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Random Question thread (FFXI related)
DDoS in retaliation for the "banwave" this morning oh em geez
clearlyamule said: » They crack down pretty quick on that kind of stuff if reported. Had one guy on Shiva pretty infamous for doing long rants/drama in shout for hours usually at how Hiep must be an rmt even though he's usually not even online for them lol. One day he slipped up and started saying all of a certain country were dirty RMTs working in cafes. And he was gone while still in conversation with GM he's still there, and still goes on weird rants about Hiep. (different name now) Leviathan.Comeatmebro
Bans usually go out tues/wed morning at ~4-5pm JST regardless of the cause, so I wouldn't jump straight to a single ban wave.
There are still things they've consistantly banned for over the past X months, despite most being allowed to slide. The biggest example I can think of is using bidder or similar on a loop(spamming significant amounts of AH bids faster than client allows). I have not heard of bans for maintenance mode, farm botting, or anything basic in quite a while. Perhaps they reinstated banning for another offense and the people being hit were the first to be hit for it. None of my characters have been, so can't comment on any potential cause. (Also getting the R0s on Leviathan, for what it's worth. Was running dyna-d last night for a shell mate who just returned and our tank was d/cing literally every 5 minutes to the point we warped out and decided to go back later.) Getting R0 with 2 people in Dho Gates, both of them being me. It's a general issue it seems. I couldn't even log out my mules yesterday to do dailies, R0 would happen every time I'd press it.
So far the people who have been banned and that I know of were all afk farming stuff related to sparks. RMTs haven't been banned, so it can't be so simple. I'd lean toward someone reporting specific people (and filling good/detailed reports) or a specific farming method being finally punished. There is also the possibility of a GM hunting specific abuses/people. It's against policy but it's very easy to do (and so far the few people I heard of getting banned had people hating them for a reason or another, mainly jealousy though). Yeah that's the most obvious thing right there. If you /sea dhogates wohgates you'll know when and if bots are getting popped.
Spoiler, they aren't Offline
Posts: 635
GENERALLY**, with above average gear in a mid buff uncapped scenerio how much STR equals 1 WSD? (Fudo,Savage)
Trying not to toss some good Oseem augments. Are the WHM gifts for cure potency % or flat out HP added to the cure?
"Cure potency +6" --- is that 6% or literally 6HP? Lakshmi.Mingway
What's the easiest way to get the monthly Gardening RoE objective done for the Deed of heroism?
Odin.Botosi said: » Are the WHM gifts for cure potency % or flat out HP added to the cure? "Cure potency +6" --- is that 6% or literally 6HP? 6% Siren.Kyte
+6 before +% modifiers, similar to +mdmg
Siren.Mosin said: » clearlyamule said: » They crack down pretty quick on that kind of stuff if reported. Had one guy on Shiva pretty infamous for doing long rants/drama in shout for hours usually at how Hiep must be an rmt even though he's usually not even online for them lol. One day he slipped up and started saying all of a certain country were dirty RMTs working in cafes. And he was gone while still in conversation with GM he's still there, and still goes on weird rants about Hiep. (different name now) Online
Posts: 3553
tyalangan said: » GENERALLY**, with above average gear in a mid buff uncapped scenerio how much STR equals 1 WSD? (Fudo,Savage) Trying not to toss some good Oseem augments. Generally 5str is 1 WSdmg is a good guide. The easiest way is to make an excel page with your WS damage formula. Add you Mods, and current wsdmg and then play with the numbers. clearlyamule said: » Oh I know but for a good week or 2 he ranted about how he got his account he's had since NA launch or something banned. It was glorious. Waiting for him to slip up again what's your name on shiva? Offline
I go by many names but you've probably most likely seen me shouting as Urmom
Posts: 108
Trove Mars Orb bc is freezing my game upon trading. I can move the camera around, but thats it. And it doesn't give the option to select the fight. I have to force close the game. 2 days ago it was fine.
Anyone else getting this? Apparently its a steam thing. Lots of people having the issue with the steam version.
Posts: 108
Ah kk...thanks ;o;
Does it sometimes work, or is there a workaround? Or ur screwed when it starts happening? Because it was fine 2 days ago... Offline
Posts: 28
I'm wanting to do the Ifrit fight for monthly RoE but having difficulty figuring out what the prerequisites are. I just did Trial by Fire and I still cannot buy the KI to enter the fight. Can anyone advise? Aside from the fight I just did I haven't completed anything summoner related.
asuraasrial said: » I'm wanting to do the Ifrit fight for monthly RoE but having difficulty figuring out what the prerequisites are. I just did Trial by Fire and I still cannot buy the KI to enter the fight. Can anyone advise? Aside from the fight I just did I haven't completed anything summoner related. have to fight them all because its avatar phantom gem not ifrit phantom gem silvanesti said: » Ah kk...thanks ;o; Does it sometimes work, or is there a workaround? Or ur screwed when it starts happening? Because it was fine 2 days ago... Steam forced an outdated update and it broke the game. Offline
Posts: 28
Asura.Chaostaru said: » asuraasrial said: » I'm wanting to do the Ifrit fight for monthly RoE but having difficulty figuring out what the prerequisites are. I just did Trial by Fire and I still cannot buy the KI to enter the fight. Can anyone advise? Aside from the fight I just did I haven't completed anything summoner related. have to fight them all because its avatar phantom gem not ifrit phantom gem silvanesti said: » Ah kk...thanks ;o; Does it sometimes work, or is there a workaround? Or ur screwed when it starts happening? Because it was fine 2 days ago... Steam forced an outdated update to people and it broke the game. Thank you much :) Offline
Posts: 108
Asura.Chaostaru said: » asuraasrial said: » I'm wanting to do the Ifrit fight for monthly RoE but having difficulty figuring out what the prerequisites are. I just did Trial by Fire and I still cannot buy the KI to enter the fight. Can anyone advise? Aside from the fight I just did I haven't completed anything summoner related. have to fight them all because its avatar phantom gem not ifrit phantom gem silvanesti said: » Ah kk...thanks ;o; Does it sometimes work, or is there a workaround? Or ur screwed when it starts happening? Because it was fine 2 days ago... Steam forced an outdated update and it broke the game. Thanks I'll give it a go. Offline
Posts: 703
asuraasrial said: » I'm wanting to do the Ifrit fight for monthly RoE but having difficulty figuring out what the prerequisites are. I just did Trial by Fire and I still cannot buy the KI to enter the fight. Can anyone advise? Aside from the fight I just did I haven't completed anything summoner related. The full requirements to unlock the Avatar Phantom Gem would actually be: Turn in each of the 6 elemental avatar whisper KIs for a reward. Even choosing Gil works if you don't have SMN unlocked. The key point is that you have to actually turn in the KIs. If you beat all 6 for the first time and still have the KIs in possession, you can't buy the HTB KI. Also, using them on Fenrir doesn't count either :( Is it worth it to merit farm to get pulse weapons? I triple box, so I can aoe in Escha Ru'Aun pretty decently, but its a long, slow climb to 25k. Would I be better off doing VW or T3 Zi'tah NM's?
The best option is zitah 3's for sure. Especially on "not asura" and with multibox.
I wouldn't try to get one from voidwatch until its a hmp campaign, because at least then you aren't wasting your time completely (serious, its like 1/10000 from voidwatch or something)
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