Shut 'em Down!

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Shut 'em down!
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Server: Ragnarok
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user: Sekundes
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By Ragnarok.Sekundes 2013-10-18 19:46:09
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Ragnarok.Nausi said: »
Hey I really liked the Q episodes. They needed to do more of them, across the whole series.
You could go watch My Little Pony. But seriously, John de Lancie actually voices a character "similar" in that show.
Server: Lakshmi
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By Lakshmi.Saevel 2013-10-19 03:42:15
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Babylon 5 was actually a good series, but it's more like a mini-series then a space drama. You got to watch the entire thing from episode 1 all the way through otherwise ***stops making sense, it's not something you can drop in and out of. Recently finished watching BSG from start to finish, another really good series that you need to watch in sequence to understand.
Server: Lakshmi
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user: sparthosx
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By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2013-10-19 10:57:25
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Lakshmi.Saevel said: »
Babylon 5 was actually a good series, but it's more like a mini-series then a space drama. You got to watch the entire thing from episode 1 all the way through otherwise ***stops making sense, it's not something you can drop in and out of. Recently finished watching BSG from start to finish, another really good series that you need to watch in sequence to understand.

This was an issue with DS9 as well. Things were so interwoven that it makes for a bad show to syndicate because if you're only going to watch one episode you're going to be lost wondering what the fk is going on.

In this respect, TNG was superior in that each episode was standalone and delivered whatever it wanted to get across by the final captain's log.
Server: Lakshmi
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user: sparthosx
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By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2013-10-19 11:14:48
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Ragnarok.Nausi said: »
A) What makes you think hes a leader of the TEA party?

B) As if the others on the left's fringe are of any suitable comparison.

You guys have such weird priorities, I could survive within a society that turned anti-homosexual, or one that uniformly shunned it in the public sphere (I don't really believe anyone's 100% strait either). Living in a world that threw out the notion of "private property and/or wealth" (the colectivist's dream) would me miserable for everyone. Just asked those comrades who lived through it during the good ol days of the USSR...

Of course you could as you've submit yourself to the theocratic underpinnings of most Tea Party movements. It's all ironic when you consider the libertarian camouflage the message is draped in all while the nativist and racist hatred ***seeps through. Same reason you see all those Confederate flags waving high at a rally about 'taking back the country' all as the politicians egg it on.

It's all about you, until it affects you. Then it's a crime against humanity.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 3686
By Phoenix.Amandarius 2013-10-19 11:41:51
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Who was that one dude that showed up at the White House with a Confederate flag that you would like to make the poster boy for Conservatism? Easiest way to discredit the Tea Party is to show up obnoxiously at a rally with a symbol like that. Liberals know that. Wouldn't be surprised.

Who encouraged his Confederate message or egged it on as you said? No one.

racists are about the most disgusting people in the world and there is a never ending attempt by left wing radicals to constantly paint the right as racists, because everyone hates racists and it allows people to justify their hatred for the right if they believe they are racist.

Fake racism perpetrated by liberals to achieve a means to a political end is commonplace. Have a read about Oberlin College Racism Hoax this year. You heard of the huge uproar about the racists graffiti showing up all over campus, the cancelling of classes, rallies, all the outrage. It got national coverage for weeks. In the end though, you did not hear that the entire thing was a hoax perpetrated by radical progressives.
By 2013-10-19 11:48:52
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Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 3686
By Phoenix.Amandarius 2013-10-19 11:49:30
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idk but i'm pretty sure it is flat
By 2013-10-19 12:06:34
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Server: Odin
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user: Jassik
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2013-10-19 12:06:40
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Phoenix.Amandarius said: »
Who was that one dude that showed up at the White House with a Confederate flag that you would like to make the poster boy for Conservatism? Easiest way to discredit the Tea Party is to show up obnoxiously at a rally with a symbol like that. Liberals know that. Wouldn't be surprised.

