[Dev] Mog Gardens

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[Dev] Mog Gardens
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Server: Leviathan
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user: Andret
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By Leviathan.Andret 2013-05-24 16:31:07
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Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »
>size of 3 mog houses
>may not be finished this summer

I live in Bastok. My mog house is very small...
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Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2013-05-24 16:34:20
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Just noticed my post on page 2 was flagged for racial slur, it was just a pretty obvious joke...I apologize if I offended any fish.
Server: Cerberus
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By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2013-05-24 16:38:39
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What this announcement taught me:

- They still focus on useless stuff and delay what people really want/what is objectively really interesting and will keep people playing.
- The toaster version of the game is about to come out.

At least I'll be able to play in my kitchen.
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By Quetzacoatl 2013-05-24 16:38:52
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Valefor.Sehachan said: »
Just noticed my post on page 2 was flagged for racial slur, it was just a pretty obvious joke...I apologize if I offended any fish.
They're already scared from being enslaved as sustenance for Mithra! D8

But yeah, here's hoping for more Bonecraft stuff coming from the Quarry <_<
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Server: Phoenix
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By Phoenix.Kojo 2013-05-24 16:41:53
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This isn't a chat room, stay on topic or get out.

Cerberus.Senkyuutai said: »
What this announcement taught me:

- They still focus on useless stuff and delay what people really want/what is objectively really interesting and will keep people playing.
- The toaster version of the game is about to come out.

At least I'll be able to play in my kitchen.
I kinda think a new, solo timesink will add a bit of enjoyment, for me atleast. They said in the past that plants don't die or whither as they do in MH pots.
Server: Cerberus
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user: Yuffy
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By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2013-05-24 16:55:07
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I agree on that part, a solo timesink can't hurt at this point, I'm just not fond of this particular one.
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Server: Phoenix
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By Phoenix.Kojo 2013-05-24 16:57:49
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Cerberus.Senkyuutai said: »
I agree on that part, a solo timesink can't hurt at this point, I'm just not fond of this particular one.

I think it could be fun, if done right, but if certain lucrative items become easy to obtain by growing them, those items may tank in price.
Server: Cerberus
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user: Yuffy
Posts: 4,415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2013-05-24 17:01:58
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I like the idea of making things easily available, such as ammo ingredients. Even if they tank in price, it would allow people to have a steady amount of money while making things better for the people wanting to buy. Kind of like currency and Dynamis.
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Server: Phoenix
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user: AnnaMolly
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By Phoenix.Kojo 2013-05-24 17:06:45
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Cerberus.Senkyuutai said: »
I like the idea of making things easily available, such as ammo ingredients. Even if they tank in price, it would allow people to have a steady amount of money while making things better for the people wanting to buy. Kind of like currency and Dynamis.
Yeah, I could get alot more done with my COR, it just costs too much...and for some strange reason I'm permaTHF.. That's not normal, is it?
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2013-05-24 17:11:29
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The faint sounds of female vocals will draw you to the island.

Siren confirmed new avatar critical moogle plot device etc. etc. #yoloswagkony2012
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Server: Valefor
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user: Seha
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2013-05-24 17:13:55
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Nah, it's just hookers island.
Server: Cerberus
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user: Yuffy
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By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2013-05-24 17:16:48
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Phoenix.Kojo said: »
Cerberus.Senkyuutai said: »
I like the idea of making things easily available, such as ammo ingredients. Even if they tank in price, it would allow people to have a steady amount of money while making things better for the people wanting to buy. Kind of like currency and Dynamis.
Yeah, I could get alot more done with my COR, it just costs too much...and for some strange reason I'm permaTHF.. That's not normal, is it?
Changing servers removed my perma SAM status with randoms, it hurts.

At least BRD is mostly free.
Posts: 21,757
By Kalila 2013-06-17 17:08:01
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06-10-2013 10:41 AM
[BG source]
BG Translator

Fujito: The Mog Ranch

So busy... finally time for a break!

