Judge To Reverse Conviction In MySpace Hoax

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Judge to reverse conviction in MySpace hoax
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Server: Seraph
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user: Caiyuo
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By Seraph.Caiyuo 2009-07-05 01:11:07
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I love how every teenager and 20-something thinks they have a *** clue about any of this based on a handful of news stories and a few life experiences. lol

Also, lol@GlennBeck as a Conservative model. Relying on the terrible icons that Fox News offers up as a method to encourage Conservatism is doing more harm than good. Republicans and Conservatives aren't innately bad or have bad ideas, but these icons are really *** it up for everyone. lol
Server: Garuda
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By Garuda.Littledarc 2009-07-05 01:16:27
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hey now don't bash other people's opinions simply because they are young. you can't say you know their life experiences. they may be right or wrong but they are still entitled to their own opinion and you should respect it whether or not you agree with it. at least tell them WHY they are so wrong and stupid so i can get some entertainment out of it.

however, i'll agree with you about fox news being the worst news channel for anyone to watch.
Server: Bismarck
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user: Abigale
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By Bismarck.Abigale 2009-07-05 01:17:45
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Also not ment to derail, but this :

"Mich. woman insane, not guilty in kids' torture

The Associated Press

DETROIT - A Hamtramck woman will likely be treated at a mental-health facility after she was found not guilty by reason of insanity of abusing two of her five children, including placing her 4-year-old daughter in a hot oven.

Defense attorney Raymond Cassar ('KAH-sur) says 40-year-old Reyna Valentino was found not guilty Monday as part of an agreement with Wayne County prosecutors. She had faced torture and child-abuse charges.

Police say Valentino's 4-year-old daughter told officers that her mother "cooks me like a turkey in the oven." Investigators also say Valentino beat her 5-year-old daughter with a pry bar.

Cassar says Valentino has paranoid schizophrenia but stopped taking her medication because she couldn't afford it.

He says her children now are in foster care."

That was in my local news paper a few weeks back. And yet another example of the injustice in our justice system. So ya...
Server: Garuda
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By Garuda.Littledarc 2009-07-05 01:30:53
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so...walmart sells medication for super cheap... just throwing it out there >.>
Server: Fairy
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user: Deist
Posts: 79
By Fairy.Deist 2009-07-05 01:55:48
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Littledarc said:
so...walmart sells medication for super cheap... just throwing it out there >.>

While they may sell it super cheap, still ... here in california you need a doctors prescription to even get the medication needed even from walmart.
Might be different other places, just saying. Its not so easy for some people - well, the people who may need it may not always have access.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 1733
By Asura.Malekith 2009-07-05 02:06:08
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Complain about the justice system all you want, but you all realize that every decision takes place in an orderly fashion without violence.

On top of that once a decision is entered guilty or innocent, people respect the decision. Some countries wish they had the luxury.

The rule of law and the respect afforded in this country is only a contemplated luxury in some corners of the world. While the system is far from ideal, the fact remains that there are people out there working to improve matters. This is a blessing!

QQ over how you got screwed or the system isn't fair. Yet to you I say, don't be a dumbass and break the law... God forbid that you do, I can only hope you understand how lucky you are to have free/ low cost representation available to you.

I have friends in legal aid and the public defender's office who bust their *** to do right by their clients. To see other slam the legal profession pisses me off like no other. I suppose private lawyers are free game since they can pick and choose whom they represent. Yet to see the whole profession slammed because of a few stereotypes... this is especially galling...

Again I say, perfect no? A blessing yes. I've seen some specific gripes on here but for the most part I've seen a lot of hypothetical whining that is so far removed from reality. Honestly come back with some facts and we can talk. I've read too much lawyer bashing over the past few days and just enough is enough... I guess all I can say is if you think it so unfair, biased, flawed and inherently tyrannical move out of the country...

God bless america and Happy 4th all!
Server: Seraph
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user: Cojak
Posts: 142
By Seraph.Majinn 2009-07-05 09:01:06
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Poroggo said:
Nine eleven.

I loved that Family Guy episode.

