(Don't) Fear The Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide |
(Don't) Fear the Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide
Pretty nice guide, I'm glad you made this as I've always felt Drk needed a primer. I might recommend putting maybe a separate paragraph to explain haste caps to people, you do a decent job of it but it is one of the things Drks most mess up when gearing and it isn't exactly intuitive to want to use 8-13% gear for TPing. Also for your TP Embrava set Duplus/Pole will be better than Rose, although that's probably just a mistake given that you put Duplus in the reso set.
This is my current Resolution setup that I am aiming for. Close to getting it, just need to find the Gil.
This is a great WS set for anyone who has not got the certain Abjuration/Neo Nyzul/VW gear. Personally using Fulgurante, it was pretty easy to build, the only problem was finding help on Krabkatoa. Should put that into the OAT GS description, comparing just how incredibly easy it is to make one compared to a Relic or Empyrean. I made Redemption because I love scythes, it's great for low man situations, scythe procs, or smashing worms up in La Theine lol. Quietus is a beautiful looking WS, but the damage is not even close to the OAT GS... sadly. It was worth getting just for the Weapon Skill, but if you're someone who doesn't fancy farming Chloris to death just for a weapon skill fit for Batman himself, then don't bother. <333 the title.
Yay for another guide, I support this. Been tempted to do this for a long time, good to see somebody else do it :P
As for the page links you have to put for example
Code [url=#intro]1. Intro[/url] Code [div id=intro]Title[/div] Contacted Kalilla about that earlier Seha, was about to get that fixed lol. and thank you x2! XD
Asura.Failaras said: » Pretty nice guide, I'm glad you made this as I've always felt Drk needed a primer. I might recommend putting maybe a separate paragraph to explain haste caps to people, you do a decent job of it but it is one of the things Drks most mess up when gearing and it isn't exactly intuitive to want to use 8-13% gear for TPing. Also for your TP Embrava set Duplus/Pole will be better than Rose, although that's probably just a mistake given that you put Duplus in the reso set. Cerberus.Kylos said: » Can you add /SCH to the list of subjobs? It is an extremely useful subjob in PVP. Urteil uses it to perfection. You should ask him for some of his sets (or just check his bounty thread) for those DRKs who want to be unstoppable. Back to reading the rest of this. Have been a DRK since 2004, and liking this guide so far. Edit: Ain't all 2 hour abilities only 1 hour now? I still can't get used to that. Edit2: Never realized Scarlet Delirium was so bad. I guess I shall take it out of my macros. :( Edit3: Absorb-TP is awesome on certain monsters who don't use TP moves, like Elementals. Edit4: Missed out Abyssal Earring on Dark Magic set. Urteil has better magic sets here. Dark Magic 503 with Merits Drain/Aspir Edit5: No Strigoi Ring in any of the Reso sets? I did mention the Abyssal Earring in one of the sections, I'll add it again in the high-end section, as well as the drain/aspir set (you put Ombre Tathlum and Abyssal Earring twice in that set btw =P). Oh they are Urteil's sets not mine. Also I read the comment about the Abyssal Earring after I commented on it lol.
I wanted to make a Dark Knight guide, but didn't feel like I was experienced enough in endgame to be taken seriously. I have been playing this job for eight years though, so if I can add anything to it that will help others, I will be sure to mention it :) Ah! I figured they might have been Urteil's, anyways. Convenient!
I thought of something I can add to this. When it's done, I will post it, if you like it you can just add it to your guide.
For those who don't know what the title is about! I'm all eyes. Either way I'm also taking this guide as a learning experience (as most things should be in life, right?)
AND SUDDENLY, EPIC POST BY SEHA! I prefer /sch over /rdm for PvE stuff.
The option to dark arts->Manifestation->Sleep to break a camp/train of mobs is all kinds of awesome, especially if they are casters/have pets. A /dnc or /rdm is going to have a much harder time surviving in those cases. I have a decent refresh idle set and 5/5 entropy and like the option of status removals with /sch+LightArts so /rdm isn't something I go for. Oh and sandstorm+desert boots is a nice +runspeed perk when /sch. In b4 you should feel bad talking about casting spells on drk+having 5/5 entropy. Anyone know how you set text to align to the center of the page using bbcode?
Code [div align="center"]stuff[/div] How would you add that into a table? Hope it doesn't need to be added individually for every single bit of text.
