MS Paint Playground

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MS Paint Playground
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Posts: 14,092
By Lillica 2013-03-27 17:43:55
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Making this thread since the MS Paint Challenges have lost steam but I know that there are still people who enjoy playing around in MS Paint and coming up with ideas for challenges.

Instead of doing a new challenge each week this thread will be open to challenges any time, and participants can decide which if any they want to try and tackle.

Now that it will no longer be a contest environment I think it is a good time to lift the restriction of MS Paint for the people who want to use more advanced programs.

As far as rules go, there really aren't any, but please please please keep in mind that images created and shared here are still subject to the rules of the forums. There is nothing that bums me out more than seeing an awesome MS Paint entry get trashed because of having a swear in it, so make sure you avoid it!

To get the ball rolling I will throw out a challenge. I heard that there was some sort of update today that took some people a while to get downloaded, so how about you draw a character from the game and show what they were doing during the downtime?
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Minefield
Posts: 11,417
By Odin.Minefield 2013-03-27 17:50:29
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Going to definitely try and support this one, really don't want to see this die, I love art too much <.>;


Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Lillica
Posts: 4,195
By Phoenix.Lillicarnage 2013-03-27 20:31:48
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Here is what I was doing all day today, Fantasica!

Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Minefield
Posts: 11,417
By Odin.Minefield 2013-03-28 00:29:08
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Bump, so more people can see this while they're crashing going to alduironifoj or whatever.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 28,615
By Bismarck.Magnuss 2013-03-28 01:05:06
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Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Minefield
Posts: 11,417
By Odin.Minefield 2013-03-28 01:06:49
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Oh god that actually made me laugh hard.

I have to get to bed now, that will give me the perfect dreams.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Lillica
Posts: 4,195
By Phoenix.Lillicarnage 2013-03-28 09:10:29
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I wanna be on Pizza server!
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Lillica
Posts: 4,195
By Phoenix.Lillicarnage 2013-03-28 16:57:48
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Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Minefield
Posts: 11,417
By Odin.Minefield 2013-03-28 16:58:20
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Put a helmet on, there are some hunters out there!
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Minefield
Posts: 11,417
By Odin.Minefield 2013-03-29 09:30:26
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Lebump before lework.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Minefield
Posts: 11,417
By Odin.Minefield 2013-03-30 13:12:26
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Afternoon bump <.> before aliens.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Eike
Posts: 9,265
By Odin.Eikechi 2013-03-30 13:17:09
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Free bump for the funny posts so far!
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Lillica
Posts: 4,195
By Phoenix.Lillicarnage 2013-04-01 09:28:14
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So, what is the weather like where you are?

Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Lillica
Posts: 4,195
By Phoenix.Lillicarnage 2013-04-01 15:20:32
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You guys can feel free to draw some stuff too ^^;
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: KrispyCat
Posts: 110
By Valefor.Krishpy 2013-04-03 22:59:07
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Sorry I'm late! Live, MS Paint, liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiivvve!!!
Regarding the "What are the npcs doing while waiting for us to download?"
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: KrispyCat
Posts: 110
By Valefor.Krishpy 2013-04-03 23:34:29
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And here's another random one for fun!
CSI: Oldton Movalpolos

Posts: 226
By Kiilala 2013-04-06 19:37:24
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Bump :3 nice drawings!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: shiggles
Posts: 217
By Asura.Shiggles 2013-04-12 00:24:35
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Re: the weather—it's been 70 & sunny here!

(and bump!)
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Lillica
Posts: 4,195
By Phoenix.Lillicarnage 2013-04-15 07:48:28
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:O Awesome. Gunna try and draw something when I get home... not sure what yet, any ideas?
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Lillica
Posts: 4,195
By Phoenix.Lillicarnage 2013-05-01 08:06:41
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Morning class dragging on today...
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [37 days between previous and next post]
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Lillica
Posts: 4,195
By Phoenix.Lillicarnage 2013-06-06 22:11:58
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Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Spencyono
Posts: 23,779
By Fairy.Spence 2013-06-06 22:12:54
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I know that feel, bro
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: shiggles
Posts: 217
By Asura.Shiggles 2013-06-06 23:17:27
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I'm breaking the first rule of MS Paint Club!

Guess the NPC: (She's in Port Windurst)
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Lillica
Posts: 4,195
By Phoenix.Lillicarnage 2013-06-06 23:25:50
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The first rule of MS Paint Club is you do not talk about MS Paint Club.

Actually fudge that, TELL EVERYONE!
By volkom 2013-06-06 23:26:15
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Mhe Quryobhi ?
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Minefield
Posts: 11,417
By Odin.Minefield 2013-06-06 23:26:53
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I don't know Shig, this game sounds a bit fishy.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: shiggles
Posts: 217
By Asura.Shiggles 2013-06-06 23:28:11
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volkom said: »
Mhe Quryobhi ?
\o/ Volkom got it!
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [78 days between previous and next post]
Posts: 14,092
By Lillica 2013-08-23 11:51:46
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Necro challange! Draw the first thing you will do when you get on FFXIV!
Posts: 14,092
By Lillica 2013-08-23 12:00:53
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By volkom 2013-08-23 12:23:09
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