Washington State Gets Rid Of "sexist" Language

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Washington state gets rid of "sexist" language
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Server: Cerberus
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user: anjisnu
Posts: 2803
By Cerberus.Anjisnu 2013-07-10 07:24:20
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Fenrir.Sylow said: »
Eh, The Lifetime Original Movie Drinking Game never turns out as fun as it sounds like it's going to be.

you have not played with my wife then her rape senses tingle before we even start
Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 6862
By Fenrir.Sylow 2013-07-10 07:25:54
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...I...really don't know what to say to that.

Okay, done with this thread. Probably will get nuked before I wake up!
Server: Lakshmi
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Posts: 2228
By Lakshmi.Saevel 2013-07-10 07:26:13
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Keep practicing that cognitive dissonance, it'll keep you nice and warm at night.

Creepy is a word that women use to objectify men. It's misanderous plain and simple, as previously demonstrated by the resident vocal feminist.

After all, if women are allowed to redefine "threatening language" is it not fair for men to do the same?

The door swings both ways, you can't have your cake and eat it too.
Server: Phoenix
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user: brena
Posts: 64
By Phoenix.Melpomenae 2013-07-10 07:29:03
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Lakshmi.Saevel said: »

Keep practicing that cognitive dissonance, it'll keep you nice and warm at night.

Creepy is a word that women use to objectify men. It's misanderous plain and simple, as previously demonstrated by the resident vocal feminist.

After all, if women are allowed to redefine "threatening language" is it not fair for men to do the same?

The door swings both ways, you can't have your cake and eat it too.

How many posts do I have to make to earn this title of "Resident Vocal Feminist"? Do I have to smite some phallic imagery with my gun and bullets (read: vagina and baby missles) of sparkles and pinkness?
Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 6862
By Fenrir.Sylow 2013-07-10 07:30:26
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And still, by definition was incorrect because it is not the definition of the word. This is a thread, in part, about language. Please respect it while I sleep. Thanks!
Server: Cerberus
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user: anjisnu
Posts: 2803
By Cerberus.Anjisnu 2013-07-10 07:31:52
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for the love of sweet jeebus plz post you smiting something with a vag cannon i have never seen one of those
Server: Lakshmi
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Posts: 2228
By Lakshmi.Saevel 2013-07-10 07:34:25
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Quetzalcoatl.Xueye said: »
Siren.Jingles said: »
Okay, yeah, not going to bother now. Men's Rights is a movement based on discomfort, of having centuries of authority questioned.

And this, friends, is the definition of naïveté.

It's essentially the equivalent of saying "My problems are real, yours are just made up!"

I mean, really -- because MRM definitely has no good points. There aren't any legal or social consequences of being born with a penis.

  • It's been normalized to genitally mutilate baby males for no apparent reason.

  • Man up! and virgin shaming

  • Men have no special legal protections, whereas women have an absolute ton

  • Ever seen a shelter for abused men? Me neither.

  • Should we talk about divorce court, and custody, or is that just apparent enough that we don't have to get into it?

  • Men can get drafted, women cannot. Doesn't even matter that there's nobody drafting right now -- the government literally, blatantly states that women are inherently more valuable than men by not repealing that.

  • Should we talk about scholarships?

  • Hell, let's just be blunt -- education basically takes all attention away from males and just focuses it on women. Women in STEM! Women in Robotics! Women award for leadership! etc.etc. Have a men's award/league/scholarship, people pitch a fit.

  • No reproductive rights, yet has to pay child support.

  • Unfair treatment when accused of rape

  • Unfair treatment when accusing of rape

  • Domestic violence against men is laughed off.


The sad part is that more men are victims of abusing wifes then the other way around. Men are raped more. There is even a "culture of rape" where men being raped is frequently turned into a joke, "don't drop the soap". Women can lie to a man about paternity and have a judge force that man to pay child support, for a child he never had. In Canada a man can be put in prison indefinitely for failing to pay child support. It's been determined that a mans ability to pay child support does not diminish his obligation to pay that same child support and that child support should be based on quality of life of the child at time of divorce.

And yes the hilarity of women needing "special awards" and "special treatment" that men are not eligible for. Wasn't feminism about freeing women from gender norms and allowing them to exercise their agency and self actualization?
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2013-07-10 07:38:18
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I got my bra ready to burn give me the signal.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: brena
Posts: 64
By Phoenix.Melpomenae 2013-07-10 07:39:02
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Lakshmi.Saevel said: »
Quetzalcoatl.Xueye said: »
Siren.Jingles said: »
Okay, yeah, not going to bother now. Men's Rights is a movement based on discomfort, of having centuries of authority questioned.

