New PC (High-End) Help
By oncura 2011-12-05 09:26:53
good info raborn i'll keep that in mind.
Atm im just wondering if i should even order yet, buddy mine that works at fry's just showed me a new mobo with a new chipset that goes with intel's next proccessor, the 3950 or w/e, mobo same price as my current but the proccessor is a few hundred more. Looks rly nice, has PCI 3.0 as well, even tho current cards state PCI 2.0
that im afraid ill try over-clock and burn my tower down since im not getting liquid cooling..dunno sh** about it
Server: Fairy
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Posts: 2,742
By Fairy.Ghaleon 2011-12-05 09:42:14
good info raborn i'll keep that in mind.
Atm im just wondering if i should even order yet, buddy mine that works at fry's just showed me a new mobo with a new chipset that goes with intel's next proccessor, the 3950 or w/e, mobo same price as my current but the proccessor is a few hundred more. Looks rly nice, has PCI 3.0 as well, even tho current cards state PCI 2.0
that im afraid ill try over-clock and burn my tower down since im not getting liquid cooling..dunno sh** about it
i would wait before dropping that cash for the next gen intel, but that's just me. its going to have ivy bridge as well (an [huge] upgrade on sandy bridge). i think it comes out in feb/march of 2012.
By oncura 2011-12-05 12:17:35
good info raborn i'll keep that in mind.
Atm im just wondering if i should even order yet, buddy mine that works at fry's just showed me a new mobo with a new chipset that goes with intel's next proccessor, the 3950 or w/e, mobo same price as my current but the proccessor is a few hundred more. Looks rly nice, has PCI 3.0 as well, even tho current cards state PCI 2.0
that im afraid ill try over-clock and burn my tower down since im not getting liquid cooling..dunno sh** about it
i would wait before dropping that cash for the next gen intel, but that's just me. its going to have ivy bridge as well (an [huge] upgrade on sandy bridge). i think it comes out in feb/march of 2012.
yeah thats around tax time for me, another 5g's or so to spend on parts. I figure f it go with this, get a dual card for taxes, then the following year just get the ivy bridge, new mobo w/e. Was just pondering the soon to be released stuff
By oncura 2011-12-10 18:29:02
i didnt wanna start a new topic, has anyone seen this flippin case -> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811129091&cm_sp=Cat_Computer_Cases-_-YTVideo-_-YT11-129-091
things awesome looking! Reason i even saw it is im not sure if i want the white corsair 600T..its ugly..but i want something as nice as the 600T..and sadly only thing i see that looks nice and seems decent is this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811119239 but it has no fan controller built in :(. anyone got an opinion?
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Dreadnot 2011-12-10 18:46:57
By oncura 2011-12-10 19:44:01
Bismarck.Dreadnot said: »
Not a bad lookin case, I'll put that 1 in my running. There was a few Cooler Master cases i was looking at but never saw that 1. Another case i was lookin at was the Thermaltake 10 GT
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 716
By Fenrir.Krazyrs 2011-12-10 20:19:46
yea i like master cooler, i got the HAF 922, swapped the top 200mm fan out to a red led one and added a side red led 200mm fan as well to match the front mount 200mm red led look
By oncura 2011-12-10 20:55:10
yea i like master cooler, i got the HAF 922, swapped the top 200mm fan out to a red led one and added a side red led 200mm fan as well to match the front mount 200mm red led look
yeh i was lookin at that 1, but i think their was a dif 1 i was lookin at i rly liked but no fan controller and a rly small cpu cut out ; ;
Server: Odin
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By Odin.Hitoseijuro 2011-12-10 21:10:54
yea i like master cooler, i got the HAF 922, swapped the top 200mm fan out to a red led one and added a side red led 200mm fan as well to match the front mount 200mm red led look yeh i was lookin at that 1, but i think their was a dif 1 i was lookin at i rly liked but no fan controller and a rly small cpu cut out ; ; I have the HAF 922 aswell its owsum. As far as what you might be looking for, try the Corsair 600T ? Has a knob for fan control. And excellent cable management backplate if you dont like modding your own.
Edit: I just read up and noticed you thought it was ugly ._.;
Server: Carbuncle
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Posts: 481
By Carbuncle.Scarmiglione 2011-12-10 21:21:25
this is what i have...
its a really nice case. the front fan bays open up, and have screens in them that come out really easily, makes cleaning them a snap, and hardly any dust gets inside. also has a 2.5" bay ontop for hot swapping drives. also the 2 front fan speeds can be controlled as well.
