Rune Fencer Solos

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rune fencer solos
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Posts: 312
By nyheen 2013-05-21 13:22:55
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was wondering if anyone try soloing some NM on rune yet? or least duo. stuff like Dragua,Apademak,Empousa etc. something with crazy magic dmg.
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By Phoenix.Kojo 2013-05-21 13:23:54
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nyheen said: »
was wondering if anyone try soloing some NM on rune yet? or least duo. stuff like Dragua,Apademak,Empousa etc. something with crazy magic dmg.

I soloed Tablilla and Gukumatz on RUN. I know, I'm hard core.
Server: Cerberus
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By Cerberus.Balloon 2013-05-21 13:26:07
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Saw a RUN solo Chione like it was nothing.
Posts: 312
By nyheen 2013-05-21 13:59:18
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heard some people talking about soloing Glavoid. i cant see how that possible. maybe ulhauadshi. atm iam only 80 so once i hit 99 ill give lot of NM some try.

oh ya i forgot about Tristitia, how well rune will be able to handle the deadly Shock Spikes? o,o
Posts: 604
By daddyrabbit4444 2013-05-21 14:06:45
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how bout the mob that drops quint spear he only spams firaga spells!
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [71 days between previous and next post]
Server: Phoenix
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user: Thorbean
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By Phoenix.Thorbean 2013-07-31 07:03:56
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Done an apademak earlier while bored. Was /War for !!, didn't bother changing after farming KI. Only med used was a cath to save my remedies ^^. Barblizz/para stopped fulmination para all but once, and a fresh stoneskin completely absorbs the damage with room to spare.
Barfire/virus completely shut down plague swipe on KI nm too.

I know, lolabyssea etc.
Also cleared a few WoE fluxes solo, Cerbs, Hydra, Harpia (harpy flux is rough, need a fresh battuta for each nm and luck with encumberance).
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user: Brixy
By Phoenix.Brixy 2013-07-31 07:16:53
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Shinryu solo

Bukhis solo

Indrik solo
Server: Odin
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user: Creaucent
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By Odin.Creaucent 2013-07-31 07:24:56
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Duo'd dragua back when run was first released it was rough though probably easier now that run has been buffed up a bit.
Posts: 779
By itchi508 2013-07-31 07:30:24
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nyheen said: »
heard some people talking about soloing Glavoid. i cant see how that possible. maybe ulhauadshi. atm iam only 80 so once i hit 99 ill give lot of NM some try.

oh ya i forgot about Tristitia, how well rune will be able to handle the deadly Shock Spikes? o,o
Ulhauadshi is more challenging to solo than Glavoid. long as you stun gorge/disgorge. Ulhau resist most stuns and is more spammy. both are a joke to aegis so i can see a run definitely soloing either w/o a issue.

When i was soloing my Souls for ochain on aegis pld, a run friend came out to help me kill Ogo (Leviathan) and did pretty well & he didn't Lake Lurker. Physical dmg wise he got a lil beat up. But spells, tidal wave & grand fall did no more than it did to me.
Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Sapphire 2013-08-02 18:58:31
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Abyssea, yeah you solo anything you want, soloing stuff in SoA is more challenging because theres no atma/temps to help you.

You can solo IT+ adoulin monsters on RUN that arent magical, just pile on a ton of evasion gear and ride Battuta->Swordplay and stoneskin tank.

IT++ monsters can be 5+ minute fights, so they can get a bit rough sometimes and I swap body slot to orvail because I need the extra refresh ticks.

This is my NM eva tanking + solo tp set:
ItemSet 309937
Bereaver is Eva path, so this set has +109 evasion + capped haste (25% haste if I use orvail for extra refresh while tanking)

don't need mage sub to solo IT+ stuff, I use /thf for TH and get an extra ~+22 evasion from Evasion II trait.
Just treat the job like it doesnt have full -pdt as a survival option and stick with eva/spells/JA to survive.

For lower tier zones like morimar you can chain4+ T/VT and evade so much that aquaveil/stoneskin/blink is basically a waste of time/mp.
Posts: 312
By nyheen 2013-08-08 15:48:28
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think iam starting to like this too:)
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2013-08-08 15:49:21
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Hume males look fat in run af.
Posts: 312
By nyheen 2013-08-08 16:12:15
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Valefor.Sehachan said: »
Hume males look fat in run af.
because it too much power to hold all of it in/
Server: Bismarck
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user: Ariyon
Posts: 383
By Bismarck.Ariyon 2013-08-08 16:29:52
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Duo'd Fuath a couple times after we first got RUN. Haven't really tried anything else since we got merits and Artifact armor, but Horns of War sounds fun.
Posts: 312
By nyheen 2013-08-08 16:41:37
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Bismarck.Ariyon said: »
Duo'd Fuath a couple times after we first got RUN. Haven't really tried anything else since we got merits and Artifact armor, but Horns of War sounds fun.

not to long ago was trying Anguis, (WoE dragon) had little to no problem with run/whm. i was worry about getting hit with doom from soul douse, spammed 4+ time and it never hit me. all the other stuff didn do much, i must say with the AF, not only iam able to resist all kinda magic but also the Enfeebling debuffs. rarely do i get a debuff on me, even without putting up barspells on.
Posts: 312
By nyheen 2013-08-11 13:58:25
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looks like rune + pup will be my 2 main jobs. already knew how it would turn out before it even came out once they start getting buffs
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Souki
Posts: 29
By Quetzalcoatl.Soukii 2013-08-11 15:09:48
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Very impressive solo. How long did it take from start to finish, and what songs did you use?
Posts: 312
By nyheen 2013-08-11 15:32:23
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Quetzalcoatl.Soukii said: »
Very impressive solo. How long did it take from start to finish, and what songs did you use?
/bow. was about a 15 min battle,songs was
Skillet - Awake and Alive - Instrumental
Two Steps From Hell - Ironwing
Critical Mass You're Already Dead
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Souki
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By Quetzalcoatl.Soukii 2013-08-11 15:49:06
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Awesome! Thanks for the info :)
Posts: 95
By darthmaull 2013-08-11 17:53:01
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Great solo. You are making me reconsider using Pup for solo. Very impressive.

