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Random Question thread (FFXI related)
Actually if you have the 5/5 set you might be able to with the old claim slip people.
Ramuh.Austar said: » Actually if you have the 5/5 set you might be able to with the old claim slip people. I think I checked on that and wiki said it can't be stored (which might be incorrect). I was DBing something to a mule and realized that it wasn't darkened. Hadn't even thought to try that, but was happy to notice it. Bahamut.Eorphere said: » Ramuh.Austar said: » Actually if you have the 5/5 set you might be able to with the old claim slip people. I think I checked on that and wiki said it can't be stored (which might be incorrect). I was DBing something to a mule and realized that it wasn't darkened. Hadn't even thought to try that, but was happy to notice it. But a lot of 5/5 sets can be stored at those NPCs, just costs gil to remove. Asura.Fondue said: » is the white proc rate in tav any different? or for that matter any different on EP vs DC mobs in other cop zones? any idea on this? got paged 2 days to get the whole set D:< I don't know, honestly. I'd imagine it would be pretty hard to really test if they are different, but I doubt they are.
Asura.Fondue said: » Asura.Fondue said: » is the white proc rate in tav any different? or for that matter any different on EP vs DC mobs in other cop zones? any idea on this? got paged 2 days to get the whole set D:< I haven't noticed a difference. I have only proced white in Bubu and Qufim, and have done Tavnaz a lot more. This doesn't mean much, however, since I don't always bring in my mule with no SJ. Also (and you probably already know this), there are 4 hydra sets, so 20 pieces total. And yeah, they have a very generous drop rate. I got them all just making my way to the TE over time. In fact, I want to say that 3 have dropped at once before. I know for sure that 2 have. yeah lol we got just about everything repeatedly the other day besides haubert, got haubert quickly then farmed as usual.. zone is nice when NOBODY else is in there, its horrible otherwise
Yea, great zone if it is empty. I don't see that much anymore, though :/
Is /sea broken for anyone else? It's showing all my friends as being on <shiva> and /sea shows 0 people on the server.
Everyone, SE spilling coffee on everything.
Can you trick attack random people not in your party in campaign?
what/how do people typically cleave for azdaja pops? blu at the detectors?
I'm going to be brewing though is the issue and I have woe cor gun, but could also cleave/brew on blu, not really sure what the best things to cast on that are Is Strendu ring better than a DEX+7 ring for charged whisker?
With BA up, definitely not.
Gorget/Belt for Requiescat?
Bismarck.Dracondria said: » Gorget/Belt for Requiescat? I think he meant which elements? <.<"
No, I was wondering if I should use those or something else.
Phoenix.Sehachan said: » I think he meant which elements? <.<" Why has SE chosen not to add any upgrade to relic accessories? I remember when I 1st won a bid on things like duelist's belt or cleric's belt how exciting that was. What reason would there be for not adding at least a +1 to them?
Take Rdm belt for example. You have a +7 int (cognition belt) and a +7 mnd one (forget the name) that Rdm can use, and are dirt cheap. Why not add a trial or two that brings duelist's belt up to 7int/mnd along with the hmp/hhp? Thereby saving us some inv space, and making pieces we used to take pride in useful again! Because I want purple font.
Ramuh.Austar said: » Because I want purple font. While Purple is my favorite color, I must prioritize relic acc +2 higher. Unless they promised to let me change my Rdm af3 to purple like that spite warden in Wotg. Oh...I guess I do have a random ff11 question. I notice the JP players on my server call dynamis currency {Rear} {Money}. Dare I ask why?
Rear->back->past :c
Phoenix.Sehachan said: » Rear->back->past :c Ah. I thought it was cuz you used to have to pay out the *** for it or something. Good to know! How much atk/acc does stalwarts add in VW? >.>
I know I could just check my attack when I'm in VW, but by the time I remember to look I usually have already popped food, received buffs etc., not to mention I don't do VW often(or as often as I'd like :/). So if anyone knows off the top of their head, thanks. xD |
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