By oncura 2011-12-10 22:01:59
yea i like master cooler, i got the HAF 922, swapped the top 200mm fan out to a red led one and added a side red led 200mm fan as well to match the front mount 200mm red led look yeh i was lookin at that 1, but i think their was a dif 1 i was lookin at i rly liked but no fan controller and a rly small cpu cut out ; ; I have the HAF 922 aswell its owsum. As far as what you might be looking for, try the Corsair 600T ? Has a knob for fan control. And excellent cable management backplate if you dont like modding your own.
Edit: I just read up and noticed you thought it was ugly ._.;
Lol yeh, I like the black 1 but doesnt have the extra see through panel..so i decided to look around. I'm either gonna end up with the 600T or 1 of the cooler master ones and just grab a fan controller if i can figuire out how that even works.
Edit: BTW kraz, I <3 your avatar..he's hilarious and firefly owned 8D
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 716
By Fenrir.Krazyrs 2011-12-10 23:04:26
yea i just use MSI Afterburner to custom set the fan lvs
By oncura 2011-12-11 01:28:53
controllers r so convenient but hell that works, now i can just find a case to fit my mobo and make lots pretty lights and air flow 8D
By oncura 2011-12-11 03:13:28
while im at it, does anyone know if FFXI, FFXIV and Windows 7 will fit on a 256 GB SSD comfortably? wanna put my most used things on it and not kill space, but not sure what each game takes in the end
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 716
By Fenrir.Krazyrs 2011-12-11 18:14:09
cant tell you, i got a 40SSD for just my OS (w7) and 2 separate 1TB drives
By oncura 2011-12-11 22:55:06
cant tell you, i got a 40SSD for just my OS (w7) and 2 separate 1TB drives
well if a 40GB fits windows 7, then 250 GB shud be overkill for what i wanna do... my buddy trying to talk me into doing a RAID 10 on 4 seagate momentus XT 750 GB SSHD's to..lol
Server: Bahamut
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By Bahamut.Jetackuu 2011-12-12 00:41:44
ffxi 7 and xiv should fit on 60gb, 160 would be enough for standard use, but tbh neither of these games requires the hdd access speed of a ssd. (especially not xi, xiv maybe you could justify it...)
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9,001
By Bahamut.Jetackuu 2011-12-12 00:44:33
I mean you can probably fir xi and 7 on a 20gb drive (barely) xiv I wouldn't imagine is more than 20gb (tops) plus buffering, documents music video, maybe 120 would work better.
By oncura 2011-12-12 02:42:45
ffxi 7 and xiv should fit on 60gb, 160 would be enough for standard use, but tbh neither of these games requires the hdd access speed of a ssd. (especially not xi, xiv maybe you could justify it...)
Hmm maybe i can save a lil money downgrading to a smaller size then, been trying to cut a few dollars off the build here and there, its up to 3800$ >.>. and only reason I might throw FFXI on the SSD, is just because it's the main thing on my PC, may as well
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9,001
By Bahamut.Jetackuu 2011-12-12 10:12:56
what's your current build up to where you're going to spend that much? and from where?
I could understand if you're buying some monitors too but just for the tower I wouldn't throw more than 2.2k in it, and that itself would be an amazing build.
I threw together a build for under 1600 using the fastest i7 I could find a few weeks back (didn't buy it though) and I could have upgraded a few parts to overkill status easily for 600.
3800 is way too much, especially if you're only talking about running 1 game at a time.
hell the real high end gpu's aren't even really necessary for lower size monitors, not to mention xi has a fps cap anyway (assuming xiv does too)
if you aren't planning to do a lot more with it you're going overboard with a 2k pc, much less over 3k (almost 4).
By Dre 2011-12-12 10:22:28
Honestly this built is just a complete waste of money if all you care for is FFXI and XIV. Is it nice to have a bad *** comp like that? Sure but whats the point when 80% of its potential will never be used and obsolete in a year. You are better off just building a $2000 comp and putting the rest away.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 31,068
By Ramuh.Urial 2011-12-12 10:26:34
Did I read FFXI and XIV on a SSD...
Complete waste of money.
Both games load at limited speeds due to server side lag.
Only thing I run my SSD for is my OS.
And Jet you're quite wrong. The fastest i7 would cost 1k alone.