Who encouraged his Confederate message or egged it on as you said? No one.

racists are about the most disgusting people in the world and there is a never ending attempt by left wing radicals to constantly paint the right as racists, because everyone hates racists and it allows people to justify their hatred for the right if they believe they are racist.

Fake racism perpetrated by liberals to achieve a means to a political end is commonplace. Have a read about Oberlin College Racism Hoax this year. You heard of the huge uproar about the racists graffiti showing up all over campus, the cancelling of classes, rallies, all the outrage. It got national coverage for weeks. In the end though, you did not hear that the entire thing was a hoax perpetrated by radical progressives.

I agree that people cry racism as a quick easy out for anyone who doesn't like Obama. But I don't think you can point at another political group and elude to some kind of conspiracy to discredit the TP. Taxed Enough Already is a good sentiment for a libertarian movement. I do think we pay enough to have the programs we should have if the government was scaled down to a more efficient and workable size, but the people crying about taxes being too high and government spending are missing the whole back end of their philosophy. "We spend too much!" I agree, what do you want to cut? Social security, nope, medicare, nope, military, nope... They always want to cut things like NASA, NEA, Welfare (which does need MASSIVE reform), foreign aid, etc. Other than Welfare, those programs combined are less than 10% of the federal budget.

Then there's the "low hanging fruit" perspective, cutting programs that are unneccessary or poorly executed first. It may only be 1% of the budget, but it's 1% saved while we work on bigger issues. There's definitly merit in that.

The Tea Party has been perverted from it's arguably noble goals by backing figures that are viewed as radicals, racists, relics, and morons. Rand Paul is a legitimate conservative who could be a powerful voice if he'd stay out of the political sideshow and stick to his message. But he's associated with the spectacle of Palin giving Miss America style speeches, Ted Cruz talking about star wars for 21 hours, and Bachman preaching about "traditional marriage".

Ted Cruz said in an interview that he'd rather be hated in washington and loved in texas than the other way around. Basically, he'd rather be ineffective and a liability than get anything accomplished.

The grass roots image that they want to portray is perverted by their obvious pandoring to big business and unapologetic ties to the Koch's and other 1%'er dubious despot types.

It's really not a mystery why the TP is viewed as a radical obstructionist group.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 3686
By Phoenix.Amandarius 2013-10-19 12:13:37
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yep Tea Party has the ideas that most people agree with; they have not mastered politics yet. Harry Reid would be in a retirement home this very day if they did not nominate that idiot Sharron Angle back in 2010 to run against him. He was losing by like 30 points to every other Republican nominee. That's just one example. The last month was another because it was completely unnecessary other than to get the Democrats on the record unequivocally in support of Obamacare as it is. Ted Cruz is a genius if you listen to him, but his political tact needs work. Rand Paul for the most part remained out of the spotlight during the shutdown, as did Rubio.
Server: Odin
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user: Jassik
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2013-10-19 12:19:01
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This last stunt has critically damaged their credibility, and then Sarah Palin goes on Fox with an actual list of pubs they are planning to primary. I like the idea of giving candidates a primary race with the gerrymandered nature of all of these super red or blue districts, but that approach is even more damaging as it looks like the TP is actively trying to scare the rest of the party into going along with them in any situation. The TP needs to learn how to work with people they don't agree with and understand when they've lost a battle and just move on. That is, if they want to actually get stuff done. Right now it looks like their goal is just to gridlock washington until they have an advantage of numbers, instead of actually doing their jobs.
Server: Lakshmi
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user: sparthosx
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2013-10-19 12:33:44
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Phoenix.Amandarius said: »
Who was that one dude that showed up at the White House with a Confederate flag that you would like to make the poster boy for Conservatism? Easiest way to discredit the Tea Party is to show up obnoxiously at a rally with a symbol like that. Liberals know that. Wouldn't be surprised.

Who encouraged his Confederate message or egged it on as you said? No one.

racists are about the most disgusting people in the world and there is a never ending attempt by left wing radicals to constantly paint the right as racists, because everyone hates racists and it allows people to justify their hatred for the right if they believe they are racist.

