(Don't) Fear The Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide |
(Don't) Fear the Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide
I seem to be missing something or something is wrong with this DRK sheet by Orestes. I changed target to DC dynamis and Tocleaver damage is still 15870. That WAY below what it should be. I think the problem is something with Cratio? Looks like it's capped at 2.25 for some reason?
So I finished Apoc, and dumped astrals and most of my Rostam fund into it (had to do it).
Honestly I don't regret it, the damage is really nice and it becomes insanely hard to die on certain things. I use 5/5 Ratri+1 with Cata and have a hybrid set with 4/5 Ratri+1 and Sulevia Legs+2 for a huge HP pool/MEVA+. I offset the DT+ with Dring/Vocane/Loricate+1/PDT Cape/Staunch+1/Etc The Max HP in the weaponskillset/tp set keeps it at around 7-8k HP with Drain 3 DS/NV. (Still working on my Drain 3 Sets) The buffed Catastrophe seems to be on par with Cross Reaper spam at 1k TP using Anguta/Moonshade. Only it self skillchains and heals you. If there is any tp overflow you can go back to using Cross Reaper as well. Regarding Calad There is no doubting it's high damage potential. Great Sword on DRK isn't really my style though. Scythe compliments me very well and makes it very easy to Self Darkness/Fire off a Drain 3 MB. When I use a great sword I feel more reliant on outside support and I actually have to manage my MP more/Hold Back a bit. I've never been able to really fulltime Souleater on things, I feel like I play a bit too defensively/conservatively. Spamming Cata it's not a problem, and smashing things with close to 8K HP is glorious. Calad is on my to-do list however. I need to get the proper WSDMG gear for it. I still need to finish relic legs/+3 my AF body/Feed Oseem stones for Ody Head Augs. Apoc is pretty underrated especially at r15. LR down its our best weapon and SE up it’s our best weapon.
The r15 buff was huge compared to Anguta. Cala LR up, Apoc LR down is how I DRK. yo, the physical damage limit works on ws?
thanks for the reply..
Taint said: » Apoc is pretty underrated especially at r15. LR down its our best weapon and SE up it’s our best weapon. The r15 buff was huge compared to Anguta. Cala LR up, Apoc LR down is how I DRK. Mind posting your tp sets for each weapon? SimonSes said: » I seem to be missing something or something is wrong with this DRK sheet by Orestes. I changed target to DC dynamis and Tocleaver damage is still 15870. That WAY below what it should be. I think the problem is something with Cratio? Looks like it's capped at 2.25 for some reason? I haven't touched cRatio, but after looking at Langly's NIN, and Llewelyn's SAM, it's safe to say something isn't right. All of these sheets originated from Mote on BG, so I can only assume the cRatio inconsistency is brought by the various sheets maintainers. Does anyone know which is the most correct? DRK.xls has 2.25 cap. =MAX(MIN(E78/$O$10,2.25)-$M$4,0) SAM.xls has 4.125 cap. =MAX(MIN(E75/P4, 4.125)-$O$5, 0) NIN.xls has no cap. =MAX(D72/$O$3-$N$3, 0) Sam is the right one for 2h jobs with 10 % pdl augment on neck +2
Quetzalcoatl.Orestes said: » SimonSes said: » I seem to be missing something or something is wrong with this DRK sheet by Orestes. I changed target to DC dynamis and Tocleaver damage is still 15870. That WAY below what it should be. I think the problem is something with Cratio? Looks like it's capped at 2.25 for some reason? I haven't touched cRatio, but after looking at Langly's NIN, and Llewelyn's SAM, it's safe to say something isn't right. All of these sheets originated from Mote on BG, so I can only assume the cRatio inconsistency is brought by the various sheets maintainers. Does anyone know which is the most correct? DRK.xls has 2.25 cap. =MAX(MIN(E78/$O$10,2.25)-$M$4,0) SAM.xls has 4.125 cap. =MAX(MIN(E75/P4, 4.125)-$O$5, 0) NIN.xls has no cap. =MAX(D72/$O$3-$N$3, 0) My cap is later determined in the wRatio min and max portions. (I suppose I do it similarly to the MNK sheet in that regard.) So it would depend how you wish to implement the PDL option with the updated cRatio for DRK(2hander). Thanks man, I appreciate it.
I updated the cRatio cap to 4.125. It looks like SE updated pDif while I was away from game. I also added fully agumented Apoc, with 10% JA haste being applied when Catastrophe is set as WS. (hint, change haste II to I, and it's dps normalizes with other REMA) Dark-12-10-2018.xlsx Let me know if you guys find any other problems. edit - Apoc is damn strong for what it does. I know what I'm going to be doing! Ok now Torcleaver damage looks ok (almost the same as in my ws damage spreadsheet).