Yeah you can get the 2700k and make a decent rig for 1600-2k which clearly is what the OP needs to do rather than building the biggest nicest PC just to run two games only one of which will remotely test the system.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9,001
By Bahamut.Jetackuu 2011-12-12 10:29:58
Did I read FFXI and XIV on a SSD...
Complete waste of money.
Both games load at limited speeds due to server side lag.
Only thing I run my SSD for is my OS.
And Jet you're quite wrong. The fastest i7 would cost 1k alone.
Yeah you can get the 2700k and make a decent rig for 1600-2k which clearly is what the OP needs to do rather than building the biggest nicest PC just to run two games only one of which will remotely test the system.
I said the fastest I could find, aka the the fastest on newegg (I may have put a price limiter, I don't remember) so no in context I am not wrong.
(on second thought, may have been the highest quad core, idr)
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 31,068
By Ramuh.Urial 2011-12-12 10:31:44
Did I read FFXI and XIV on a SSD...
Complete waste of money.
Both games load at limited speeds due to server side lag.
Only thing I run my SSD for is my OS.
And Jet you're quite wrong. The fastest i7 would cost 1k alone.
Yeah you can get the 2700k and make a decent rig for 1600-2k which clearly is what the OP needs to do rather than building the biggest nicest PC just to run two games only one of which will remotely test the system.
I said the fastest I could find, aka the the fastest on newegg (I may have put a price limiter, I don't remember) so no in context I am not wrong.
(on second thought, may have been the highest quad core, idr) The fastest on newegg still would cost 1k.
You had to have a limiter which wasn't stated.
Shouldn't leave out important details.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4,205
By Ragnarok.Sekundes 2011-12-12 10:36:18
Did I read FFXI and XIV on a SSD...
Complete waste of money.
Both games load at limited speeds due to server side lag.
Only thing I run my SSD for is my OS. I don't consider myself an expert on this but regardless of server lag, once your computer gets a message that a certain item/dat is needed, your computer still has to go retrieve that dat. I run FFXI off my SSD and I've noticed a visible difference in load times.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 31,068
By Ramuh.Urial 2011-12-12 10:39:38
Ragnarok.Sekundes said: »Did I read FFXI and XIV on a SSD...
Complete waste of money.
Both games load at limited speeds due to server side lag.
Only thing I run my SSD for is my OS. I don't consider myself an expert on this but regardless of server lag, once your computer gets a message that a certain item/dat is needed, your computer still has to go retrieve that dat. I run FFXI off my SSD and I've noticed a visible difference in load times. Yeah I tested FFXIV on my SSD and my 7200rpm drive and saw the same no noticeable difference. I didn't test XI because I'd already quit at the time. I personally wouldn't adjust anything in my rig for XI since the game itself is all based on 10 years ago.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 340
By Asura.Revelation 2011-12-12 10:39:53
Bismarck.Dreadnot said: »I can post some screenshots of 14 from when i was playing it on max settings. I don't have any videos of it anymore. sure anything helps. what were u using? -I've been thinking of getting the 580 or 590 and sometime around march when taxes come in goin to a dual card set up to. either way need the best bang in a single card atm i supposse jic i dont get a dual card
Probably a little late, but a GTX 590 is basically 2 watered down GTX 580 GPU'S smashed together into 1 card... Don't get it. SLI 570's will beat it hands down, and used to be way cheaper vs 590 (haven't check prices lately).
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 31,068
By Ramuh.Urial 2011-12-12 10:42:34
Bismarck.Dreadnot said: »I can post some screenshots of 14 from when i was playing it on max settings. I don't have any videos of it anymore. sure anything helps. what were u using? -I've been thinking of getting the 580 or 590 and sometime around march when taxes come in goin to a dual card set up to. either way need the best bang in a single card atm i supposse jic i dont get a dual card
Probably a little late, but a GTX 590 is basically 2 watered down GTX 580 GPU'S smashed together into 1 card... Don't get it. SLI 570's will beat it hands down, and used to be way cheaper vs 590 (haven't check prices lately). Finding the 590 is hard enough now as is.
The only reason I got the 590 was because how close the PCI x16's were on my board.
If you want more power 2x GTX 570 would be the better option.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 802
By Ramuh.Yarly 2011-12-12 10:48:09
To answer the original question...
Yes, FFXI, FFXIV and Win7 will all fit comfortably on a 256GB SSD.
So go for it!
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9,001
By Bahamut.Jetackuu 2011-12-12 10:48:43
Did I read FFXI and XIV on a SSD...
Complete waste of money.