My eyes are very tired and i think I'm getting a headache... *sigh*

However, we've finally gotten the ranch looking good today, so at least that's a relief! (^_^)

That's why while we work today, we're drinking this:

Drowning cat!

Cute, isn't it?

When I was watching Twitter the other day, I saw this info come through by chance, and I ordered it immediately. It came from a shop in Nagano. I ordered a box set of them. Since it contained two cats, I get to drown another one!

*Meow meow*

All right, all right, I'll give you a quick glance at the Mog Garden.


We just wanted to give you a little taste for now, but we'll release more information soon!

Fujito: Follow Ups (Part 1)

Should you plant the cat?
I did not want to post a photo of a decapitated head, but it is possible by design. However, I will not.

What if a Colibri comes and steals the seeds and flies away? (>_<)
Colibri would not have the stamina to make it here because it is pretty far east of the main continent.

Inspired by the drowning cat, I think you should maybe sell drowning chocobos or drowning moogles at the food court at Vana'fest.
Hmmm...drowning moogle... haha. I wonder if the cooks have placed their orders yet.

This looks even more like the Enix game Cosmo Crash (Astronoka) than I expected....
Although it may seem outrageous since I'm an employee, I've never played that game.

Fujito: Follow Ups (Part 2)

I will definitely buy the drowning moogle when you release it. Also, please make the Mandragoras scream when you pull them from the ground.
I don't think we've gotten that far in production yet...should they walk around too?

I'd like to have a whole cat in Vana'diel. Not just the severed head, but the whole thing. Maybe that would be too surreal. Anyway, on the farm, wouldn't the mandragora try to use Fatal Scream when you pull them? I mean, they aren't pink, but it's still scary....
I wonder if there's a game that lets you grow severed heads.

You've finally shown us the factory where mandragoras are produced! Is this Fujito's secret mass-production facility? You should be ashamed.
No, this isn't the Fujito Coalition [[JP: FJT Works]]

Will Umbrils show up from underground?!
That would be awful! Now I don't want to plant too much....

I'm suddenly really tempted to buy those marshmallows that you bought before... you should work together with them to make Moogle marshmallows. I would totally buy those if they sold them!
They might be expensive though! I'll get in touch with our promotions person and find out....

Fujito: Follow Ups (Part 3)

This work is very tiring!

I wanted to post a couple follow-ups on the Mog Gardens post.

Are the mandragoras are just growing out of thin air?
The pictures were to give you an idea about the monster graphics. We aren't really showing the configuration and so on, so there will be more info coming.

There isn't any battle to harvest the monsters?
No, there is not. The monsters will grow similarly to a garden because the area is a location like the Mog House, so there will be no battling. (The original production basis was to battle the monsters.)

Translated by: Slycer
Posts: 395
By Luvbunny1 2013-06-17 21:11:01
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These all looks great - if they can come soon enough. SE really need to focus on problems at hand, how SoA is completely render everything that come before it as crap and pointless activities. And that people no longer seek to play with 18 other job xyz + delve weapon + top gears or just log out and don't even bother. It's all good though, I can use my money on other games, they should take their sweet time and don't bother upgrading, so I can save over $350s a year and use it for FF14 lol.
Server: Bismarck
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user: danz
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By Bismarck.Danz 2013-06-17 21:45:34
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Luvbunny1 said: »
These all looks great - if they can come soon enough. SE really need to focus on problems at hand, how SoA is completely render everything that come before it as crap and pointless activities. And that people no longer seek to play with 18 other job xyz + delve weapon + top gears or just log out and don't even bother. It's all good though, I can use my money on other games, they should take their sweet time and don't bother upgrading, so I can save over $350s a year and use it for FF14 lol.

