IiPunch - Monk Guide |
iiPunch - Monk Guide
I think the sweet spot was effective 2500~2750ish, so GH/moonshade/mpaca helm would drop that to 1500~
2500/2700 for what?
Stuff like Raging Fists, Howling Fist, Tornado Kick sure, but Victory Smite? Since when they gimped the TP>Crit thing I don't really think shooting Vsmite at values that high has a major impact on the WS avg in the long run, but glad to be proven wrong hey. I'm working on quantifying the guard boost from dodge
target: ilvl 119 mnk vs Mourioche in the boyhada tree base guard rate is capped to 25% (checked via Parse) for Dodge testing: I've made an addon that only counts Guard procs when the following conditions are met: I am engaged to a mob, Dodge effect duration remaining is > 2 seconds for fudge factor, and via packets, the attack is an auto attack and is targeted towards the local player Based on the auto attack information I store a hit/miss/guard (counters are categorized as a miss) into a log file as my sample data. My current data shows the following with scipy parsing the data Quote: sample size 2338 0.44 guard rate, 95% lower bound: 0.42, 95% upper bound, 0.46 So the rate moved from 25%~ to 44~ +/- 2% ish Not bad, but what I don't know is if this boost is a multiplier or additive to your guard rate yet. Given that the Focus/Dodge changes are all based on your Monk level (main OR sub), i'll be switching to PUP/MNK on the same targets, reverifying 25% base guard rate and repeating the test. Once I get that data we can get a better picture of what's going on I mean... logically (yes, I know that's wild to think that way for SE).
Focus = 100 acc and 20% crit hit rate sooo logically Dodge = 100 eva and 20% guard rate Asura.Mcdoogle said: » Focus = 100 acc and 20% crit hit rate Quote: Tested Focus' critical hit rate: Razed Ruins, Gnarled Horn, 5 merit, no crit gear : non-crit quickly Razed Ruins, Gnarled Horn, Jokushu Haidate : Got a non-crit about a hundred swings in Thus, I conclude it's 20%. --Byrthnoth (talk) 08:00, 16 November 2017 (EST) bit of a dirty test but that's all i could find Oh, yeah that's not somewhere I'd have thought to check, the numbers do line up however. Maybe I'll retest it just in case
99PUP/54 MNK with dodge = 35.4%~ guard rate (parsed 24.8%~ guard rate @ 6k samples with no dodge buff)
Quote: sample size 1776 0.35 guard rate, 95% lower bound: 0.33, 95% upper bound, 0.38 Seems to be approximately (monk level + 1) * .2? Haven't tested if additive or multiplicative yet. Going to change to a main job that doesn't have Guard and get some more data. 99PLD/49MNK with 5%~ guard rate with about 6k samples
With dodge it's somewhere around 13%, but nowhere near enough samples to say exactly. Either way, this bonus must be additive, even if you're floored it still will boost your guard rate quite a bit. These numbers are all not quite perfect and makes me a little suspicious there might be something else going on with guard like an acc check, or some x/256 nonsense could be interfering a bit here. Still, we've got a ballpark that apparently dodge's guard boost is pretty useful I would assume it is in the 20%~ range at 99, just to likely match up with focus's boosts and that most of the defensive proc buffs also sit in that 20~30% range at base
What are you guys using as far as TP set for Ngai V25?
I use Nyame/Warder+1/Shadow Ring/Black Belt/Meva cape when I have Ngai's attention for survival, because it's not worth TPing in anything else. That's really the only time I go ultra defensive, because that's when you can get one shot (you will almost never die if the boss isn't targeting you). I usually sit in this set for 70% of the fight since I usually have hate, but it depends on your setup. If you have a WAR, it will bounce between you two and maybe the GEO. When hate is not on me, I swap back to Bhikku Cyclas (Impetus) or Kenda +1 body (maybe even Ashera Harness)/Hose+3, Malignance feet, Mpaca head/hands (but sometimes I go Malignance hands too). You can mix and match the defensive pieces you need to round out your set.
IMO, DPS isn't your issue in this fight (especially when TPing), survival is, so staying in something that will allow you to stay alive and TP is the most important thing. However you come to that is up to you. I agree with Buukki about gear generally. I do use some Mpaca's gear though because while it doesn't have MDT, it does have a ton of Magic Defense Bonus.
Empy +3 actually is quite defensive as well, so like +3 legs don't leave my set. Small point of order umm...
