There are fishing topics that come up now and then but mainly are asking a question for a single answer. I know there are many fishers that visit these forums so this is an attempt to get people involved and have a little fun discussing one and only one thing, fishing!
I know
Blue Gartr has a Fishing topic already, but I would like to see this community get involved a little bit and talk, since not everyone visits BG. I would love to have a topic just for fishers including veteran fishers, casual fishers, and even players just starting out and want to ask a few questions without being embarrassed about starting a whole topic for a simple answer they could not find.
I only ask that you keep any bot talk to a minimum, preferably none.
[Moderator edit: No bot talk] I want this to be a place where we can discuss anything from GP items of the day to what lure/bait to use or what area is best. A quick mention of how you're doing on the lu shang/ebisu quest, how you're doing getting your fishing items from Grounds of Valor, that item you're saving your GP up for, or how much you wish you could hurt Zaldon for not finding anything in your fish for the 10,000th time. Your lucky moment streaks and the moments when you have nothing come your way and question why you started fishing in the first place. Anything that comes to mind, think of it as the random thoughts thread for fishing.
I will list a few resources that I find to be useful when it comes to fishing:
BG Fishing Topic
Great Blue (Amazing Site <3, is out dated since 2008 but an amazing resource regardless)
Final Fishing (Another great resource with one of the most in-depth guides made. Out of date though.)
Fish Size Chart [
Chenon Diary (The site seems to be down for good though, it was a site made for Fish Ranking)
I shall add more if people provide good resources.