What's The Point In /Seacom

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What's the point in /Seacom
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Baelorn
Posts: 857
By Phoenix.Baelorn 2009-11-04 14:32:16
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Odin.Aramina said:
it's easier to put your flag up than wait for the lag in the /search menu.

/pcmd add is your friend.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Darkmoose
Posts: 456
By Odin.Aramina 2009-11-04 14:46:07
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@ JackieOlivas

One of the most fun parties that I had in the last year or so was in Bibiki Bay. I was with 4/6 Linkshell people and all the ToAU camps were crowded, so we went to the lower Catoblepas camp at synced at 66.

Ichrius (DRK/THF) and me on Darkmoose (SAM/THF) were both 75 with 8/8 merits GS for him, GK for me. Sofiax was on COR (she was the sync at 66), and Quixacotl came on BRD (75, sycned down).

We picked up a RDM and PLD, both of whom had to be talked into coming with us to Bibiki Bay against their /seacoms. Needless to say, it was ridiculous fun. Because of our merits, once Sofi dinged 67, Ich and I could do SATA Light Skillchains that would just about one-shot a Catoblepas. I also would make creative use of Sekkanoki, self-skillchaining TA+Gekko on PLD, run around mob > SA+Kasha for Fusion, which he'd close with SATA Spinning Slash for Light on the PLD for 150% SC damage. Those ones were easily over 3k average for WS + SC damage, and that's at 67!

The point is, the EXP wasn't as good as the Mire (still good, though), but we ended up having an absolute blast; and while the RDM and PLD both had to be talked through their /seacom limits a little bit, they took a chance on a 4/6 LS party with a COR and BRD and meritted 75 DDs synced down.

Sometimes if you take a chance on a party that you didn't really want, you end up pleasantly surprised.

@ Baelorn re: /pcmd add

Yes, I agree, and I used party and alliance command line stuff a ton, but sometimes it's easier to target people and invite. Depends on the situation.

If I recall, there is an uncommonly used /acmd that would allow the ally leader to change the party leaders of the subordinate parties (useful sometimes if someone was dead or afk and loot needed to be taken care of asap).
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Mindi
Posts: 602
By Cerberus.Mindi 2009-11-04 15:14:01
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what i love much about ppl "reading" (or better not reading) seacoms...

my bfriend and me allways PT together when we level jobs, 95% of the time we do our owm PT's (since most ppl are unable to create a good one...) but when nothing is really lfp to build own pt we both go LFP... with comments like "expierience points party yesplease, please check it Mindi Joblv + Praios Loblv gather together invite to join party" or something like this.

what you think almost allways happen?

one of us get a tell "hey pt do you need it?"

i/he say "yes, you have space for my friend aswell"

Ptleader: "uh no we only need one 5/6"

.............................................. awsome!
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Kunimitsu
Posts: 453
By Gilgamesh.Kunimitsu 2009-11-04 16:58:49
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If im making a pt, ill invite the DD with /seacoms first. Nowadays though when /sea all inv nin or pld can give 0-2 results, I ask any tank that pops, /seacom or not. Usually though i jus campaign/fov and lfp, or wait for an ls pt.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: bert92020
Posts: 5
By Fenrir.Mugeded 2009-11-04 17:45:44
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Bahamut.Etrayis said:
Yea, I was on 41RNG at the time and got an invite to a 33sync in Garlaige. I kindly respond with a {No Thanks}. I get a response "Why?" So I tell the guy I don't feel like syncing that low because I have stuff to keep capped. He responds with a "Wow. You are such a *** noob. Your never going to get anywhere in this game." I'm just thinking really? Was that necessary at all.

WOW now that ***will pretty much put that guy on the blacklist.... also you gotta know these people prabobly being childish and never around before this level synch actually exisited unless you have mandy cap that will cap your friend's lvl to your level. i say blame SE!
Server: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2009-11-05 09:56:21
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ok, I've been meaning to leave a post here since yesterday but my PC wasn't running. Anyway, /searchcoms are there for a reason, that reason could range from Exp party requests to lots in Dynamis.