Fake racism perpetrated by liberals to achieve a means to a political end is commonplace. Have a read about Oberlin College Racism Hoax this year. You heard of the huge uproar about the racists graffiti showing up all over campus, the cancelling of classes, rallies, all the outrage. It got national coverage for weeks. In the end though, you did not hear that the entire thing was a hoax perpetrated by radical progressives.

I'm not going to waste my time and link every instance of Tea Party instances of veiled racism in order to snag votes or rally the base. When it isn't bringing up the Civil War or secession, it's refusing to believe Obama is American and coddling birthers. Remember when McCain told that dumbfuck old lady to shut up with her conspiracy theory nonsense? That's called integrity and I respect that.

One day America might have libertarian candidates but what we have right now are far-right loonies who have hijacked the original grievances of the TP in order to push their far-right message of God, war, patriotism and tax cuts for the wealthy. Effectively fascism.

The racist messages against "outsiders" is just the spoonful of sugar to help the medicine go down. Any Republican candidate right now is basically DoA if they don't wade into the abortion, military worship, God or gay marriage arguments. If you even mention science or attempt to be intelligent you'll be shouted down by your peers.
By 2013-10-19 13:19:48
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Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Jassik
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2013-10-19 13:28:58
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Asura.Squishytaru said: »
Phoenix.Amandarius said: »
yep Tea Party has the ideas that most people agree with

Really? Come on..

The original premise of the TP is that of cutting wasteful spending and focussing on common sense solutions, most people agree with that
Server: Shiva
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user: Viciouss
Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2013-10-19 13:36:34
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Too bad they strayed so far from "common sense solutions" immediately after they were elected and suffered 50% losses in 2012 and have no hope of ever recapturing that 2010 "glory." Now their idea of common sense is shutting the gov't down and putting people out of work.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 3686
By Phoenix.Amandarius 2013-10-19 13:37:06
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Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »
I'm not going to waste my time and link every instance of Tea Party instances of veiled racism in order to snag votes or rally the base. When it isn't bringing up the Civil War or secession, it's refusing to believe Obama is American and coddling birthers. Remember when McCain told that dumbfuck old lady to shut up with her conspiracy theory nonsense? That's called integrity and I respect that.

Again you take every rare and radical fringe person you can think of and just lump them in with Tea Party. It's dishonest if not just lazy.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 3686
By Phoenix.Amandarius 2013-10-19 13:41:06
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I remember during the 2008 primary, the Obama campaign calling Bill Clinton racist.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3686
By Phoenix.Amandarius 2013-10-19 13:44:39
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RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. (Pretty crude, rude and mean, huh? They want to create anger and fear.)

RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)

Shutdown/Default disastrous predictions from the White House come to mind with this rule:

RULE 9: “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.” Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist. (Perception is reality. Large organizations always prepare a worst-case scenario, something that may be furthest from the activists’ minds. The upshot is that the organization will expend enormous time and energy, creating in its own collective mind the direst of conclusions. The possibilities can easily poison the mind and result in demoralization.)

Simple explanation of some Rules for Radicals and how gullible the left wing is as they buy into this propaganda.
Server: Shiva
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user: Viciouss
Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2013-10-19 13:45:36
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Is that like the Tea Party creed, they seem to be sticking to it.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Jassik
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2013-10-19 13:58:56
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Shiva.Viciousss said: »
Is that like the Tea Party creed, they seem to be sticking to it.

To their own peril, I hope. I think the Tea Party is beyond saving and the viable members need to start distancing themselves from that image and move to the more respectable moderate groups or risk being completely unsalvageble.
Server: Shiva
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user: Viciouss
Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2013-10-19 14:02:41
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I think we are going to start seeing that as soon as December when the rational GOP members starts standing up to the Tea party idiots in the House.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 3686
By Phoenix.Amandarius 2013-10-19 14:04:24
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None of them are in danger of losing their seats. I doubt it. They have the better argument anyway. But if they were smart until they figure out better political tactics they should proceed with more caution. It is impossible to take on the Democratic power structure head on when the media and the entertainment industry is in their corner.
Server: Odin
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user: Jassik
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2013-10-19 14:10:03
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Phoenix.Amandarius said: »
None of them are in danger of losing their seats. I doubt it. They have the better argument anyway. But if they were smart until they figure out better political tactics they should proceed with more caution. It is impossible to take on the Democratic power structure head on when the media and the entertainment industry is in their corner.