Both games load at limited speeds due to server side lag.
Only thing I run my SSD for is my OS.
And Jet you're quite wrong. The fastest i7 would cost 1k alone.
Yeah you can get the 2700k and make a decent rig for 1600-2k which clearly is what the OP needs to do rather than building the biggest nicest PC just to run two games only one of which will remotely test the system.
I said the fastest I could find, aka the the fastest on newegg (I may have put a price limiter, I don't remember) so no in context I am not wrong.
(on second thought, may have been the highest quad core, idr) The fastest on newegg still would cost 1k.
You had to have a limiter which wasn't stated.
Shouldn't leave out important details.
figured it was implied well enough, oh well.
yeah I don't look at above quad core currently.
So i had this posted elsewhere to run FFXIV but in my building at Cyberpowerpc.com i decided i want to go beyond FFXIV. Not because i play anything else but because i have the money to for once in my life due to an injury settlement. So for next 2 years im house stricken and I want a beast of a machine. My price range will go anywhere up to 2000$-3000$ (preferably 200-2500$)in the spoiler below ill put what i think (with my lack of knowledge) and I'm hoping for some changes or perhaps a better build for the buck. Building a PC part-by-part isn't for me even tho it costs less, I have no knowledge of building a PC these days especially when i figure the card i chose in my build requires liquid cooling. So any advice/help from someone who knows their PC's would be immensly helpful.
This is the AMD machine:
Price 2915$ - also considering dropping th card to a ATI Radeon 6970 to save a few hundred bucks. Case: * Azza Hurrican 2000 Full Tower Gaming Case with 4 Hot Swappable HDD Cage & (4) 230MM Fans
Internal USB Extension Module: None
Extra Case Fan Upgrade: Maximum Enermax 120MM Case Cooling Fans for selected case (Maximum Silent Operation) (500-1,200 RPM T.B. Silence Black Color with Red LED Twister Bearing 8-14 dBA)
Noise Reduction Technology: Sound Absorbing Foam on Side, Top And Bottom panels
Power Supply Gasket
Anti-Vibration Fan Mounts
CPU: AMD FX-8150 3.60 GHz Eight-Core AM3+ CPU 8MB L2 Cache & Turbo Core Technology
Cooling Fan: CyberPower Xtreme Hydro Liquid Cooling Kit 360MM w/ Triple Fan(CPU & GPU Liquid Cool Capable, Extreme Overclocking Performance + Extreme Silent at 18dBA)
Coolant for Cyberpower Xtreme Hydro Water Cooling Kits: High-Performance Non Conductive Coolant powered by Koolance (Clear Color)
Motherboard: [3-Way CrossFireX/SLI] Asus Crosshair V Formula AMD 990FX Socket AM3+ ATX Mainboard w/ UEFI Bios, ROG Connect & 7.1 SupremeFX X-FI 2 Audio, GbLAN, USB 3.0, SATA-III RAID, 4 Gen2 PCIe X16, 1 PCIe X1 & 1 PCI
Memory: 16GB (8GBx2) DDR3/1333MHz Dual Channel Memory
Video Card: AMD Radeon HD 6990 4GB GDDR5 16X PCIe Video Card
Video Card 2: None
Power Supply Upgrade: 1,000 Watts - Raidmax RX-1000AE 80 Plus Gold Power Supply
Hard Drive: 60 GB OCZ Agility 3 SATA III 6.0Gb/s SSD - 525MB/s Read & 475MB/s Write (Single Drive)
Data Hard Drive: 300GB Gaming Western Digital VelociRaptor 10,000RPM SATA-II 3.0Gb/s 16MB Cache WD3000GLFS (Single Drive)
Hard Drive Cooling Fan: Vigor iSURF II Hard Disk Drive Cooling System
Optical Drive: LG UH12LS28K 12X Blu-Ray Player & DVDRW Combo Drive
Sound: * Asus Xonar D1 7.1 Channels 24-bit 192KHz PCI Sound Card
LCD Monitor: * 24" Widescreen 1920x1080 Asus VH242H LCD w/ Built-in Speaker, DVI, & HDMI
Speakers: 600Watts PMPO Subwoofer Stereo Speakers
Network: Onboard Gigabit LAN Network