And this, friends, is the definition of naïveté.

It's essentially the equivalent of saying "My problems are real, yours are just made up!"

I mean, really -- because MRM definitely has no good points. There aren't any legal or social consequences of being born with a penis.

  • It's been normalized to genitally mutilate baby males for no apparent reason.

  • Man up! and virgin shaming

  • Men have no special legal protections, whereas women have an absolute ton

  • Ever seen a shelter for abused men? Me neither.

  • Should we talk about divorce court, and custody, or is that just apparent enough that we don't have to get into it?

  • Men can get drafted, women cannot. Doesn't even matter that there's nobody drafting right now -- the government literally, blatantly states that women are inherently more valuable than men by not repealing that.

  • Should we talk about scholarships?

  • Hell, let's just be blunt -- education basically takes all attention away from males and just focuses it on women. Women in STEM! Women in Robotics! Women award for leadership! etc.etc. Have a men's award/league/scholarship, people pitch a fit.

  • No reproductive rights, yet has to pay child support.

  • Unfair treatment when accused of rape

  • Unfair treatment when accusing of rape

  • Domestic violence against men is laughed off.


The sad part is that more men are victims of abusing wifes then the other way around. Men are raped more. There is even a "culture of rape" where men being raped is frequently turned into a joke, "don't drop the soap". Women can lie to a man about paternity and have a judge force that man to pay child support, for a child he never had. In Canada a man can be put in prison indefinitely for failing to pay child support. It's been determined that a mans ability to pay child support does not diminish his obligation to pay that same child support and that child support should be based on quality of life of the child at time of divorce.

And yes the hilarity of women needing "special awards" and "special treatment" that men are not eligible for. Wasn't feminism about freeing women from gender norms and allowing them to exercise their agency and self actualization?

Why do you steadfastly refuse to consider that feminists fight against this as readily as everything else? I think all those things are horrible, and so do the majority of feminists. Especially circumcison. I reguarly try to argue in favor for all those things to be changed, but it isn't just women that perpetuate that sexism. Men do that to each other, too. Hence my original point that the patriarchy is to blame for those double standards that hurt men, too.
To make one point, the majority of judges are men, so why are women favored in court cases? Because of the sexist idea that women are better childrearers and that men can't raise kids.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: brena
Posts: 64
By Phoenix.Melpomenae 2013-07-10 07:41:11
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Cerberus.Anjisnu said: »
for the love of sweet jeebus plz post you smiting something with a vag cannon i have never seen one of those

I saw a video once of some lady violently popping ping pong balls across the room in a way I'm sure you can imagine. (I'd post the link, but that might get me in trouble >.>)
Server: Leviathan
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user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2013-07-10 07:43:50
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Social engineering. Feminism claims to fight for men, the practical side is much different. You don't see them acting in that manner. It's nothing more than a shield to defend their rampant female agenda. I'll repeat, I have nothing against feminism as a concept. It's the practical side that doesn't match up.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Sect
Posts: 6386
By Quetzalcoatl.Xueye 2013-07-10 07:45:00
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Phoenix.Melpomenae said: »
Why do you steadfastly refuse to consider that feminists fight against this as readily as everything else? I think all those things are horrible, and so do the majority of feminists. Especially circumcison. I reguarly try to argue in favor for all those things to be changed, but it isn't just women that perpetuate that sexism. Men do that to each other, too. Hence my original point that the patriarchy is to blame for those double standards that hurt men, too.
To make one point, the majority of judges are men, so why are women favored in court cases? Because of the sexist idea that women are better childrearers and that men can't raise kids.

Some feminists do -- I won't deny that. But to proclaim the majority of feminists think of those issues enough that they're responding to them and fighting for the males?

It's simply not true -- it doesn't have to be, either; I don't expect everyone to fight every battle for everyone else. I don't expect the black issue groups to drop everything and march for homosexuals. People need to focus on what affects them and what they inwardly respond to most. That's just being human.

You also have to realize, we live in an era where the line between feminism being "the quest for equal treatment of women" and "ranting woman that hates men on tumblr calling for men to be sterilized" is very rapidly blurring. It's a hijacked movement, a sad, pale shadow of the greatly intellectual equal rights movement it used to be.

