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Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Haptic
Posts: 39
By Shiva.Haptic 2011-10-09 01:59:37
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Bahamut.Cuelebra said: »
lol no offense but rdm is down there in the gutter with sch as far as usefulness. they are both as useful as eachother. its not the abyssea mentality either. 1) whm is the best healer. 2) blm can cycle through spells faster....making it the best nuking processor.
I know RDM is not as useful as it was back at 75, however I have yet to see someone pick a sch over rdm for any kind of event in the game period.
Bahamut.Cuelebra said: »
the only sparkle rdm has is para2 or slow2... addle, whm has so yah.
If you think the only sparkle rdm got are those, I'm sorry you're mistaken.
Bahamut.Cuelebra said: »
as far as healing capabilities. SCH 10x a better healer than rdm. healing magic skill as well as being able to hit 1k cure4s outside abyssea. do u need 1k cures all the time? NO. but there are occasions where 300-500cure4s dont cut it and rapture + cure4 does the trick.
Low man situations rdm would become more beneficial imo.
Bahamut.Cuelebra said: »
where does rdm and sch come in VW?
Again, low man rdm would have greater benefits on the party, refresh/cures/nukes and so on...
Bahamut.Cuelebra said: »
RDM/blm is great for debuffing, which is what rdm should be good at... healing no. RDM has not been a competent healer or assistant healer since ToAU. RDM can assist blm in process, but much better that a SCH assist because of the af3+2 body enmity reduction on tier spells. As well has stun duty.

SCH/blm or sch/rdm? is great for assisting BLM in processing. ask why not just have anouther blm? well sch can also main cure a full dd party as well as every tier nuke and helix spell. thats the beauty in the job. A good sch should be able to keep dd's cured, to relive hate and mp issues from whms. as well as assist BLM in processing relieve hate generation from BLM. because the fact is enmity douse isnt every 2 minutes.
BRD? COR? RDM? Any of those can cure/refresh/buff/debuff and help overall party. (yes I know sch can, I would much rather have a cor or a brd on my blm pt than a sch.)

Bahamut.Cuelebra said: »
I have blm rdm whm sch at 95. i love all my main jobs and can say each has their purpose. obviously if u think sch is trash uve been partying with some crappy schs. I think a lot of people think oh sch is JUST a nuker or healer. no its not. its called AoE pax on the blms or aoe pax on the dds' so they arnt stealing hate. its called aoe regain for more ws processing, its called AoE embrava on entire alliance and kaustra because ur low manned that one time. if ur sch isnt doing all this they arnt a good sch imo.
I didn't mean the job is trash trash. I just mean it has no usefulness as far as other jobs has. Specially if you're a low man group. I can't think of any situation where I would pick a sch over brd or cor as far as support. However in a kite situation sch no doubt has his shine, just like rdm and blm. Eh whatever everything is based on what you have on your party/group. Obviously no point in having 4 brds 1 tank 1 whm...
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1097
By Fenrir.Gradd 2011-10-09 02:01:21
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Unfortunately Abyssea made alot of people lazy, its really rare these days to find a mage that will even keep a good haste cycle up, its one of the main reasons I force myself to play mage jobs instead of Melee, I get very emo when i'm not being hasted, I could 2box my alt and haste myself but I really hate having to play two accounts x:

Thank god they fixed Yarnball though I was seriously going insane without it just randomly throwing out hastes and refreshes x:
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Serj
Posts: 6179
By Bahamut.Serj 2011-10-09 02:04:08
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Fenrir.Gradd said: »
Unfortunately Abyssea made alot of people lazy, its really rare these days to find a mage that will even keep a good haste cycle up, its one of the main reasons I force myself to play mage jobs instead of Melee, I get very emo when i'm not being hasted, I could 2box my alt and haste myself but I really hate having to play two accounts x:

Thank god they fixed Yarnball though I was seriously going insane without it just randomly throwing out hastes and refreshes x:

I honestly think Yarnball was the reason people stopped hasting haha.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Ninian
Posts: 2871
By Fenrir.Niniann 2011-10-09 02:11:33
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Could write timers into spellcast, worst excuse ever. :( when I don't haste someone it's because I went dori and forgot I have the spell. :(
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Urteil89
By Phoenix.Urteil 2011-10-09 02:13:40
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Shiva.Haptic said: »
The truth is, sch has never been useful.
Not at 75, not at 80~95.
Blm has always been a better nuker, and if you need cures or whatever... RDM would be more useful than a sch on that situation.
Leviathan.Dodu said: »
Being unique has never been a benefit in this game. Most of what made jobs unique lowered their performance, and if your goal was to play to capacity, you ignored most ulterior aspects of your job and played like a warrior with a different equipment set.

/clap /clap /clap.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 778
By Bahamut.Cuelebra 2011-10-09 02:34:10
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Bismarck.Helel said: »
lol, this post got rated up twice? seriously? RDM's job is to refresh the mages, and that's pretty much it. I can't believe you would talk specifically about rdm in VW and not mention refresh. As far as I'm concerned, you have no idea what you're talking about.

Also, if a RDM is going /BLM, chances are they'll be stunning... not enfeebling. Shouldn't need to elemental seal debuffs >.>.

yes this post got rated up twice because its true. refresh 2.hmm let me think? refresh 2 vs? bard with songs which do the exact same thing PLUS MORE!. no ur not going in tank party. go back to stuning and waiting for slow2 para2 to ware. now enmity managment taking over curing because the whm has too much hate. a sch can do. sorry a rdm cannot keep a pld alive when whms hate is high. a sch can in those situations.

if ur goign to rebut something at least please adress the key points i made.

1) u failed to addres the curing. ur going to sit there and tell me a rdm's curing when a whm is dead is as good as a sch. if u really think that. then... well yah...

2) i never made this out to be sch vs anything. this is about they each have their use in voidwatch. a lot of mobs in vw are so much easily defeated with sab+debuff. so yes a rdm has their place. as does a good sch.

3) u rather have a brd,cor or rdm in the blm party if ur int his mentality. then ur not thinking voidwatch. Voidwatch ISNT about killing the thing fast. no its about processings and not taking hate. im sorry but from a whole alliance perspective. aoe pax on the blm party so they arnt stealing hate because their enmity douse timer isnt up because they are trying to to trigger wind, fire, water. thats a bit more key.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Nausi
Posts: 6709
By Ragnarok.Nausi 2011-10-09 02:36:36
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I don't know what you guys are worried about. BLMs will never give up Gravity for helices. If anything this begins to boost RDMs comeback as the DOT/solo monster it once was.

I'm not worried about SCH though, it will always be a competant nuker, pumping out far more DOT in the long haul than a BLM ever could. It's a better healer than RDM, and with its new 2hr mods it can even take the place of some BRDs.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1515
By Cerberus.Vaness 2011-10-09 02:41:39
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Ragnarok.Nausi said: »
I don't know what you guys are worried about. BLMs will never give up Gravity for helices. If anything this begins to boost RDMs comeback as the DOT/solo monster it once was.

I'm not worried about SCH though, it will always be a competant nuker, pumping out far more DOT in the long haul than a BLM ever could. It's a better healer than RDM, and with its new 2hr mods it can even take the place of some BRDs.
Your avatar is creepy as *** but I like your opinions!
Posts: 670
By Inuyasha 2011-10-09 02:42:19
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the only sparkle rdm has is para2 or slow2... addle, whm has so yah.