Keyboard: Xtreme Gear (Black Color) Multimedia/Internet USB Keyboard
Mouse: XtremeGear Optical USB 3 Buttons Gaming Mouse
Extra Thermal Display: None
Wireless 802.11B/G Network Card: None
External Wireless Network Card: None
Wireless 802.11 B/G/N Access Point: None
Bluetooth: USB Bluetooth 2.0 Adapter
Flash Media Reader/Writer: INTERNAL 12in1 Flash Media Reader/Writer (BLACK COLOR)
IEEE1394 Card: None
Internal USB Port: Built-in USB 2.0 Ports
USB Port: None
Operating System: Microsoft® Windows 7 Home Premium(64-bit Edition
This is the Intel machine:
final price here was like 3200$ and im sure it cud be tweaked to be cheaper, some components made no sence to me just sounded nice so, a whack at it be good Case: * Azza Hurrican 2000 Full Tower Gaming Case with 4 Hot Swappable HDD Cage & (4) 230MM Fans
Extra Case Fan Upgrade: Maximum Enermax 120MM Case Cooling Fans for selected case (Maximum Silent Operation) (500-1,200 RPM T.B. Silence Black Color with Red LED Twister Bearing 8-14 dBA)
Noise Reduction Technology: Sound Absorbing Foam on Side, Top And Bottom panels
Power Supply Gasket
Anti-Vibration Fan Mounts
CPU: Intel® Core™ i7-2700K 3.50 GHz 8MB Intel Smart Cache LGA1155 (All Venom OC Certified)
Venom Boost Fast And Efficient Factory Overclocking: Ultimate OC (Ultimate Overclock 30% or more)
Cooling Fan: CyberPower Xtreme Hydro Liquid Cooling Kit 360MM w/ Triple Fan(CPU & GPU Liquid Cool Capable, Extreme Overclocking Performance + Extreme Silent at 18dBA)
Coolant for Cyberpower Xtreme Hydro Water Cooling Kits: High-Performance Non Conductive Coolant powered by Koolance
Motherboard: [CrossFireX/SLI] ASRock Fatal1ty Z68 Professional Gen3 Intel Z68 ATX Mainboard w/ Lucid Virtu, Intel SRT, UEFI F-Stream, & 7.1 THX TruStudio Audio, Dual GbLan, 2x HDMI, USB3.0, SATA-III RAID, 3 Gen3 PCIe X16, 2 PCIe X1 & 2 PCI
Intel Smart Response Technology for Z68: 60 GB ADATA S511 SATA III 6.0Gb/s SSD - 550MB/s Read & 500MB/s Write (Single Drive)
Memory: 16GB (8GBx2) DDR3/1333MHz Dual Channel Memory (Corsair)
Video Card: AMD Radeon HD 6990 4GB GDDR5 16X PCIe Video Card
Power Supply Upgrade: 1,000 Watts - Raidmax RX-1000AE 80 Plus Gold Power Supply
Hard Drive: 60 GB OCZ Agility 3 SATA III 6.0Gb/s SSD - 525MB/s Read & 475MB/s Write (Single Drive)
Data Hard Drive: 300GB Gaming Western Digital VelociRaptor 10,000RPM SATA-II 3.0Gb/s 16MB Cache WD3000GLFS (Single Drive)
Hard Drive Cooling Fan: Vigor iSURF II Hard Disk Drive Cooling System
Optical Drive: LG UH12LS28K 12X Blu-Ray Player & DVDRW Combo Drive
Sound: * Asus Xonar D1 7.1 Channels 24-bit 192KHz PCI Sound Card
LCD Monitor: 22" Widescreen 1680x1050 Asus VW224U LCD Display
Speakers: 600Watts PMPO Subwoofer Stereo Speakers
Network: Onboard Gigabit LAN Network
Keyboard: Xtreme Gear (Black Color) Multimedia/Internet USB Keyboard
Mouse: XtremeGear Optical USB 3 Buttons Gaming Mouse
Bluetooth: USB Bluetooth 2.0 Adapter
Flash Media Reader/Writer: INTERNAL 12in1 Flash Media Reader/Writer
Internal USB Port: Built-in USB 2.0 Ports
Operating System: Microsoft® Windows 7 Home Premium (64-bit Edition)
Any thoughts/comments about either machine is nice, I have not a clue about cards and CPU's nemore. Only what i've read being that AMD 6990 is most powerful card on the market at the moment, and the CPU race goes either way between the 2 chosen (AMD FX 8core/Intel i7 2700). I also thot about using dual medium end cards but not sure how that would stack vs 1 high end card. Sorry for long post cuz i r moron. But perhaps it could be fun for someone to help me out ^^.