Hollywood voices are predominately liberal, but they aren't activist.
Server: Shiva
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user: Viciouss
Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2013-10-19 14:15:20
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They will keep the 40 seats they have, well except for Bachman, who is quitting, thanks to redistricting, but they aren't going to add any. They will continue to be a very small, radical, unproductive group that talks big and achieves nothing.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 3686
By Phoenix.Amandarius 2013-10-19 14:18:54
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Odin.Jassik said: »

Hollywood voices are predominately liberal, but they aren't activist.

They are propaganda though, free for the Democrat party. John Stewart, Colbert, SNL, late night comedy, do any of them give the Conservative view a fair shake? Do they give the left any scrutiny? No. And they may not be activist but they shape millions of opinions. They dissuade young people from considering a non-liberal view lest they be ridiculed too.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 3686
By Phoenix.Amandarius 2013-10-19 14:19:38
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Shiva.Viciousss said: »
They will keep the 40 seats they have, well except for Bachman, who is quitting, thanks to redistricting, but they aren't going to add any. They will continue to be a very small, radical, unproductive group that talks big and achieves nothing.

Uh OK then
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: sparthosx
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2013-10-19 14:24:39
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Odin.Jassik said: »
The original premise of the TP is that of cutting wasteful spending and focussing on common sense solutions, most people agree with that

And that's where the TP ideal ended. I think anyone in America when asked about wasteful spending would agree that something needs to be done. What gets cut is where things go sideways. Shall we touch those safety nets or military spending? A question for the ages.

The TP movement has since gone into far-right policy financially backed by those who stand to gain from those policies, draped in American patriotism and colorful imagery of 18th century founders. The very same founders who would be tarred and feathered by their 21st century parishioners.
Server: Cerberus
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user: Pleebo
Posts: 9720
By Cerberus.Pleebo 2013-10-19 14:25:04
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If your views are unpopular, blame everyone and everything else. Never consider that perhaps, just perhaps, the ideology is flawed.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Viciouss
Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2013-10-19 14:27:17
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Truth hurts. Until they actual learn from their mistakes they will just keep tumbling. The tea party acts as if the 2012 elections didn't fully happen. They only see the GOP kept the house, they don't see their movement lost every contest they heavily invested in, and their numbers were cut from 80ish to 40ish. No they just say full steam ahead on our radical ideas, we shut down the govt down once we will do it again, just ignore the poll numbers are way down across the board for our party, everything is ok!
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: sparthosx
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2013-10-19 14:29:56
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Phoenix.Amandarius said: »
Odin.Jassik said: »

Hollywood voices are predominately liberal, but they aren't activist.

They are propaganda though, free for the Democrat party. John Stewart, Colbert, SNL, late night comedy, do any of them give the Conservative view a fair shake? Do they give the left any scrutiny? No. And they may not be activist but they shape millions of opinions. They dissuade young people from considering a non-liberal view lest they be ridiculed too.

I thought Conservatives were the ones with all the money because they aren't lazy and uneducated like their liberal kin. Why aren't they pulling themselves up the bootstraps, wiping the sweat off their brows and building a conservative equivalent to Stewart, Colbert, SNL or late night comedians? Are conservatives lacking in humor, wit, facts or intellect?

Because Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham, Bill O'Reilly, S.E Cupp, Charles Krauthammer, Alex Jones et al disagree. And the money they pull down would like to have a word with you.

Or did you also forget about all those megachurches putting in work to counter the voices of liberal TV? Every Sunday, I'm reminded that the conservative movement is alive and well. The sky isn't falling, no matter how hard Alex Jones yells it might be.
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