agreed. it seems FFXI is going the way of other MMOs and just pulling over things that "work" and spending less time on imagining. yea some things are unique but it just seems like its going down a path of every other update outdoing gear you previously worked to get. as much as i like FFXI i think i may be laying it to rest for a wile. both for the reason of costs and i'm just needing more free time for real life.

i admit. i gave FFXIV a try. they defiantly made some improvements there. however considering its SE. there will be still a share of time-sinks. ill give it a fair try before throwing in the towel
but due to the fact there are many games i enjoy that don't have monthly fees. its going to be hard to meet my standerds
Posts: 395
By Luvbunny1 2013-06-17 22:15:52
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Yeah the monthly fee is a killer but you can pre-paid in advance, 6 months is $12.99 for 40 characters which is a good deal. Thats like buying 2 games at $80 plus tax which may not last you 6 months. FF14 looks great from the beta stage, I can imagine it will looks better. I am like you, very wary about the way SE is doing business.

If they are pulling FFXI style - by giving you 5-10% content upfront and stretch it for years then I am done. If FF14 do what WoW did by giving you full access to the areas, and adding dungeons and what not later on in stages, then I am sold. We should be getting 50% content minimum up front to consume. And they can add the 5-10% periodically. Yoshi seems to have a boatload of contents right of the gate though. It is already massive contents on beta. I was very very skeptical if he was able to turn the game around - lo and behold, he did, a miracle lol.

FFXI team seems to realize they messed up very bad with SoA but they cannot do much due to budget constraint. So we are forced to wait 3-5 big updates to address all these problems we been having. Destroying all the gears that come before SoA and making all older contents irrelevant is not what I call smart business move. Even WoW did not do that - sure the gears are replaceable but they also come easy enough for everyone (at least the non ultra epic gears). Everyone still have to go through all the expansions to reach lvl 90. For all of you still play FFXI, take a summer off, go back and check FF14 in Sept, and stay awhile while the FFXI team is fixing current problems.
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 355
By Leviathan.Tohihroyu 2013-06-17 22:18:53
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Some people found the music for it. Might make the wait worth it? ^^;
Posts: 395
By Luvbunny1 2013-06-17 22:34:34
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Yeah Cair Sith and Atomos is never gonna come this year lol. Maybe next summer, just maybe. They have tons of problems in their hand right now with SoA - lots of contents in that expansion alone need fixing. Not to mention the rest of the expansion that are still work in progress including Mog Garden and Monstrosity.

The way I see it, in a year or so, there should be good amount of progress. The team did not think about returning players and how hard it is to find others to help you do older content to progress when what everyone wants to do is Delve or Bust. You can't even progress in SoA contents and those are just a few months old.

It's almost pointless trying to bring new players to FFXI. Everything before SoA is good but you can't progress solo, and in a year everyone will be doing only SoA contents and nothing else matter. Compared to the before SoA where you can still do dyna, abyssea, void watch, limbus, nyzul, meeble burrows etc... Tons of options that don't render everything else moot.
Posts: 82
By Synria 2013-06-18 00:01:40
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Luvbunny1 said: »
Yeah the monthly fee is a killer but you can pre-paid in advance, 6 months is $12.99 for 40 characters which is a good deal. Thats like buying 2 games at $80 plus tax which may not last you 6 months. FF14 looks great from the beta stage, I can imagine it will looks better. I am like you, very wary about the way SE is doing business.

If they are pulling FFXI style - by giving you 5-10% content upfront and stretch it for years then I am done. If FF14 do what WoW did by giving you full access to the areas, and adding dungeons and what not later on in stages, then I am sold. We should be getting 50% content minimum up front to consume. And they can add the 5-10% periodically. Yoshi seems to have a boatload of contents right of the gate though. It is already massive contents on beta. I was very very skeptical if he was able to turn the game around - lo and behold, he did, a miracle lol.