I have blm rdm whm sch at 95

yet you dont know about Saboteur and how that combined with Addle makes it better than lolWHMaddle. But sadly..if you have a BRD in the pt...nocturne and addle dont stack for whatever HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE reason.
Posts: 670
By Inuyasha 2011-10-09 02:45:53
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Ragnarok.Nausi said: »
I don't know what you guys are worried about. BLMs will never give up Gravity for helices. If anything this begins to boost RDMs comeback as the DOT/solo monster it once was. I'm not worried about SCH though, it will always be a competant nuker, pumping out far more DOT in the long haul than a BLM ever could. It's a better healer than RDM, and with its new 2hr mods it can even take the place of some BRDs.
now...if March stacks with Embrava(Haste)...*drool*

but like i said...either they augmented the levels you learn helices as SCH to -49....or its Test Server hoping the later...cause then they have to change how helices work so that sub isnt pumping out ungodly 1K+ DoTs
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 778
By Bahamut.Cuelebra 2011-10-09 02:46:44
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Inuyasha said: »
the only sparkle rdm has is para2 or slow2... addle, whm has so yah.

I have blm rdm whm sch at 95

yet you dont know about Saboteur and how that combined with Addle makes it better than lolWHMaddle. But sadly..if you have a BRD in the pt...nocturne and addle dont stack for whatever HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE reason.

read up i mentioned sab. so u must have missed that. but we usually only bring 2 rdms max. usually just 1. sab+ slow2 > sab+ addle. but depending on the mob one could argue. anyways yah the hole thing was about rdms usefulness based on refresh2 is what the guy had said i was responding to.

"situational at best" is the phrased abused here on ffxiah.

@Inuyasha - theres a thread in sch forums about marchx2 and embrava. u can cast both. but embrava allows dd's to reach attack speed cap without marchx2 from what i understand. since embrava, haste(spell), marchx2 all fall under magical haste.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Haptic
Posts: 39
By Shiva.Haptic 2011-10-09 03:08:18
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nvm, not worth it.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 778
By Bahamut.Cuelebra 2011-10-09 03:14:04
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Shiva.Haptic said: »
nvm, not worth it.

/clap /clap /clap
Posts: 670
By Inuyasha 2011-10-09 03:39:52
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Bahamut.Cuelebra said: »
Inuyasha said: »
the only sparkle rdm has is para2 or slow2... addle, whm has so yah.
I have blm rdm whm sch at 95
yet you dont know about Saboteur and how that combined with Addle makes it better than lolWHMaddle. But sadly..if you have a BRD in the pt...nocturne and addle dont stack for whatever HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE reason.
read up i mentioned sab. so u must have missed that. but we usually only bring 2 rdms max. usually just 1. sab+ slow2 > sab+ addle. but depending on the mob one could argue. anyways yah the hole thing was about rdms usefulness based on refresh2 is what the guy had said i was responding to. "situational at best" is the phrased abused here on ffxiah. @Inuyasha - theres a thread in sch forums about marchx2 and embrava. u can cast both. but embrava allows dd's to reach attack speed cap without marchx2 from what i understand. since embrava, haste(spell), marchx2 all fall under magical haste.

but yea,I saw that whole "WHM gets Addle so RDM is useless" thing in the RDM forums....and i laughed :| and yea..."situational" indeed

@Inuyasha - theres a thread in sch forums about marchx2 and embrava. u can cast both. but embrava allows dd's to reach attack speed cap without marchx2 from what i understand. since embrava, haste(spell), marchx2 all fall under magical haste.

they all stack...*drools*

darn SE and your placing caps Q_Q
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 616
By Ragnarok.Nekonarf 2011-10-09 03:50:52
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I don't quite see why this is an issue, it doesn't kill SCH's usefulness in Voidwatch, /SCH is still a terrible subjob in terms of what /RDM has to offer for both WHM and BLM.

You're recovering more MP over time, constant fast cast, and it's not like your mages in VW shouldn't have some other form of refresh support (COR or BRD) so the very minimal decrease is cost of spells is hardly noticeable.