If feminism and MRM were replaced with one "Equal Gender Treatment" movement, it'd make a hell of a lot of sense.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2013-07-10 07:47:10
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I'm gender blind I can't tell the difference between male or female. Am I doing it right ?
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Baelfael
Posts: 545
By Ragnarok.Zohnax 2013-07-10 07:48:46
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fonewear said: »
I got my bra ready to burn give me the signal.
Have fun with that back-pain and eventual massive sagging.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Geloudia
Posts: 1217
By Ragnarok.Corres 2013-07-10 07:49:21
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Lakshmi.Saevel said: »
Men are raped more. There is even a "culture of rape" where men being raped is frequently turned into a joke, "don't drop the soap".
If a 36 year old woman can not be charged with rape after she did rape a 11 year old boy then what more do you need to understand that today's world tries to demonize the male sexuality in every way. Because it makes women "feel bad" or not "equal" to men.

i mean if male guards in prisons would frequently abuse female inmates that would be an outrage but since these are boys nobody cares..
And if someone answers with "well they like to have sex so what's wrong about that?" clearly has to be beaten in some common sense. with a fist to the face.

or how about families? where women use the trump card "abuse" as their special weapon of getting custody?

this is why you have young males dropping out of society.
And still you wonder what is wrong with guys, when the only thing that keeps them from having a life worth living (in their eyes) is the politics that frames them everytime they try to act like they want to. And i am not talking about raping women or physical violence. Talking about competition, aggressive ambition, etc.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Sect
Posts: 6386
By Quetzalcoatl.Xueye 2013-07-10 07:51:05
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I forgot to add to my list "Marriage has simply become a really awful Catch-22 for men".
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2228
By Lakshmi.Saevel 2013-07-10 07:54:22
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This will be one of the few times I give you my attention, so cherish it.

What you just said is completely and utter bullsh!t. Your lying and spinning your wheel and I want everyone to know it. Feminism does absolute sh!t about mens rape or the view of men as potential victims. Feminists actively fight for no-fault divorces with lopsided alimony laws that favor women. They further actively fight against any attempt to adjusting those laws to be more gender neutral. Feminists do not believe men are the equal of women, they believe men are inferior to women. If you doubt this for any reason you merely need to reference your high priestess's and their public statements "all men are rapists".

YouTube Video Placeholder

Feminism is not concerned with advocating for men nor for anything that would remove or reduce female privilege (yes I went there).

Gender roles created both obligations and privileges for both sex's, feminists have thrown down their obligations, attacked male privilege while steadfastly refusing to acknowledge their own female privilege and male obligations. That has created an imbalance that will correct itself in about forty years. The first step to this has already been taken with RISUG.

If you want to see this in action go read Norah Vincent's "Self Made Man". Her extreme liberal feminist ideology prevented her from drawing the most out of her experiment, yet what she did learn is eye opening.

And yes I do read feminist literature. I said I was an egalitarian, meaning equality for all not only for some.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2013-07-10 07:56:53
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fonewear said: »
Equality for all as long as they support my belief system.

Long as they are liberal and female.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: brena
Posts: 64
By Phoenix.Melpomenae 2013-07-10 07:58:40
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Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »
Social engineering. Feminism claims to fight for men, the practical side is much different. You don't see them acting in that manner. It's nothing more than a shield to defend their rampant female agenda. I'll repeat, I have nothing against feminism as a concept. It's the practical side that doesn't match up.

But I actually have >.> and I'd continue to. Hell, everytime I hear on Facebook someone's planning on snipping their baby boys, I rage and throw medical links at them and let them know it's not their choice to make. I'd quickly protest to end sexist things that bog men down as well as women. These things are too linked NOT to. It's the same sexism, doing two different things to two crowds of people. It's my pay discrepancy that leads to the bias that men should always work and never be stay at home dads. It's the sexual double standard that never leaves men their own domestic violence shelters. Most feminists are really like this, at least in the circles I frequent.

Quetzalcoatl.Xueye said: »
Phoenix.Melpomenae said: »
Why do you steadfastly refuse to consider that feminists fight against this as readily as everything else? I think all those things are horrible, and so do the majority of feminists. Especially circumcison. I reguarly try to argue in favor for all those things to be changed, but it isn't just women that perpetuate that sexism. Men do that to each other, too. Hence my original point that the patriarchy is to blame for those double standards that hurt men, too.
To make one point, the majority of judges are men, so why are women favored in court cases? Because of the sexist idea that women are better childrearers and that men can't raise kids.

