radial Arcana is absolutely based off Luopan Max HP. Maybe it's also based off lvl too, Idc, but it's very easy to see that Escha areas increase the amount of MP restored with Radial, not to mention the large increase with Bolster JPs.
Server: Sylph
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user: Gaztastic
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By Sylph.Oraen 2018-02-10 18:53:36
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Isn't it possible that the MP restored is based on max HP? I don't think there's ever been HP bonus gear for Luopans before now, so it's entirely possible that the established formula is incorrect. BG is fallible and has inaccuracies, and with this new factor in play, the original formula could just be wrong.
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By 2018-02-10 18:54:52
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Posts: 265
By Nocki 2018-02-10 19:24:02
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Asura.Hrohj said: »
Sylph.Oraen said: »
Isn't it possible that the MP restored is based on max HP? I don't think there's ever been HP bonus gear for Luopans before now, so it's entirely possible that the established formula is incorrect. BG is fallible and has inaccuracies, and with this new factor in play, the original formula could just be wrong.

I'm testing it right now with Bolster. I'll post data as it becomes available.

Luopan's HP increases with it's level, which is the same for all pets. Luopan's are capped at level 99, unlike other pets that can be augmented to 119+ based on the weapon that is used or by pet level+ gear. Until this update, GEO's had no pet HP+ gear available. Concentric pulse was tested both times at 100% luopan HP, and yes I have 2100 Job Points. I haven't updated the formula for radial on BG because I'm lazy and I didn't think anyone would blindly trust it with no experience on the job, but a friend and I figured out the Lice Cycle formula and added that to BG.

You're welcome to not believe a career geo of 3 years that was one of the owners of this very guide, to each his own.
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By 2018-02-10 19:59:11
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Post deleted by User.
Posts: 265
By Nocki 2018-02-10 21:44:26
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It wasn't one anecdotal account, as I mentioned anyone who has played GEO for some time would have noticed that on Lightsday and when in escha zones with HP vorseals your radial arcanas heal for more. I was too lazy to put the numbers for this because it's already commonly established between people who play the job often. I appreciate your initiative in fact checking though, just don't trust BG 100% of the time.

The real point of my post was to say that hat is good for radial, and that's pretty much it unless you have pet:regen from some method other than gear.
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By 2018-02-10 22:11:24
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Posts: 105
By aigulfe 2018-02-15 18:59:29
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I was curious about the head too. Obviously stacking 500-600 HP on our pet would be pretty huge for a BoG bubble and keeping it alive longer but to keep that HP from crashing, you'd need to lock the head until the luopan had lost 500 HP right? Im guessing there might be some way to write a lua rule to lock it for a certain time then unlock it once the benefit was gone but still. Admittedly the luopan is the most important part of what we do so losing the head for a time for fast cast, cures, enfeebs, nukes, buffs and so on would be kinda annoying it would likely end up being worth the hassle presuming you could get the lua to track the hp and enable your head slot at the right moment.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Inuyushi
Posts: 196
By Asura.Inuyushi 2018-02-15 19:46:40
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aigulfe said: »
I was curious about the head too. Obviously stacking 500-600 HP on our pet would be pretty huge for a BoG bubble and keeping it alive longer but to keep that HP from crashing, you'd need to lock the head until the luopan had lost 500 HP right? Im guessing there might be some way to write a lua rule to lock it for a certain time then unlock it once the benefit was gone but still. Admittedly the luopan is the most important part of what we do so losing the head for a time for fast cast, cures, enfeebs, nukes, buffs and so on would be kinda annoying it would likely end up being worth the hassle presuming you could get the lua to track the hp and enable your head slot at the right moment.

It wouldn't be too hard, it would just be something that would be annoying to completely figure out and debug. But you would have to have a variable in your lua for if the bubble died or not with function job_pet_change(pet, gain_or_loss). You would need to put an enable in there if the bubble was killed.

You would also have to have an automatic check running off of the vanadiel clock checking the HP% of the luopon using windower.register_event('time change', function(new, old). Inside of this you would have to have a check for pet.hp or pet.hpp. Once the hp or hpp drops below a certain value, you would enable the head again.

Also, there would be a lock on the head during the precast event to prevent it from coming off during midcast and aftercast.

So yeah, have fun with that for 500 extra HP.
Posts: 105
By aigulfe 2018-02-15 19:57:41
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Yeah, this is why Im working on COR n WAR n RDM and probly RNG and DRG heads too before I worry about GEO too much :P
Server: Shiva
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user: Hiepo
Posts: 669
By Shiva.Hiep 2018-02-17 12:26:52
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Not sure what I'm doing wrong with radial arcana, but it fluctuates from 200-500 mp restored with a brand new bubble. Anyone know why? I'm trying to do some vagary solo without relying on MP items too much.
Server: Siren
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By Siren.Kyte 2018-02-17 13:06:07
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Weather/day, and/or possibly some occasional lua errors with the boots equipping.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Hiepo
Posts: 669
By Shiva.Hiep 2018-02-21 20:51:07
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Proud of this solo ): Wanted to post~
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