To those of you who DO NOT read searchcoms(especially the green dotted ones), while trying to form parties is just plain stupid. People don't put /searchcoms up for their own health, there's a reason why they made it clear that {Level Sync} 37+. So yeah, either stop being lazy and take the time to read the comments, or GTFO!

To those of you who read them and POLITELY ask anyway, that's fine. At least you were informed beforehand of the preferences that player had. If you ask nicely, usually people will play ball.

Atm, I got THF and PUP in the 50's, and I usually have /searchcoms up to specifically identify which levels I'll sync to. Usually I'll have {Level Sync} 37+ {All right!}, but I'll still get Queefum, and Jungle party invites.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: dwyte
Posts: 128
By Shiva.Dwyte 2009-11-05 10:07:28
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Bahamut.Etrayis said:
Yea, I was on 41RNG at the time and got an invite to a 33sync in Garlaige. I kindly respond with a {No Thanks}. I get a response "Why?" So I tell the guy I don't feel like syncing that low because I have stuff to keep capped. He responds with a "Wow. You are such a *** noob. Your never going to get anywhere in this game." I'm just thinking really? Was that necessary at all.

did you reply with, "crap your right, cuz level sync has been in this game from day one, and no one ever leveled without it!" ?
Server: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Itazura
Posts: 134
By Ifrit.Itazura 2009-11-05 19:45:22
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Don't like making parties much, but for whatever reason my LS people tend to have me do that for merit (and sometimes exp) parties. Usually, we'd just have one or two spots open for non-LS members, and guess what?

I always send /tell to players seeking party with search comments first.

The way I figure it, if you care enough to put up a comment, you are more likely than those who do not to care to play/gear well. Not a sure sign, but better odds are better odds. heh.

* * *

JP players have a distinct advantage when it comes to comments; it's possible to put squeeze in "WAR SAM DRG RDM WHM BRD available with x merit in Great Kanata, y merit in Polearm, z merit in axe, 21% Haste NIN, 20% haste SAM, usukane body/feet, and and more" with just the standard abbreviations in Japanese--in two lines.

They like reserve one line for a <big-long-set-phrase-about-playing-nice-together> thing.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 250
By Leviathan.Antonioklaus 2009-11-05 20:47:22
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I usually don't bother ppl that actually use /seacoms. I am curious though. At 63 you are basically meritting, so what skill are you worrying about losing? Katana? That takes about 2 minutes to recap. Ninjitsu, lol? Personally, I don't mind level synch parties but to each his own.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shamaya
Posts: 337
By Asura.Shamaya 2009-11-05 21:52:46
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I think /seacom is very important. I agree that many many people don't check it, but there are still those that do.

If someone doesn't bother to /seacom and I don't know who they are, chances are I will not ask them to party. I'll ask someone who has a green dot.

Not putting up a /seacom hints to me either that (1)you have no strong points to speak of, and/or (2)you have a poor attitude or are lazy.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Katarzyna
Posts: 1354
By Cerberus.Katarzyna 2009-11-05 22:09:37
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To this day, I use my /seacom in hopes that someone will actually READ it.