Some feminists do -- I won't deny that. But to proclaim the majority of feminists think of those issues enough that they're responding to them and fighting for the males?

It's simply not true -- it doesn't have to be, either; I don't expect everyone to fight every battle for everyone else. I don't expect the black issue groups to drop everything and march for homosexuals. People need to focus on what affects them and what they inwardly respond to most. That's just being human.

You also have to realize, we live in an era where the line between feminism being "the quest for equal treatment of women" and "ranting woman that hates men on tumblr calling for men to be sterilized" is very rapidly blurring. It's a hijacked movement, a sad, pale shadow of the greatly intellectual equal rights movement it used to be.

If feminism and MRM were replaced with one "Equal Gender Treatment" movement, it'd make a hell of a lot of sense.

While I don't agree with the renaming (based on power structures) I agree with the above, that the line is getting blurred. I get just as pissed as anyone else about those people like in the tumblers you mentioned. Imposters in my movement!
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: brena
Posts: 64
By Phoenix.Melpomenae 2013-07-10 08:05:00
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Lakshmi.Saevel said: »

This will be one of the few times I give you my attention, so cherish it.

What you just said is completely and utter bullsh!t. Your lying and spinning your wheel and I want everyone to know it. Feminism does absolute sh!t about mens rape or the view of men as potential victims. Feminists actively fight for no-fault divorces with lopsided alimony laws that favor women. They further actively fight against any attempt to adjusting those laws to be more gender neutral. Feminists do not believe men are the equal of women, they believe men are inferior to women. If you doubt this for any reason you merely need to reference your high priestess's and their public statements "all men are rapists".

YouTube Video Placeholder

Feminism is not concerned with advocating for men nor for anything that would remove or reduce female privilege (yes I went there).

Gender roles created both obligations and privileges for both sex's, feminists have thrown down their obligations, attacked male privilege while steadfastly refusing to acknowledge their own female privilege and male obligations. That has created an imbalance that will correct itself in about forty years. The first step to this has already been taken with RISUG.

If you want to see this in action go read Norah Vincent's "Self Made Man". Her extreme liberal feminist ideology prevented her from drawing the most out of her experiment, yet what she did learn is eye opening.

And yes I do read feminist literature. I said I was an egalitarian, meaning equality for all not only for some.

Goodness, I'm so honored I got your attention.
Your sources though? Seriously, just because you throw out some names and say they prove feminism sucks doesn't mean anything. It's a fallacy.
Also, what you call "Female privilege" is actually known as benevolent sexism and WE FIGHT TO REMOVE THAT.
You might want to work on that haughtiness though before you go scouting for women overseas in the Pacific like you mentioned above. Most Asian cultures see humility as a virtue <3
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2228
By Lakshmi.Saevel 2013-07-10 08:07:46
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Quetzalcoatl.Xueye said: »
I forgot to add to my list "Marriage has simply become a really awful Catch-22 for men".

You need to use the nuclear option. A male's greatest weapon in the "war" is his attention / money. Simply refuse to acknowledge feminists, debate with them until they go full hamster then just ignore them and do something else. If a women gives you ***, walk away. Go read a book, watch a movie, play a video game. Or do go work out, play a sport. Anything that doesn't involve validating her or giving her any attention.

Also realize that "marriage" should only be entered into when you want a child, not her. The liberalization of women has one nice side effect, you don't need to marry a girl to get sex from her. All the female attention you can handle, and no need to commit or risk your financial resources. When you do decide to have a family, go marry a girl from East Asia (as in actually raised there not American) or East Europe. Globalization means western feminized women have to compete with everyone else for male commitment.

Finally always bring your own condoms and make sure you flush them. Don't trust "the pill", too many women have gotten pregnant "accidentally on purpose" to force a high value male to commit. Also ignore the "shaming" techniques women use to force you into a committed relationship with them.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Geloudia
Posts: 1217
By Ragnarok.Corres 2013-07-10 08:08:04
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Phoenix.Melpomenae said: »
Imposters in my movement!
i think it's pretty well established that you are unable to even fathom the idiocy-politics that have come by feminism.
If you are really that blind towards the changing world you live in right now then godspeed to you.