Server: Ifrit
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Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2009-07-05 09:05:27
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Server: Valefor
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Posts: 33
By Valefor.Schoolarnia 2009-07-05 11:25:20
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oooh malek u really are a lawyer lover eh! pesonally i have one of the best and one of the most bloody honest and he rejects clients based on the fact that they wish him to get them off well sorry there are morale lawyers out there.maybe our system is just different here.now as far as this evil woman is concerned how lucky she is to have been brought up on the wrong charges!!! her actions as a mother a grown woman who with help of her business partner (who i assume is an adult!) and her 13 year old daughter no less enacted this cruel cruel act on a naive youngster!!!! I LIVE IN EUROPE AND IM SORRY BUT THIS ***WOULD NOT HAPPEN HERE.1. our j sytsem is better and if we dont get you one way we have our basis covered so u WILL go down! this woman is guilty of a very serious and alarming crime and.the courts reluctance to act on internet related crimes is astonsihing again our laws differ dramatically just look at the changes in our laws reagrding bullying via mobile/cell texts! alas this woman in the end WILL get justice served because for every 1 person there is out there to carry out such a heinous act there are 5 who will easily serve time to make sure that she doesn breath a single breath on this planet.my prediction: sooner rather than later we will be reading another news story about her but this time justice will have prevailed.sometimes justice is not served via the law call me what you will but it will happen!
Server: Ifrit
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Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2009-07-05 11:33:16
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wow, I guess they don't teach grammar skills in Europe.
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 33
By Valefor.Schoolarnia 2009-07-05 11:36:26
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lol thats what happens when I type fast so grammar goes out of the windoooooows!
Server: Valefor
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user: Caliber
Posts: 268
By Valefor.Integral 2009-07-05 11:36:51
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Kungfuhustle said:
Conservatives can suck a ***, Democrats can take one up the ***, and both parties can cry us a *** river.

I don't know why people expect Obama to be this God-sent shining light upon our ***-stained economy...

Truth is, things will get worse before getting better. The next president will take all the glory for what Obama does this time around.

Conservatives are really *** quick to say ***about Obama, quite frankly its simply because hes black. Give the man another year before you *** foam at the mouth with your political ***.

Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 33
By Valefor.Schoolarnia 2009-07-05 11:41:07
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but seriously this girl was a neighbour maybe the womans daughter had a crush on boy but he had a crush ont he girl >revenge< mmmm the length she went to in order to carry this out is unbelievable and anon where the fck does anon come into it they knew her!! and yes the laws governing internet do need to change if I come on here offer pills or whatever for discount prices and you take them am I guilty of a misdeam(not even gonna spell it lmao) NO IM NOT im guilty of dealing simple plain nough said.
Server: Ifrit
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Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2009-07-05 11:42:08
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Integral said:
Kungfuhustle said:
Conservatives can suck a ***, Democrats can take one up the ***, and both parties can cry us a *** river.

I don't know why people expect Obama to be this God-sent shining light upon our ***-stained economy...

Truth is, things will get worse before getting better. The next president will take all the glory for what Obama does this time around.

Conservatives are really *** quick to say ***about Obama, quite frankly its simply because hes black. Give the man another year before you *** foam at the mouth with your political ***.


what, you can't figure it out?
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Caliber
Posts: 268
By Valefor.Integral 2009-07-05 11:44:36
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Kungfuhustle said:
Integral said:
Kungfuhustle said:
Conservatives can suck a ***, Democrats can take one up the ***, and both parties can cry us a *** river.

I don't know why people expect Obama to be this God-sent shining light upon our ***-stained economy...

Truth is, things will get worse before getting better. The next president will take all the glory for what Obama does this time around.

Conservatives are really *** quick to say ***about Obama, quite frankly its simply because hes black. Give the man another year before you *** foam at the mouth with your political ***.


what, you can't figure it out?

No, I see what you did there. You're defending someone completely inept for a job by saying the people criticizing him are racists.
Server: Pandemonium
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Posts: 4261
By Pandemonium.Eternaltriumph 2009-07-05 11:47:49
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I'm gonna agree that a lot of people are up obama's *** cause he's 4% black. Point is he's darker than normal standard of president. i digress, people were all in Bush's ***, even though he deserved it.

Obama has spent like 10 trillion dollars in money we didn't have and hurt the economy in six months worse than Bush did in eight years. That's my reason to raise eyebrows. But hey, let's just hope stuff gets worse before it gets better.
Server: Ifrit
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Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2009-07-05 11:52:19
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It's the same way when people defended Bush during his presidency, even though he was even more inadequate for the job than Obama.