Moonbow belt +1, not Black belt, right...? Definitely agree, you need to wear all the defensive pieces and not worry so much about your DPS. We've rarely (if ever) timed out on Ngai, and when/if we did, it's because someone died, not because they didn't do enough damage. Shadow Ring, Warder's Charm, and capped DT with lots of HP, Meva, and MDB is the way to go. Damage is the last priority in your TP/WS sets. Speaking of defensive options, how much of a DPS hit is emp+3 feet vs af+3 when using TK under footwork? The DT-10 is pretty appealing but was never sure how much of a hit going from +120 base dmg to +65
ItemSet 362954
Impetus Up, Fetters Up TP set. 49% DT. 5% DT on Back. Fetters down you can drop Nyame for Mpaca, just make sure PDT and MDT (with shell) are capped. Impetus down you can swap a lot out but ideally you keep Impetus up. Carbuncle.Maletaru said: » Moonbow belt +1, not Black belt, right...? Freudian Slip. You're not a real Monk if you don't have a Black Belt (I've always called Moonbow Belt +1 Black Belt because it's totally modern version of it). Lakshmi.Buukki said: » Black belt Man, a Black Belt reforge? That’d be somethin’ damn incredible. I’d make this belt as a replacement for MNKs, seein’ as they can’t use grips or off-hand weapons. I’d throw in materials from Ambuscade and Dynamis JSE to keep it interesting. Now, our ol’ pal Oboro would hit us with this list of materials The stuff from Unity NMs and Dynamis? Yeah, it’d be RARE-EX. No selling it on the Auction House or bazaars, plain and simple. x1 Shedu’s gold Mane x1 Sarama’s Tail x1 Thu'ban’s Head x1 Tumult Curator’s Saddle x1 Quadav’s Shell (from Dynamis-Bastok (D), Wave 2 Boss) x1 Yagudo’s Feather (Dynamis-Windurst (D), Wave 2 Boss) x1 Orc’s Fang (Dynamis-San d’Oria (D), Wave 2 Boss) x1 Sovereign Behemoth’s Tongue x1 Hidhaegg’s Beard x1 Tolba’s Egg x20 Abdhaljs Threads x20 Abdhaljs Dust x10 Abdhaljs Saps x10 Abdhaljs Dyes x5 Abdhaljs Resins x99 S. Astral Detritus x99 Heroism Aggregates Here’s what the Black Belt +1 (MNK Variant) would look like: (Waist) All-Races DEF+35 HP+150 STR+30, VIT+25, DEX+25 Hand-to-Hand Skill +36 "Triple Attack +15%" "Subtle Blow II +20" "Counter +10" "Job Ability Haste +12%" Damage Taken -10% Weapon Skill Damage +10% (works on every hit) Changes your damage type to Slashing or Piercing for 60 minutes, cooldown 120 seconds. (This item would work like those event costumes, switching up the type of damage it deals. MNK would actually be viable for Segment C runs.) Lv.99, M.Lv.50 required to equip. it's a black belt reforge, so don't forget eva +300 and meva +300
Would love to see crit hit dmg + as well.
Maybe make it it RP like to get to Mastery rank 10 like many martial arts belts. Though usually to get to 10, you have either died or been teaching a long time... hmmm Don't think you guys understand that moonbow Belt +1 IS the reforged black belt. You craft it with omen materials. Any hope of a new quested belt was gone the moment they released Moonbow.
Sure, but I like the idea of forging a belt with ridiculous requirements from many types of content. The original was a pretty cool trophy that only monks got to show off to people.
Lakshmi.Buukki said: » Don't think you guys understand that moonbow Belt +1 IS the reforged black belt. You craft it with omen materials. Any hope of a new quested belt was gone the moment they released Moonbow. Agree... there is a higher chance they will let pet jobs be damage kings with pet only than us getting new Black Belt quests at this point. Still fun to think about it. I have to admit I still hold the items needed for brown belt etc on my mules if they get it from gobbie boxes. I think I made a few black belts on them just because. I went and re-confirmed Focus crit rate bonus as 99 MNK main job
Focus is in fact 20% crit rate, made a build with 80% crit rate before focus, 607 samples with all crits. Made another build with 79% crit rate before focus and I have 3 non-crits in 426 samples Taint said: » ItemSet 362954 Impetus Up, Fetters Up TP set. 49% DT. 5% DT on Back. Fetters down you can drop Nyame for Mpaca, just make sure PDT and MDT (with shell) are capped. Impetus down you can swap a lot out but ideally you keep Impetus up. Hot take, I do Howling Fist and Raging Fist for the most part in Odyssey fights.
Got curious and zeroed in on Focus crit rate per monk level (tested as /53MNK), seems to be (monk level + 1) * .2 just like guard bonus for dodge. I made a 99% crit rate build with estimated crit rate from focus as floor(10.8%), got a non-crit within about 300 samples, made a 100% crit rate build and didn't get any non-crits for 400 samples
Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: » Hot take, I do Howling Fist and Raging Fist for the most part in Odyssey fights. Hot take: Howling Fist is so consistently good that this is not a hot take :) |
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