Even if i "hurt your feelings" when i type "***" or "mangina" it does not matter to me. Because invaluating an argument because of the tone it comes across is chick-logic and disfunctional by itself. So is sarcasm, a thing many many women tend to use and use a lot.
An argument is still and argument even when presented with words that offend.
Why do i take the freedom to offend you in the first place?
Well, firstly because of this
not even a single, single true statement here. Feminism has never even tried to help men "get free" from male behaviour. They shame men for their behaviour. They accuse them of assault or even rape because they feel so inclined to. And Women are from their evolution better suited to take care of a child. More so than men.
But a child needs both parents, which in return gets called "***" by feminists today.

I do agree with you that there are feminists out there that want "equality" (what a stupid word for both genders) for both. However Feminism has and never will go that route.
Posts: 991
By Drjones 2013-07-10 08:10:15
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Ragnarok.Corres said: »
"Fisherman" is now a "fisher." "Penmanship" is called "handwriting." And "manhole cover" is, well, still "manhole cover." Some words don’t have an easy replacement.

Others do: "His" is now “his and hers.” "Clergyman" is now "clergy." "Journeyman plumber" is now “journey-level plumber,”
This kind of ***is exactly why I can't take "feminism" seriously.

I'm all for equal opportunities for both genders, but this is just a colossal waste of time and effort. You should all be ashamed of yourselves for defending this nonsense.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2013-07-10 08:14:42
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Drjones said: »
Ragnarok.Corres said: »
"Fisherman" is now a "fisher." "Penmanship" is called "handwriting." And "manhole cover" is, well, still "manhole cover." Some words don’t have an easy replacement.

Others do: "His" is now “his and hers.” "Clergyman" is now "clergy." "Journeyman plumber" is now “journey-level plumber,”
This kind of ***is exactly why I can't take "feminism" seriously.

I'm all for equal opportunities for both genders, but this is just a colossal waste of time and effort. You should all be ashamed of yourselves for defending this nonsense.

Liberalism at work.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Ashman
Posts: 4251
By Ragnarok.Ashman 2013-07-10 08:15:11
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Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Kerron
Posts: 999
By Leviathan.Syagin 2013-07-10 08:15:13
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Alrighty then if this isn't the dumbest thing i've had the chance to read idk what is... lol I guess Wo"man and Fe"male" will be next up for debate seems sexist to me... im just sayin
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: brena
Posts: 64
By Phoenix.Melpomenae 2013-07-10 08:15:54
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Ragnarok.Corres said: »
Phoenix.Melpomenae said: »
Imposters in my movement!
i think it's pretty well established that you are unable to even fathom the idiocy-politics that have come by feminism.
If you are really that blind towards the changing world you live in right now then godspeed to you.

Even if i "hurt your feelings" when i type "***" or "mangina" it does not matter to me. Because invaluating an argument because of the tone it comes across is chick-logic and disfunctional by itself. So is sarcasm, a thing many many women tend to use and use a lot.
An argument is still and argument even when presented with words that offend.
Why do i take the freedom to offend you in the first place?
Well, firstly because of this
not even a single, single true statement here. Feminism has never even tried to help men "get free" from male behaviour. They shame men for their behaviour. They accuse them of assault or even rape because they feel so inclined to. And Women are from their evolution better suited to take care of a child. More so than men.
But a child needs both parents, which in return gets called "***" by feminists today.

I do agree with you that there are feminists out there that want "equality" (what a stupid word for both genders) for both. However Feminism has and never will go that route.

I never said you hurt my feelings, or offended me in any way, so where did you get that? I never claimed that arguments are less when you have a dirty, offensive mouth, especially since I'm guilty of that myself. Chick logic, though? Really? Might as well come out and say all us vaginas be droolin retards, herp.

Keep putting your hands over your ears and lalalalala'ing, but that doesn't make you right.
Also, you deserve to be jailed for rape if you raped somebody. Is this an issue now?
and loooooool at the women being super great childraisers thing. Your logic is unstable. If women were automatically the best childrearers 9 times out of 10 (excluding drug abusers and mentally ill people) why are "men's right's activists" bitching about custody rights at all? Why is it a problem then, if the kids are going to the best to care for them? You can't have your cake and eat it too.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2013-07-10 08:17:11
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You can have your cliche and keep using it over and over again. I mean cake.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: brena
Posts: 64
By Phoenix.Melpomenae 2013-07-10 08:19:02
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fonewear said: »
You can have your cliche and keep using it over and over again. I mean cake.

Women like cake. Haven't you ever watched the Golden Girls?

Incoming debate whether cheesecake is cake or pie.
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