please post any info you find on how to get/upgrade the different species:
All variations within a Species are the same lvl (Variation/Upgrades are listed separately, below Species lists).
Mage Variations get the spells you have opened up on your character.
TP moves use only percentage needed, remainder stays.
Beating Maat reduces Job Instinct cost by 5k Infamy for that job.
Blue Box = Large, White Box = Medium, NQ Box = Small. Large creatures have a limited prowling area list.
Monsters that are weak to your monster type will not aggro you. Monster Strength Chart
Behemoth (Thf/War) = Gnole lvl 75 + Rabbit lvl 75 + Opo-Opo lvl 75 + 10k Infamy
Buffalo (Pld) = Ram lvl 50
Cerberus (War) = Buffalo lvl 60 + Manticore lvl 60 + Marid lvl 60 + Sheep lvl 60 + Dhalmel Lvl 60 + 10k Infamy
Coeurl (War) = Tiger lvl 75
Dhalmel (War)= Sheep lvl 30
Gnole (War/Mnk) = Coeurl lvl 90
Manticore (War) = Ram lvl 70
Marid (War) = Buffalo lvl 50
Opo-Opo (War) = Coeurl lvl 75
Rabbit (War) = 1/3 original, trade rabbit hide, 2-leaf bud, or lizard tail to the town npcs
Ram (War) = Sheep lvl 50
Sheep (War) = 3k Infamy
Tiger (War) = Rabbit lvl 30
Cactuar (War) = Mandy lvl 30
Flytrap (War) = Cactuar lvl 30
Funguar (War) = Sapling lvl 30
Goobbue (War) = Mandy lvl 50
Mandy (Mnk) = 1/3 original, trade rabbit hide, 2-leaf bud, or lizard tail to the town npcs
Morbol (War) = Funguar lvl 30
Panopt (Blm) = Malboro lvl 50
Rafflesia (Drk) = Flytrap lvl 30
Treant Sappling (War)= 3k Infamy
Adamantoise (Pld) = Lizard lvl 60 + Bugard lvl 60 + Wivre lvl 60 + 10k Infamy
Bugard (War) = Lizard lvl 30
Eft (War) = Raptor lvl 30
Lizard = 1/3 original, trade rabbit hide, 2-leaf bud, or lizard tail to the town npcs
Pieste (War) = Raptor lvl 50 + Eft lvl 50 + 8k Infamy
Raptor (War) = 3k infamy
Wivre (War) = Bugard lvl 50
Antlion (War) = Scorpion lvl 60 + 7.5k Infamy
Bee (War) = Suibhne Location Questions (random per character)
Beetle (Pld) = 3k Infamy
Chigoe (Thf) = Scorpion lvl 30
Crawler (War) = Beetle lvl 30
Damselfly (War) = Bee lvl 30
Diremite (Drk) = Spider lvl 30
Gnat (War/Thf) - Ladybug lvl 50 + Wamoura(campa) lvl 50 + 5k Infamy
Ladybug (Thf) = Fly lvl 45
Scorpion (War) = Beetle lvl 60
Spider (War) = Crawler lvl 30
Wamouracampa (Pld) = Fly lvl 30
Amphiptere (War/Blm) = Cockatrice lvl 75? + Roc lvl 75? + Hippogryph lvl 75 + 10k Infamy
Apkallu (Mnk) = Colibri lvl 30
Bat (War) = 2k Infamy
Bird (War) = Bat lvl 30
Cockatrice (War) = 3k Infamy
Colibri (Rdm) = Bat lvl 45 + Bird lvl 45 + 5k Infamy
Hippogryph (Thf/Blm) = Roc lvl 50
Roc (Whm/Brd) = Cockatrice lvl 30
DQ Slime (?) = Slime Fetish
Spriggan (War/Blm) = Spriggan Fetish
Species Variations/Upgrades:
Adamantoise @ 1 + 1 Adamantoise egg = Pygmy Adamantoise {same species as Adamantoise} (Pld/Pld)
Adamantoise @ 50 + 5 Genbu Scraps = Genbu Adamantoise (Rdm/Pld)
Adamantoise @ 70 + 20 Infamy = Ferromantoise (Pld/Blm)
Amphiptere @ 50 + 20k Infamy = Sanguiptere (Blm/War)
Antlion @ 30 + 25 Antlion Spirits = Black Antlion (Blm/War)
Apkallu @ 50 + 15k Infamy = Inguza (Nin/Mnk)
Bat @ 15 = Bat Trio (War/War)
Bat @ 30 = Vermillion Bat (Rdm/War)
Bat @ 45 = Vermillion Bat Trio (Rdm/War)
Bee @ 15 = Red & Black Bee (War/Rdm)
Bee @ 50 = Blue Bee (War/Blm)
Beetle @ 1 + 25 Beetle Spirits = Onyx Beetle (Pld/Blm)
Beetle @ 50 = Rhino Beetle (Pld/Rdm)
Behemoth @ 50 + 25k Infamy = Elasmoth (Drk/Thf)
Bird @ 30 = Crow (Thf/Blm)
Bugard @ 50 = AbyssoBuggard (War/Blm)
Cactuar @ 50 = Sabotender Florido (War/Rdm)
Cerberus @ 50 + 25k Infamy = Orthrus (War/blm)
Chigoe @ 45 = Tunga (Blm/Thf)
Cockatrice @ 30 = Ziz (Blm/War)
Coeurl @ 30 = Lynx (War/Blm)
Coeurl @ 60 = Jewelled Lynx (Blm/Rdm)
Colibri @ 50 + 15k Infamy = Tukalibri (?)