Edit: do you have Pflug merited and if so how much? I just redid my merits and I have 3 in it at the moment. Wondering should I go all the way. The other 2 are in Rune Enchantment.
Server: Leviathan
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user: bluecop81
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By Leviathan.Brotherhood 2013-08-11 18:41:04
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I would love to see Rune vs Heavy Damage NM's like AV PW and Legion stuff Since They can 1 shot some jobs, the fact that it is able to absorb damage and resist enfeebles Makes it a whole lot stronger than most jobs. Keep the Solo stuff coming.
Posts: 312
By nyheen 2013-08-11 20:26:28
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darthmaull said: »
Great solo. You are making me reconsider using Pup for solo. Very impressive.

Edit: do you have Pflug merited and if so how much? I just redid my merits and I have 3 in it at the moment. Wondering should I go all the way. The other 2 are in Rune Enchantment.
ty and the merits i have atm
group1. rune enhancement 5/5 vallation 5/5, i was thinking about adding some to pflug

group2, battuta5/5 inspiration 5/5

Leviathan.Brotherhood said: »
I would love to see Rune vs Heavy Damage NM's like AV PW and Legion stuff Since They can 1 shot some jobs, the fact that it is able to absorb damage and resist enfeebles Makes it a whole lot stronger than most jobs. Keep the Solo stuff coming.
i do wanna try getting a group in them events, i know the legion spam lot of magic/tp etc and debuffs there. with the new af i would love to see how well it holds up this time
Server: Phoenix
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user: Thorbean
Posts: 397
By Phoenix.Thorbean 2013-08-12 11:57:44
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Wish I could record without crippling my frame rate. Awesome job on Anguis, but I miss your conversations with Hannya. :D

Not a solo as we both needed rings, but finally got around to farming this:

RUN/RDM + THF/DNC. Super fun fight for me, kinda boring for Twiglet after ~50%. We need an AoE Pflug
Posts: 102
By avengerx 2013-08-12 12:18:39
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How would RUN fare off against King Behemoth?
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By kenshynofshiva 2013-08-12 12:31:31
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avengerx said: »
How would RUN fare off against King Behemoth?

I never got to the king but the NQ couldn't touch me at all pretty much. Geared right should be a walk in the park.
Posts: 312
By nyheen 2013-08-12 12:39:06
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Phoenix.Thorbean said: »
Wish I could record without crippling my frame rate. Awesome job on Anguis, but I miss your conversations with Hannya. :D

Not a solo as we both needed rings, but finally got around to farming this:

RUN/RDM + THF/DNC. Super fun fight for me, kinda boring for Twiglet after ~50%. We need an AoE Pflug

nice man. and everyone didn like the conversations part with hannya so i didn do much of them;.
right now my harddrive (TB1) is over full with run and pup videos, would need to clean some stuff out atm.

avengerx said: »
How would RUN fare off against King Behemoth?
should do very well. iam guessing Chlevnik from Horns of War is around KB lvl so it should work well.
Posts: 1,018
By kenshynofshiva 2013-08-12 13:20:58
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On the kb thing here is a quote from bg
Taim said:
I did KB as RUN, normal meteors with Shell V up did around 500 damage, with Valiance and 3 Lux runes (remember, to resist dark, you have to use light runes) damage never went above 80.
Posts: 95
By darthmaull 2013-08-12 22:12:14
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I am thinking of soloing raja on Run without a brew. Rani can be soloed I see so I would think Raja can as well. Did you maintain 3 dark runes the whole Rani fight and would it be the same for Raja.
Server: Phoenix
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user: Thorbean
Posts: 397
By Phoenix.Thorbean 2013-08-13 13:41:39
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3x Tenebrae for rani after 50%ish to avoid being charmed. They do nothing for you at all as far as magic defense goes though. First 50% I use tellus, lux and unda x1. (resist mag def. down, amnesia/virus and meteor damage). Fast Cast buff prevents Addle ^^.
I watch for what nuke she is casting then quickly throw up the corresponding barspell and switch in -DT gear.
As long as you get the spell off and DT gear on, a -ga4 should be more than manageable via subbed cures, regen and stoneskin.
I imagine it's much less stressful if you have future fabulous atma (I should really finish WotG).

Raja is gonna be seriously rough unless the sub job restriction has an element. I'd suggest doing a couple of dry runs (any of the WoE cats have access to royal decree?). As soon as you lose access to spike health recovery, you're gonna have a bad time.
I'd think 1xLux at all times, then maybe tellus + ignis, and play the barspell game to deal with other incoming nukes/enfeebles.

Raja is also on my to do list (need those legs!).
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