If you read the entire post, you'd see that I said to give the man another year before deciding to drill into his *** about stupid ***.

And yes, there are people that shallow who dislike Obama because he's black...

Anyway, enough politics...

I'm sure Karma will come back around and get the daughter of that woman, and her outcome will be ten-fold.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 1733
By Asura.Malekith 2009-07-05 12:37:41
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Schoolarnia said:
oooh malek u really are a lawyer lover eh! pesonally i have one of the best and one of the most bloody honest and he rejects clients based on the fact that they wish him to get them off well sorry there are morale lawyers out there.maybe our system is just different here.now as far as this evil woman is concerned how lucky she is to have been brought up on the wrong charges!!! her actions as a mother a grown woman who with help of her business partner (who i assume is an adult!) and her 13 year old daughter no less enacted this cruel cruel act on a naive youngster!!!! I LIVE IN EUROPE AND IM SORRY BUT THIS ***WOULD NOT HAPPEN HERE.1. our j sytsem is better and if we dont get you one way we have our basis covered so u WILL go down! this woman is guilty of a very serious and alarming crime and.the courts reluctance to act on internet related crimes is astonsihing again our laws differ dramatically just look at the changes in our laws reagrding bullying via mobile/cell texts! alas this woman in the end WILL get justice served because for every 1 person there is out there to carry out such a heinous act there are 5 who will easily serve time to make sure that she doesn breath a single breath on this planet.my prediction: sooner rather than later we will be reading another news story about her but this time justice will have prevailed.sometimes justice is not served via the law call me what you will but it will happen!

Server: Garuda
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Posts: 859
By Garuda.Littledarc 2009-07-05 15:13:56
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Malekith said:

On top of that once a decision is entered guilty or innocent, people respect the decision. Some countries wish they had the luxury.

that's totally why people left michael jackson alone and never called him a pedophile. oh also OJ simpson. i could throw some more names in there of people who were found innocent or acquitted but everyone obviously doesn't leave them alone. just because you are cleared of charges doesn't mean your good name isn't smeared forever. sooooo people don't respect the decision made or they'd leave people alone.

also, im not saying that MJ/OJ is guilty or innocent. i'm saying that once you're accused you're ruined whether you did it or not.

ANNNNND omg politics. we should start a new thread for that. waaaay too much to put in here without completely derailing.
Server: Ifrit
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Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2009-07-05 15:53:17
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Well, OJ finally got *** and thrown in prison, even though we all know he killed those two people.

Third world countries don't have the luxury of having a *** justice system that lets guilty people get away, they have a firing squad of consisting of opium-induced soldiers, and the paranoid delusion that EVERYONE is a traitor.

MJ IS a pedophile, no grown man sleeps in bed with kids and not be considered one. Only reason we didn't melt that *** under a giant magnifying glass is cz the man is a musical genius.

Aren't I the light of shining hope today O.o
By 2009-07-05 15:56:52
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Server: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2009-07-05 16:00:44
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we can lock this thread now...

where's Aly?

/looks for Aly
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 859
By Garuda.Littledarc 2009-07-05 16:18:06
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once again, im not saying they were or were not guilty simply that people don't respect the decisions made anyways.
By 2009-07-05 16:22:08
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Server: Ifrit
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Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2009-07-05 16:24:13
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I agree with Bart
Server: Garuda
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Posts: 859
By Garuda.Littledarc 2009-07-05 16:26:35
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/sigh thats what i said but mustache gets the credit...damn mustache and your super appealing lure... --grumbles--
By 2009-07-05 16:27:42
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Server: Garuda
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Posts: 859
By Garuda.Littledarc 2009-07-05 16:31:49
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green dinosaurs can never win over mustaches -.-;

seriously, who is going to take a dinosaur seriously over a mustache! thats right. nobody will!


billy mays fired hundreds of live crickets out of a cannon onto a windshield to simulate bugs hitting a windshield on a freeway for a wiper blade infomercial. where can i get a grasshopper cannon?
By 2009-07-05 16:33:52
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Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 859
By Garuda.Littledarc 2009-07-05 16:38:27
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oh yeah man. i'll look it up on youtube or something. then his kid ran off with the crickets. i saw it on pitchmen.

i used to have a potato launcher...but those are yummy and i need to save my food money. i am intrested in this disc launcher. were rubber bands involved?
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