I have yet to discover a leader that doesn't want me to pull on my BRD, even though it says in my /seacom "I'm not pulling. Don't even ask."
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Panthra
Posts: 714
By Odin.Kalico 2009-11-05 23:07:38
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lol level sync sucks unless your skill's are capped
from a previous job. The reason u still get /tell's
4 prty inv's regardless of /seacom is due to desperation lmao. If some 1 needs a tank or a healer and your flag is up trust me you'll get asked.
People want to lv and a /seacom is not going to stop /tell's no matter
what u put in there lol. Even if u put "Jp only" people(non Jp's) are going to be like " Hi Party do you need it" 0.0
By 2009-11-06 00:40:48
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Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 250
By Leviathan.Antonioklaus 2009-11-06 02:41:39
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You know what's worse is when ppl don't pay attention to the zone. I hate getting pt tells when I'm in salvage, dynamis, einherjar or an assault.
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Moldtech
Posts: 611
By Unicorn.Moldtech 2009-11-06 03:11:47
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Cerberus.Katarzyna said:
To this day, I use my /seacom in hopes that someone will actually READ it. I have yet to discover a leader that doesn't want me to pull on my BRD, even though it says in my /seacom "I'm not pulling. Don't even ask."

lol @ lazy brd ^^
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Enternius
Posts: 10387
By Siren.Enternius 2009-11-06 03:13:23
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A 75 BRD that refuses to pull.

What's this world coming to?
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1091
By Shiva.Darkshade 2009-11-06 04:55:37
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Didn't bother to read your post, but yeah happens to me all the time, especially when running through Qufim/Valkurm.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11
By Cerberus.Arcalimo 2009-11-06 05:56:05
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Well, even if you have in /seacom, "level synk 63+" there are some people that after being hours seeking for party may consider your offer and join you.
So if someone is starting a party and needs your job its normal that he ask you.
Ive done it and a lot off ppl with that coment end joining, and more lately that is actually hard to get a invite, so if you want to party you should onsider other levels or just go and do campaign.

And if is level 63+, a level that sucks badly for xp, then its more than normal, everyone prefer to synk to a better camp than go at 63 and do erucas or short colibri party >.<
Server: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Mooshie
Posts: 101
By Seraph.Mooshie 2009-11-06 07:00:50
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Hit 25 on COR last night. Next time I xp my /seacom is going to read: {Valkurm Dunes} {No thanks}
Ill post the results, but i know full well what my first /tell will say. God i hate the dunes
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Kiowa
Posts: 126
By Asura.Kiowa 2009-11-06 07:45:46
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its worth while if ppl use it correctly. sucks when i search items for sale tho and find ppl put up relic or af they want in wrongs slot tho,
tends to make me send them a tell saying, you gonna sell relic? lol
Server: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2009-11-06 08:55:16
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sometimes, while I'm farming, I would have a yellow dot on my name. If people do read /searchcoms, they'd click on my name to read my dot. One of the following has been used before...

1). {Congratulations} You've proven to me that you CAN read. Here's a cookie.


3). If you can read this, I'm a shark, suck my ***, I'm a shark.

my personal favorite...

4). Lunch ended over an hour ago, and only NOW you gonna call me?!
Server: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Mooshie
Posts: 101
By Seraph.Mooshie 2009-11-06 08:59:28
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Ifrit.Kungfuhustle said:
sometimes, while I'm farming, I would have a yellow dot on my name. If people do read /searchcoms, they'd click on my name to read my dot. One of the following has been used before... 1). {Congratulations} You've proven to me that you CAN read. Here's a cookie. 2). HEY, SHUT THE DAMN DOOR! 3). If you can read this, I'm a shark, suck my ***, I'm a shark. my personal favorite... 4). Lunch ended over an hour ago, and only NOW you gonna call me?!

More people should do this. I love it when a /seacom makes me chuckle. Recently saw on a drg:

{Hotshot} {Dragoon} thats whats up
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: krazyrs
Posts: 716
By Fenrir.Krazyrs 2009-11-07 15:50:52
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nobody bothers to read it for some jobs

my last job up to 75 was COR, as u can imagine i just had to be on the job with no flag to get invites

even when i got to the point of mire+ parties and made that known in my /seacom thats what i wanted ppl would still ask all they way down to 40+ ><

ive gotten to the point of saying no and when they ask why just answering
(/seacom)(please check it)
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Filiros
Posts: 95
By Bismarck.Narayan 2009-11-07 16:18:36
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/seacom is your billboard or yellow pages

People can drive by, say ***that's not even on the topic of it, but you're the manager.

