IiPunch - Monk Guide |
iiPunch - Monk Guide
Kin has no innate regain, he gains tp from damage dealt to him, or tp he gains from attacks. Same with the other bosses from my experience. You can test this very easily using NIN back blink tanking (holding the NM) with nobody else acting on him. They will never use tp moves, only spells. They will start using them more frequently at lower %, and even a 2hander not using SB/SBII will make him tp after like 3-4 swings, whereas MNK can ws 3-4 times (more with Penance up) without ever trigger an omen Boss WS.
Lakshmi.Buukki said: » I'm going to have to test how good footwork is now, with the PDL+10% augment available. After the Geomancy/Roll nerf of course. Might be able to hit some impressive numbers, if not only during that 1min window. PDL is still unclear, but seems like it could mean you can exceed the normal pDIF/cRatio caps. Meaning it might do absolutely nothing unless you're already attack capped before PDL gear. Do you typically cap attack on kicks? Lakshmi.Buukki said: » Then again this won't matter if hitting 100 SB relieves MNK from being able to give the monster TP, and would make Penance entirely useless, except for other DPS' benefit That's still a pretty major exception, since it affects all other DPS jobs in the entire alliance. And might even be MORE useful now if other jobs use Subtle Blow II path Divergence weapons, making a Penance MNK pretty valuable to get super low TP feed even with a group of mixed DPS jobs. You could potentially keep Subtle Blow+100 up on an entire alliance worth of DDs with two MNKs rotating Penance to keep it active 100% of the time (assuming you're ever able to convince all other DDs to run a Subtle Blow+75 build, which... good luck, LOL). But, even if you're talking about MNK DDs only, it's not that crazy to see S-E give so much of a stat that more becomes useless. For instance, NIN Subtle Blow 1 (making Myoshu and merits irrelevant in many cases), Haste in excess of the cap, and even stuff like DW/Martial Arts where we have copious amounts to the point that they're detrimental after exceeding the delay reduction cap but still reducing TP/hit. Been reading very mixed comments about Spharai being better/worse than Godhands before this patch.
Regardless of that, I think Spharai just got even better. The counter damage is not a straight DPS increase, but it's fun and goes well with the rest of the weapon's augments. They really went for "unique" stuff on Relics, love that. It's what they should've done for all weapons honestly, not just relics. With some assumptions about what PDL does, I get that Godhands fully augmented with Monk's Nodowa +2 (max augment) and a few minor gear changes makes Monk about 15% stronger than it was pre-patch when VS spamming.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/j0diasa035o5ahc/DPS%20Calculator%20-%20Mnk%20August2017.xlsx?dl=0 How does that affect the previous tier list of H2H weapons?
If I recall in most situations it was Verethragna > Godhands / Spharai > Glanzfaust. With Godhands or Spharai winning over the other according to different scenarios (and different people offering different opinions, I guess lol) Have the tiers changed? idk, don't have time to check. I implemented all of it
It is pretty cool that kick rate is approaching 100% without making dubious gear choices now (with Footwork up). Interesting. Byrth, you have Ashera beating Adhemar+1/Kendatsuba+1? I wouldn't have thought that much MA loss would still come out on top, seeing as how Adhemar+1 at least hast similar acc/att as Ashera, the split being stp vs ta
Also, spharai with aug is showing 209 damage, when the screenshot shows it should be 206? Is VS spamming really that much stronger than raging spamming?
Raging only good with Moonshade/Godhands/1500+ TP. Smite would win out if doing it as soon as you're able to.
Asura.Psylo said: » ![]() I'm happy with that So is Final Heaven (aug) gonna put out the best/most consistent results when not exploiting smite/impetus buffs? It looks to be prety good right now, just wondering if SS can verify it. I know Relic WSs historically suck, but hey. I believe it would make it "best" if you were using spharai.
But remember that it doesn't scale with tp. It would be conditional upon buffs, though.(*) Soo what numbers are people getting with this broken ws ***?
So.... VS RF AS SS all would've got significant boosts from this.
Still unknown if multihits from single hit ws receive WSD. (HF) raging fis
3k tp, 14 5 16 4 13 15 3k tp+15% wsd 13 20 20 13 18. HF 3k - 19 13 17 13 13 3k +15% wsd - 18 17 17 20 16 16 ss 3k - 5 8 8 8 5 +15 wsd 7 7 8 9 9 vs 3k - 14 7.5 7.5 9 14 5 +wsd - 8.5 12 12 14 8 Honestly very meh at best. maybe with more wsd its more noticeable but i only had 10% cape, 5% legs 15% is only so much on a multi attack, but 60%...
10 from cape 10 from relic head 10 from AF hands 7 from ambu legs 2 from earring 6 from Knobkerrie. Is what i'm at right now. Probably should go aug some herc.
=o so, like, Not gonna hype this up cause I did VERY minimal testing
But uh, maybe boost? someone with real gear, go RF @3k and boost RF @3k 6k damage 3k RF > 9k boosted 3k RF Boosted 3k Raging doesn't benefit that much from this. Most of the fTP was already on the first hit.
I've got no source of multi other than sub war, and can do it pretty consistently.
But my monks gear is dogshit, as you can tell from a 3k RF doing lol6k Pix incoming; 175 TP Returned, no trusts, unboosted, boosted. ZERO WSD+
![]() What is this supposed to show?
Some reason I got double damage boosted raging fists, curious why
Since they broke(fixed) wsd, I immediately thought, well, boost? Asura.Eiryl said: » 175 TP Returned, no trusts, unboosted, boosted. ZERO WSD+ ![]() Probably moon phase.
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