The Last Dance: Gearing Paradigms For A New Age |
The Last Dance: Gearing Paradigms for a New Age
That's good for an absolute evasion build, but you aren't capping Haste.
Lakshmi.Byrth said: » That's good for an absolute evasion build, but you aren't capping Haste. hmm i guess but I went with Subtle blow over haste essentially.. Swap in the charis body, i can live with the haste/eva belt thats like what ~20 DW and 11%haste while maximizing Eva.. I went with the Etoile over the bergo for the Enhance fan dance augment It takes much less than that to cap Evasion on everything short of VWNMs.
The enhances fan dance augment is pretty worthless, to be perfectly honest.
EP-DC Dyna Mobs- Ur evasion is near capped as DNC99/anything sub in full haste gear.
VWNM- Ur most likely gonna have fanatics/fools up, so even here is limited. outside abyssea, a solid MDT set will be a great asset, especially since we dont have cruor HP buffs outside. Bismarck.Sylow said: » The enhances fan dance augment is pretty worthless, to be perfectly honest. Well thats disappointing.. So basically The head (waltz Potency), the body (reverse), legs(Saber) are the only ones worth upgrading? Or are the legs not worth it either unless you have more then one point in Saber stick with charis im guessing. The pants aren't really doing anything for you if you don't have multiple merits into Saber Dance, but the question is, why wouldn't you? The only thing I could think of that might compete is Fan Dance merits and well, here's a message to those of you with that merited past 1/5:
If you think those Fan Dance merits are saving you, think again. Any situation dangerous enough to merit the use of Fan Dance is likely going to rapidly strip Fan Dance of its potency and leave the ability relatively worthless. If you're fighting something that's not hitting you often enough to "use up" the good part of Fan Dance before its 5/5 recast (3 min) is up, then why aren't you just running Haste Samba and killing it faster? This is what I don't get when other DNC tell me "I have 5/5 Fan Dance" because I like to solo. I don't solo very often, to be honest, but I do enjoy it. ![]() Fan Dance is for emergencies. Emergencies don't(shouldn't) happen once every 3 minutes. Hedjedjet? I know not many people want to solo it for drop anymore, but it's one of the example that it doesn't hit you often enough, but if you are caught with no utsusemi and no fan dance at highest protection level when it has sharp strike, you probably gonna die by death scissor.
Can't think of any other else yet. Hedjedjet couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with the broad side of another barn. You don't need Fan at 5/5 to solo it.
Well right thats why i ask cuz i believe im still running
Saber 1/5 Fan 1/5 Closed 3/5 NFR 5/5 I never saw any other reason otherwise to but more then one point in Fan/Saber so yea your right equipment enhancing it is Null we ever figure out what the enhanced Closed Position do? It doesn't do anything we can detect at this point in time.
![]() Just finished this this morning: I'm currently using 5/5 Saber (speficically for the pants) 1/5 Fan and 4/5 NFR. Haven't really missed Closed Position, I have to admit. I was on the test server playing around with it (seeing what sort of gear/merits to look at on DNC). I had 2/5 NFR and AF2+2 body, NFR gave me 2FM and 10TP (from 0).
I assume it's 5TP per merit, though I didn't get the chance to see for sure before my PC decided to reboot itself and mess me about. I was disengaged with no aggro, so I got no TP from anywhere else~ Yeah, 5/merit. I get 20.
it would take alot to make Asteria worth it, so the additional affect better be awesome
Asura.Armonia said: » Lakshmi.Byrth said: » That's good for an absolute evasion build, but you aren't capping Haste. hmm i guess but I went with Subtle blow over haste essentially.. Swap in the charis body, i can live with the haste/eva belt thats like what ~20 DW and 11%haste while maximizing Eva.. I went with the Etoile over the bergo for the Enhance fan dance augment Obviously not one of the greatest daggers, but would Auric be worth getting? I know it has terrible DPS but does the delay reduction make up for it?
Nope. It's a decent stepping stone while you work on magian daggers, though, I suppose.
Bismarck.Sylow said: » Nope. It's a decent stepping stone while you work on magian daggers, though, I suppose. How decent? Working with Oynos and Verus +1 atm when I'm not offhanding a magian that I'm working on. Just stick with whatever you're using until you finish magian stuff X3
Mkay thank you
I saw it in a set-up in one of the previous pages, but it was never truly addressed. Is Toci's/Ocelomeh +1 Harness worth using over Charis Casaque +2? I'm not good w/ all the math, so I'm not sure if the Double Attack will compensate for the loss of Dual Wield. Any feedback is appreciated.
Toci/Ocelomeh+1 would be for a situation in which you're getting marches. The Casaque's DW is normally superior, but due to the way haste and DW interact it will actually be counterproductive in such a situation because you'll already be at the delay reduction cap without it and thus the Casaque would just reduce your TP gain rather than actually increasing attack speed.
Does Lux Pugio has the same effect as its HQ version? (crit rate affecting both hands). I'm wondering whether should I main hand this until Qilin decide to drop some Coruscanti.
Yes it does. This actually makes it a fairly competitive option.
I'm trying to find a way to force crit to 100% for Evisceration (assuming 10% base crit rate at 100TP). Looks like I'm 4% short from equipping Kacura's Leggings +1, Rancor Collar, and Lux.
Probably I should get Athos's Tights to pair with my Athos's Gloves for +4% crit rate. As far as 'Easy to Obtain' (aka "Dancer is my hobby not my career", or "I'm working on getting one of the top choices, but I'm going to use these until then") dagger combos, I'd probably say the following combinations are best:
1.) Fire Thokcha / Fire Thokcha (+22 STR +44 Attack) 2.) Lux Pugio / Fire Thokcha (+10 DEX +11 STR +22 Attack CritR+4%) 3.) Fire Thokcha / Store TP Centovente (+11 STR + 22 Attack STP+15) 4.) Lux Pugio / Store TP Centovente (+10 DEX CritR+4% STP+15) My order may be off, so I'd like it if I could get some comments. Edit: Serj claimed this post was lacking in sparkles and glitter, so here: ![]() Quetzalcoatl.Dawnn said: » here's one i just threw together each thokcha gives 20~ evasion so you get 37 +20 +20 ~ 77 eva plus some agi 25% haste (1% off) and 27 subtle blow you can make some swaps around in there, not really sure what to use for a back piece. In abyssea this will probably be overkill and you can swap the weapons out for something else. Outside abyssea it depends on what your doing. Suggestions for such a build would be Ocelomeh Headpiece +1 (or NQ) and Eurus' Ledelsens or Athos's Boots. I'd probably say Athos Boots unless you have capped Parrying.
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