Catastrophe damage is off tho. One mistake I found immediately is relic WS bonus. It's not 60%. New 20% from r15 is unique multiplier so previous 40% is multiplied by it. The total is 68%. But even after I fixed that, Cata damage is lower than in my sheet (19500 in yours and 24k in mine) and this WS is actually pretty easy (not much multi attacks and 1 hit only) to calculate. Not sure what's wrong, especially that Torcleaver damage is so close. My sheet doesnt include 95% accuracy cap, but that still far to close the gap. Regarding this WS limit thing. First of all this is eye balling and anecdotal.
I was messing with Apoc the day before to gauge Catastrophe's damage on stuff. Numbers were very consistent on these. Looked like a 23,500-ish average. Agitate Chalupi was my target. Buffs were frailty/fury from sylvie Chaos roll from Qultada Last Resort I only weapon skilled around 10% of the monster's HP so multi attack can't skew the numbers. Seemed to average close to 27,500-ish It's possible Dia 3 wasn't on every monster. It's possible all 5 traits add up to around 8.5-10% +Physical Damage Cap My Set: ItemSet 360448 R15 Scythe R25 Neck Are you counting your neck along with the trait? I did a few test swings in boyada (sp) tree and saw about a 500 baseline increase without Abyssal Neck.
Sylph.Brahmsz said: » Are you counting your neck along with the trait? I did a few test swings in boyada (sp) tree and saw about a 500 baseline increase without Abyssal Neck. Yes, neck was on. both yesterday and today. The numbers were very consistent. So this increase is pretty noticeable. So at best +0.5% to Physical Cap per tier. This would weigh very heavily in DRK's favor over other jobs.
So DRK just got 5 tiers of the new job trait... The most other jobs get is 3. DRK getting another big boost this update
Reposting myself from other thread, because some ppl don't visit all threads.
ok PDL trait (tested tier 1 and 2 with cor with subs, tier 3 with monk with Aureole and tier 5 with DRK with Aureole. Aureole has low base damage so it's still possible that some rounding could mess this by some margin). Also do numbers seen in chat are rounded up? Gun Bee tier 0: 1706 Bee tier 1: 1755 (+2.8722157%) Bee tier 2: 1802 (+5.6271981%) Gun Worm tier 0: 1365 Worm tier 0: 1404 (+2.8571429%) Worm tier 0: 1442 (+5.6410256%) Aureole Bee tier 0: 202 Bee tier 3: 221 (+9.4059406%) Bee tier 5: 233 (+15.3465347%) Aureole Worm tier 0: 162 Worm tier 3: 177 (+9.2592593%) Worm tier 5: 187 (+15.4320988%) For me it looks like it might be like this: Tier 1: 2.8% Tier 2: 5.6% (+2.8%) Tier 3: 8.8% (+3.2%) Tier 4: ??? quesing 12% (+3.2%) Tier 5: 15.2% (+3.2%) Just from quick observation on Apex mobs the extra damage really is noticeable.
On Apex Jagil I used SV/nitro/clarion 4 minuets and honor march as well as idris fury/frailty from my alts so that I would be attack capped with rank 25 neck. I was very impressed. Using scoreboard Calad/Torcleaver was 31k average and Anguta/Cross Reaper 29k both weapons are rank 7 currently. I did switch to Liberator to see what it can do but lost SV songs before I could get many WS off. Calad triple damage procs were doing 8k on a crit hit lol. I think DRK may be on top as far as damage goes now Asura.Arnan said: » Just from quick observation on Apex mobs the extra damage really is noticeable. On Apex Jagil I used SV/nitro/clarion 4 minuets and honor march as well as idris fury/frailty from my alts so that I would be attack capped with rank 25 neck. I was very impressed. Using scoreboard Calad/Torcleaver was 31k average and Anguta/Cross Reaper 29k both weapons are rank 7 currently. I did switch to Liberator to see what it can do but lost SV songs before I could get many WS off. Calad triple damage procs were doing 8k on a crit hit lol. I think DRK may be on top as far as damage goes now 1k but often overflow from multi-attack. It was just a quick test at attack cap really
Asura.Arnan said: » 1k but often overflow from multi-attack. It was just a quick test at attack cap really So have all the DRKs noticed an increase to damage? I ain't had the time to try it yet, but would be cool to know we're even stronger. Is it the best xmas prezzie SE ever gave us?
It's noticeable. Any DRK that's sat around in enough Attack Capped scenarios will see the difference.
I can't speak for any weapons other than Apoc and Calad. Neither of which are augmented yet. But Apoc has a very solid improvement. Calad was already pretty epic but its an absolute monster now.
I'd hope so, DRK got a ~12% damage potential increase. For some reason.
DRK, with all of the attack they have access to, should theoretically be able to do the most damage. SE did just take away a huge benefit to DRK during the WSD bug, which DRK saw a very hefty bonus from.
more torcleaver and AM3 autos >:D
Has anyone parsed or tried the JSE+2 neck over the fotia combination for torcleaver?
And/or the jse+2 neck seems to be bis for tp - yes? +2 is definitely BiS for melee swings. Higher Accuracy and STP than Combatant's Torque along with truckloads of STR, Attack, and the added Damage Cap trait. Haven't seen anything on WS so can't speak on that. I would assume it's comparable.
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