Valefor.Sapphire said: » I prefer /sch over /rdm for PvE stuff. The option to dark arts->Manifestation->Sleep to break a camp/train of mobs is all kinds of awesome, especially if they are casters/have pets. A /dnc or /rdm is going to have a much harder time surviving in those cases. I have a decent refresh idle set and 5/5 entropy and like the option of status removals with /sch+LightArts so /rdm isn't something I go for. Oh and sandstorm+desert boots is a nice +runspeed perk when /sch. In b4 you should feel bad talking about casting spells on drk+having 5/5 entropy. While having the option to AoE sleep/break and having an "anti-sleep ability"(charging sublimation) is nice, most situations where I solo on DRK, they're rarely needed, so I'll rather /whm or /rdm for haste. (Whm giving -na spells and rdm also giving a gimp phalanx) Cerberus.Kvazz said: » Valefor.Sapphire said: » I prefer /sch over /rdm for PvE stuff. The option to dark arts->Manifestation->Sleep to break a camp/train of mobs is all kinds of awesome, especially if they are casters/have pets. A /dnc or /rdm is going to have a much harder time surviving in those cases. I have a decent refresh idle set and 5/5 entropy and like the option of status removals with /sch+LightArts so /rdm isn't something I go for. Oh and sandstorm+desert boots is a nice +runspeed perk when /sch. In b4 you should feel bad talking about casting spells on drk+having 5/5 entropy. While having the option to AoE sleep/break and having an "anti-sleep ability"(charging sublimation) is nice, most situations where I solo on DRK, they're rarely needed, so I'll rather /whm or /rdm for haste. (Whm giving -na spells and rdm also giving a gimp phalanx) Not going to bother arguing the 'best' Mage sub. If you target content that doesn't need sleep and you can always single pull, then its utility is obviously less important. Situational subjob is situational. I can drag my 2box whm around with me everywhere and just /war all the time and spam reso, but I think people knowing other sub jobs have nice niche uses/utility is a good thing. Yeah for sure, I don't go solo unless I feel really lazy :P
One thing missing from this guide. Afv2+2 augmented gear.
Personally have an Abyss Cuirass +2 with Enhanced Blood Weapon effect that gives me 40 seconds of pure draining action. I am sure the Hands also enhance Diabolic Eye. That thing I was talking about earlier is almost finished too. Relic +2 hands were mentioned for the 24-30 seconds they add to Diabolic Eye. Also, currently, any event that you might need DE for you should be getting an HP boost of some kind anyway (Abyssea, Discipline Atmacite, Body Boost) and the -15% HP only affects your base HP anyway, so -225hp doesn't really matter when you've got +1500 on it anyway.
Relic +2 head can be nice, but I wouldn't worry about the Dark Seal augment effect. Relic +2 body was a great option to have for MAB WS and whatnot, but really falls to just being that Blood Weapon macro piece once you have Phorcys Korazin. Feet are a joke. Subtle blow on Souleater, 'nuff said. Sets might make sense if you tied them all together. Most Endgame Drks use SC to ensure their TP sets match their xhit. especially with apoc it can get prett complex. TP,LR TP, capped haste TP, AM TP, LR AM TP, capped haste AM TP etc.
Excellent guide by the way Dark Knight Auction House Equipment This table shows all Dark Knight equipment represented in the guide (And a few added by me), that can be purchased (Or crafted) from the Auction House. Equipment can easily be added to this upon request. (Key) L = Low-Quality equipment H = High-Quality equipment
Prices of Items taken from the Medians from across all servers. Rarity taken from how often they sell on Cerberus. Finally a DD guide! This is all really exciting, now we need Kaerin or someone to step up and make the WAR guide!
Also I didn't realize how many sets DRK uses. Crazy stuff, nearly as many as I use on BLU. But I guess it's like that for most of the heavy DD jobs, no? Bahamut.Cantontai said: » now we need Kaerin or someone to step up and make the WAR guide! DRK is a bit special since they have Dark Magic that can take up some room.
And specially with Apocalypse, there might be some extra gear to make that work properly. But yeah, a good DD no matter which job will have alot of sets. (Blu ofc having more, if you want sets for everything :P) A job has as many sets as your willing to delve into. Some players could be a DD and just have a TP and WS setup, whereas others like to go into so much depth it blows those kinds of players away. Xbox players (like my dad) can't use windower/spellcast to change gears quickly, so it usually ends up being counter productive to have too many sets, as it means having to press so many more buttons to get into the right gear to do what you want to do.
Some players are incredibly dedicated to getting the maximum out of their performance, others just want to smack stuff and don't care about the numbers. Warrior is one of the easiest jobs to play. But yea this is not a WAR thread, or a DD debate. It's all about Dark Knight! Now let me eat your soul...
By the way that table took a while to make. Hope someone finds it useful. |
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