FFXI team seems to realize they messed up very bad with SoA but they cannot do much due to budget constraint. So we are forced to wait 3-5 big updates to address all these problems we been having. Destroying all the gears that come before SoA and making all older contents irrelevant is not what I call smart business move. Even WoW did not do that - sure the gears are replaceable but they also come easy enough for everyone (at least the non ultra epic gears). Everyone still have to go through all the expansions to reach lvl 90. For all of you still play FFXI, take a summer off, go back and check FF14 in Sept, and stay awhile while the FFXI team is fixing current problems.

Gotta problem with that bit right there in bold. WoW has done that since day one. Every new expansion auto-obliterates all the old gear, the Purples you spent weeks/months raiding for are almost all instantly destroyed by new whites/greens or put on the same level.

XI has done well going this long with good, progressive equipment that didn't kill off most of each previous-expansion until now.. and the Adoulin content gear is made for Adoulin, of course it's going to blow Abyssea and below out of the water.
Posts: 395
By Luvbunny1 2013-06-18 08:49:57
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I know what WoW did, but the gears are way way way much easier to get, at least the standard ones from dungeons (not the ultra hard raid). You get to do many variations of dungeon instead of the boring delve farm over and over. Heck all the quests are giving you comparable basic gears so that you have the minimum number to progress. And you can even purchase some cheap, just so you can keep on going. Now compare that to SoA...

Also because WoW is single toon = single job, none of it's older contents are destroyed immediately. You have to still go through all the low lvls quests and dungeons every time you create a new toon. Granted you never hold on to these very long since new toys are given to you every 5 lvls or so. Gears are practically pouring through the sky from quests and dungeon runs. FFXI level progression does not exist anymore, you just do three things, solo to 12, do GoV to 30 (or 60s), and abyssea to 99. Running around in one or two spots instead of having to re-explore the entire games and do quests.

The developers could have take the road where you actually get to do SoA contents to upgrade your current existing gears via trials etc that are solo - trio friendly to not render everything worthless. I mean seriously, the entire magian trials are now worthless - which makes no sense at all. Dynamis and Abyssea suddenly have less value (except for a few gears). No wonder a lot of people stop re-subbing and doing the waiting game or just move on to other games. I think it's their plan all along to get all of us quit and try FF14 lol.
Posts: 530
By Heimdel 2013-06-18 09:12:13
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Now with the islands we rent we suppose get more invo to?
Posts: 1,273
By FaeQueenCory 2013-06-30 08:12:18
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This is what I wanted the most with Adoulin's announcement...
Shut it!
I wanted a farm of squiddles!
And now I'm so totes gonna get that..

Maybe some peapuks and faeries... and bunnies...
gotta love those armless bunnies...

I'm betting that raising mobs will probably be similar to the ToAU arena thing... with the soulplates... anyone do that anymore? or ever?
Server: Odin
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user: Creaucent
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By Odin.Creaucent 2013-06-30 09:19:28
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This mog garden stuff sounds and looks like it should be in a monster hunter game rather that final fantasy.
Posts: 21,757
By Kalila 2013-07-16 16:34:50
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07-09-2013 01:40 PM
Yoji Fujito
Dev Team

Hello everyone!

At long last, Mog Gardens is here!
I hope you all enjoy the laid back and relaxing content.

I'd like to let you all know about some emergency fixes we made and some adjustments we'll be performing.

  • I can't use my delivery box!
    There was a bug when we adjusted the servers. We've corrected this in a maintenance already, so if you happen to find that the delivery box is still not functioning properly please let us know.

  • Adjustments to the tutorial quest "Seed Sowing"
    If you started planting seeds before you receive this quest, you will not be able to progress until you plant seeds again. If this was just a normal quest this wouldn't be a problem; however, since this is supposed to be a tutorial quest we will be making adjustments so that as long as you have planted some seeds you will be able to progress. This change will be reflected in the maintenance today.