You're acting like SCH is dead, and no one is going to bother taking it into any event that requires a proc, where they could assist in covering lower tier crap so the BLMs are not throwing out more hate then they already are in VW, but then again, Enmity Douse + Random Deal = Win.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Ninian
Posts: 2871
By Fenrir.Niniann 2011-10-09 04:01:33
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@Neko: there's only going to be one of each for BRD and COR, and WHM benefits from SCHs strategems as well, so they should be /SCH. :x So SCHs good for 2 JA process IE not exactly worth the party slot depending on what jobs you have access to. :x

Edit: I really hate how this ninja corrects proc into process :|
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Eike
Posts: 9265
By Odin.Eikechi 2011-10-09 05:28:02
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/sch is seriously a good sub... sublimation is a standing refresh or an "oh crap" mp supply..depending on how you want to use it. you still get dispel on dark arts if you need to change for whatever reason, and you get sleep spells for the same "oh crap" moments.. mp reduction is good on arts and you talk about "constant fast cast" on /rdm..well arts are constant fast cast as well..and if you're changing its obviously because you want to cast a spell in that other art..guess what...then you get fast cast for that spell too.... so I'm not sure where you were going with all of that Neko. And as niniann pointed out, stratagems are still nice every so often on /sch.. imagine a whm/sch using 1/2 mp cost on a big cure with AF3+2 pants on..they might actually get more mp back then they spent (i think it works on curaga spells too..the pants mp recovery proc).
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1060
By Lakshmi.Sirafiinikkusu 2011-10-09 05:34:09
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Haptic are you capable of adding anymore sensible points/arguments? If not please kindly gtfo, posting umad pics constantly doesn't make you as cool as ironguy.

Also being that helices were lowered this far I do see helix 2 In the future, just hope its not merit based
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2912
By Sylph.Kimble 2011-10-09 05:53:20
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I already didnt like really taking SCH to VW and this all but makes me no longer want to bring one. Bringing it for only 2 JA procs (one of which never lands) over something else is just a wasted party slot. While they can do aoe regain, its generally weak compared to CORs. (I know they stack but even then, its only 1 per tick) With the amount of temps we get now in voidwatch, as long as you are procing well and fast, healing is even less of an issue with 2 healing powders and 2 potions.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Eike
Posts: 9265
By Odin.Eikechi 2011-10-09 05:54:42
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speaking of which kimble, i have the temp item KI from the T1 puk..what other temp KIs am i missing and from what NMs if you dont mind... PM if you need to and dont want to derail this thread or w/e..thx ^^
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2912
By Sylph.Kimble 2011-10-09 06:00:31
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There is another temp KI from the T2 from Bastok path (Lorbulcrud).

The other 2 come from the 2 T1 paths in Zilart (Holy Moly or Neith or Ildebrann for one and Sabotender Campeador or Malleator Maurok or Tangaroa for the other)

Tangaroa and Neith are prob the easiest to clear.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Krizz
Posts: 23561
By Ramuh.Krizz 2011-10-09 07:07:33
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Shiva.Haptic said: »
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Mizuharu
Posts: 1988
By Bahamut.Mizuharu 2011-10-09 11:24:17
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I guess I'm one of the lucky few that actually gets to play SCH for things. :<

... Granted, it's better geared for nuking compared to my RDM. Though I suspect that, with this helix update crap, I'll be going SMN from now on just for Earthen Armor. ; ;
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Fredjan
Posts: 2326
By Phoenix.Fredjan 2011-10-09 13:11:30
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Ragnarok.Nekonarf said: »
/SCH is still a terrible subjob in terms of what /RDM has to offer for both WHM and BLM.
I always thought /SCH was ultimate for WHM.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Krizz
Posts: 3158
By Bahamut.Krizz 2011-10-09 13:14:27
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Phoenix.Fredjan said: »
Ragnarok.Nekonarf said: »
/SCH is still a terrible subjob in terms of what /RDM has to offer for both WHM and BLM.
I always thought /SCH was ultimate for WHM.
It used to be. Apparently not now, and I can understand it with the level increase.
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