Crawler @ 30 = Eruca (War/Rdm)
Crawler @ 60 = Emerald Crawler (Whm/Blm)
Crawler @ 60 = Pygmy Crawler (Whm/Blm)
Damselfly @ 30 = Red Damselfly (War/Rdm)
Diremite @ 70 = Arundmite (Drk/Drk)
Eft @ 30 = Tarichuk (War/Blm)
Funguar @ 30 + 7.5k Infamy = Pygmy Malboro (same species as Malboro)
Funguar @ 50 = Coppercap Funguar (War/War)
Gnat @ 60 = Midge (Blm/Thf)
Ladybug @ 50 + 7.5k Infamy = Gold Ladybug (Thf/Rdm)
Lizard @ 15 = White Lizard (War/Blm)
Mandy @ 15 = Korrigan (Mnk/Blm)
Mandy @ 45 + 7.5k Infamy = Pygmy Mandy {same species as Mandy} (Mnk/Mnk)
Mandy @ 50 = Lycopodium (Mnk/Whm)
Mandy @ 60 + 25 Pachypodium Spirits = Pachypodium (Mnk/Mnk)
Mandy @ 90 = Adenium (Mnk/Rdm)
Manticore @ 50 + 20 Byakko, Genbu, Seiryu, & Suzaku Scraps = Kirin Manticore (Rdm/Blm)
Morbol @ 1 + 7.5k Infamy = Pygmy Morbol (War/War)
Morbol @ 50 = Red-Eye Morbol (War/War)
Morbol @ 75 = Ameretat (War/War)
Morbol @ 75 + 15k Infamy = Purbol (?)
Peiste @ 50 + 15k Infamy = Sibilus (War/Blm)
Rabbit @ 15 = Black w/White Stripes (War/Blm)
Rabbit @ 50 = White Rabbit (War/Whm)
Rabbit @ 90 + 7.5k Infamy = Lapinion (Whm/Blm)
Rafflesia @ 50 = Mitrastema (Drk/Blm)
Raptor @ 30 = Emerald Raptor (War/War)
Raptor @ 60 = Ruby Raptor (War/War)
Roc @ 50 + 5 Suzaku Scraps = Suzaku Roc (War/Rdm)
Roc @ 75 + 15k Infamy = Gagana (Blm/Brd)
Scorpion @ 30 = Scolopendrid (War/Blm)
Scorpion @ 60 + 10k Infamy = Thorny Scolopendrid (Blm/Drk)
Sheep @ 75 = Karakul (War/War)
Spider @ 30 = Attercop (Drk/War)
Spider @ 60 = Shore Spider (War/Rdm)
Tiger @ 50 + 5 Byakko Scraps = Byakko Tiger (Thf/Whm)
Tiger @ 50 = Smilodon (War/War)
Treant Sappling @ 30 = Treant Tree (War/Blm)
Wamoura(campa) @ 50 = Wamoura {same species as Wamouracampa} (War/Pld)
Wamoura(campa) @ 60 + 15k Infamy = Pink Wamoura (Blm/Pld)
Wivre @ 60 + 7.5k Infamy = Thorny Wivre (War/Blm)
Recommended Prowling By Lvl:
(please let me know if anyone finds a link to the prowling table by itself, or makes one)
Species Instincts = I @30, II @60, III @90
Extra Items:
Adamantoise Egg: Aspidochelone (NM), The Hills Are Alive (BCNM)
Byakko Seals: from Beating Byakko in Sky
- Byakko Scraps (Synergy: Initiate)
Genbu Seals: from beating Genbu in Sky
- Genbu Scraps (Synergy: Initiate)
Golden Seed Pouch: 10 points 2013 Login Campaign 2, also obtained by ?
(used in Mog Garden Furrows, 20h 1min, 4 harvests)
- Pachypodium Spirit (Ex)
- Asphodel
- Papaka Grass
Jar of Monarch Beetle Saliva: 10 points 2013 Login Campaign 2, also obtained by ?
(used on Mog Garden Mineral Vein, 4 minings)
- Antlion Spirit (Ex)
Pitcher of Chestnut Tree Sap: 10 points 2013 Login Campaign 2, also obtained by ?
(used on Mog Garden Arboreal Grove, 4 harvests)
- Beetle Spirit (Ex)
Seiryu Seals: from Beating Seiryu in Sky
- Seiryu Scraps (Synergy: Initiate)
Slime Fetish: Sages and Spriggans and Slimes, Oh My! Event (12/11/2013 -1/14/2014)
- Obtain all 3 Slime items to recieve fetish
Spriggan Fetish: Sages and Spriggans and Slimes, Oh My! Event (12/11/2013 -1/14/2014)
= Obtain all 3 Spriggan items + trade 1 of each crystal type to event spriggan to recieve fetish
Suzaku Seals: from beating Suzaku in Sky
- Suzaku Scraps (Synergy: Initiate)