You might find that your inventory is full when accepting a quest, and start thinking that you want to sell off some items to the store. Try talking to the Green Thumb Moogle when this happens. The Mog Garden menu will pop up and by selecting "Buy or sell things!" a shop menu will appear. They also sell seeds and such, so if you accidentally sell off some seeds you wanted to plant, be sure to put this moogle to use!

07-10-2013 01:55 PM
Yoji Fujito
Dev Team


Thanks for all your thoughts and suggestions!
I'd like to keep them in consideration and make some comments about the work we are doing for the August version update.

First, I'd like to start by responding to some of the requests we've seen.
  • Mog Locker usage
    We will be proactively addressing this.

  • Yell support
    We'll be looking into this much like we are confirming whether it's possible to do this for Mog Houses. We will most likely have this addressed with a filter that you can turn on and off.

  • Item usage
    While we won't be making all items usable, we will be addressing this restriction in the August version update. We will be selecting the items that won't result in any problems from the usable items list. Also, as long as we don't find any issues with enchantment-type items, we will make them usable as well.

  • Magic and ability usage
    Sorry, but this is not possible. This is an area where battle-related data does not work at all.

  • Delivery system
    We first need to investigate whether or not this is possible system-wise. Also, regardless of the result, it's critical that we proceed carefully to see if we need RMT countermeasures. Though, I personally would like to see this added.

  • New inventory space
    While this isn't impossible, it isn't easy. By increasing this it would result in an increase in the amount of data downloaded every time you change areas, and consequently cause the amount of server memory used to increase. However, we will look into this.

  • Quest progression
    For the tutorial quest "Flotsam Finding" I apologize that it's inconsiderate that it asks for 5 empty inventory spaces. We really wanted to do something about this in the August version update; however, since this is when a reward item is being given, it's necessary to trade it at the same time. We didn't have enough time to create a system like the Voidwatch treasure chests. We will try to revamp the access to the moogles.

Next, I'd like to let you know what we are working on for August.
  • Unlocking rank 4 and 5
    While the pace might be a bit fast, we are preparing to unlock these ranks. After unlocking these we'd like to operate with rank 5 being the cap.

  • "Light of a star" exchange
    We will be introducing a service where you can exchange the "light of a star" you accumulate once a day with GPS crystals. We will let you know more details near the version update.

  • Assistant contract items
    Have you hired an assistant already? As mentioned in the July version update text, by trading contract items (Dragoneye, Rusted Coin, Fat Burrow Worm) to the Green Thumb Moogle, you will be able to extend each assistant's contract period. However, the time extended will be slightly lower than the extension gained by using gil.

These are all the major things we will be doing, and we will also be fixing minor bugs and making minor adjustments. Please note that there is a possibility that we will not be able to get all of your requests in by the August version update.

Thank you and please have fun with Mog Gardens!

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Server: Asura
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user: Kresaera
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By Asura.Kresaera 2013-07-16 20:36:26
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Does anyone know how we 'rank up' in the Mog Gardens? Is it related to coalition rank or does it naturally increase with each use of the garden itself? Does anyone have a rank higher than 1 yet??
Server: Fenrir
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By Fenrir.Sylow 2013-07-16 20:46:44
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I dunno, but like I posted earlier:

I found a Meeble! Maybe he'll rank my garden up tomorrow?

Server: Sylph
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user: Dmhlucky
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By Sylph.Dmhlucky 2013-07-16 20:57:04
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Now that the NPC is available in Adoulin, you can Buy the Key items. All of my Mog Gardens activities are rank 3 now. And for the harvest and mine, I can go 6 times instead of 3.
Server: Fenrir
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By Fenrir.Sylow 2013-07-16 21:01:00
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Oh, where are the key items available?
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By Bahamut.Savannahlynn 2013-07-16 21:03:37
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Fenrir.Sylow said: »
Oh, where are the key items available?

Zenicca in between AH and Pioneer's. (E-9) Western.
Server: Fenrir
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By Fenrir.Sylow 2013-07-16 21:03:52
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Sweet garden Jesus.
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