Then if they pull up the overraped term of fire chucking boredom that is the word, "N00B" you just use ACTUAL "INT." to nuke them.

>>Your a nub

:You're* an inundated fiasco

/blacklist add <name> (you're suspended w)
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Ashido
Posts: 175
By Lakshmi.Ashido 2009-11-07 17:09:35
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I like being an arse some times , ill put up my pty flag and put in my seacom "Experience points NO Thanks " and i still get a ton of party invites for any job im flagged on.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Katarzyna
Posts: 1354
By Cerberus.Katarzyna 2009-11-07 17:15:15
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Siren.Enternius said:
A 75 BRD that refuses to pull.

What's this world coming to?

Just because I can pull doesn't mean I have to, especially in a 2x BRD party. You think both BRDs are gonna pull? No. Ok then. (By the way, my BRD is retired. Thanks for asking, ***.)

Unicorn.Moldtech said:
lol @ lazy brd ^^

Yup. And proud of it.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Strixer
Posts: 3
By Sylph.Strixer 2009-11-07 17:56:06
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Just reply "NO."
If they keep on, /blist them and move on with your life.
Problem solved.
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Darkei
Posts: 149
By Fairy.Darkei 2009-11-07 21:30:24
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Siren.Enternius said:
A 75 BRD that refuses to pull.

What's this world coming to?

User submitted image
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Azulmagia
Posts: 707
By Fairy.Azulmagia 2009-11-07 21:47:04
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Cerberus.Katarzyna said:
Yup. And proud of it.
It's this sort of attitude that makes people not want to invite you at all.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Kalila
Posts: 19
By Quetzalcoatl.Kalila 2009-11-07 22:37:56
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Depending on the server, finding people to invite (for a regular party like the old days, not these burn parties where people don't learn anything but to let summoners do all of the work for them lol) can be challenging. I'll ask someone with a level sync + w/e in their comment only if I have asked everyone else there is, including people who aren't seeking. When I finally ask them I'm not persistent or anything, I just want to know if they will or not as I understand completely why people wouldn't want to sync to low.

But when I ask someone and they give a rude response, how is that any different then someone nagging you to join? As a seeker you should know that leveling comes in waves, sometimes there are a lot of people seeking in the dunes at once, or Qufim, and then there are days/weeks where no one is. If your a Tank or a Healer, then people will ask you eventually. There are only two "real" tanks above 20, all though any dd can tank with /nin when they can cast shadows up until 45'ish. But as a healer, you have your whm, your rdms, your smns, and dnc's and those can come rare. Any decent party will have a rdm and a WHM or BLM when RDM gets refresh. Then there are your refreshers, your BRD, COR, and RDM. These seem non-existent. The first two can help enhance the parties stats but are merely a luxury.

So if your seeking on a job that has the ability to tank, heal through mp or tp uses, or can refresh a pt in some way (rdm, brd, cor), and someone asks you if you want to level at 30 or 40 there obviously is a reason they are asking you. They probably are having a hard time trying to get people together, don't make their day worse by making them feel bad with an obvious answer (</seacom> <Please check it>) or referencing your seacom at all instead of explaining to them why you wont go that low.

We all want to level and get a job to 75, or get that dreadful sub to 37 so you can stop worrying about it. Leveling use to be easier 6 years ago when everyone did it, not the occasional random person it has come to now. Not all of us have a Linkshell that will say "Hey yeah! I'll use my 75 whm to sync with you!" or a BRD or COR bored enough to level at 40.

If they ask you nicely don't go and be a jerk about it. They aren't doing it just to annoy you and if they are that's what /blacklist is for! And remember if you do let go of your goal of 53+ and do a level 40 for a day you'll make up for it in your next party, plus make someone's day a lot easier :p

Or sit like a log all day ignoring all those invites.
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