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Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: stikle
Posts: 6470
By Fenrir.Stiklelf 2011-03-02 13:31:04
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Cerberus.Zandra said:
Shiva.Flionheart said:
Cerberus.Zandra said:
Andylynn said:
To prove that a written or verbal statement is defamatory, it is sufficient for a plaintiff to prove that at least one person who received the communication believed that it was detrimental to the plaintiff's reputation. A message that decreases respect for the plaintiff or confidence in the plaintiff or causes disparaging, hostile, or disagreeable opinions about the plaintiff is detrimental to the plaintiff. Even a message that is intended as a joke may be defamatory if at least one person believes it to be serious.

The plaintiff must next prove that the defamatory statement was published. In the law of defamation, the term publication merely means that the statement, either written or spoken, was communicated to someone other than the plaintiff. It is not necessary that the statement be printed or distributed for it to be considered published slander or libel. Publication may occur when the defendant is speaking to another person or group of people. It may occur when the defendant sends an e-mail message or writes a personal letter. It may occur when the defendant speaks loudly on an elevator and other people hear. It may occur when the defendant writes a newspaper article or book or draws a cartoon and posts it on a bulletin board.

i dont think the constitution covers this even if its protesting 'peacefully.' it should be considered a hatecrime.

Aren't all crimes "hate-crimes"? If not, can you please describe a "love-crime"?

I could rob someone and not hate them.

I think that's about the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Of course you hate them or harbor some manifestation of hatetowards them, you're ROBBING them. You are judging them to be unworthy of the very thing you're stealing.

Think about homeless children in third world countries that rob from food stands. Do you think they hate the person who owns the stand? I doubt it.
Posts: 138
By Andylynn 2011-03-02 13:32:31
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I think that's about the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Of course you hate them or harbor some manifestation of hatetowards them, you're ROBBING them. You are judging them to be unworthy of the very thing you're stealing.
that's about the most ignorant thing i've ever heard. you dont need to hate someone to commit a crime against them. say you're a broke *** mofo, so you take up your 9mm, and rob the local gas station. it wasnt because you hate the big oil companies, its because you need to pay the bills.

you see a woman on the street, and you're a masterpickpocket. you dont take her billfold because you hate her/think shes unworthy of money, you do it because she looks like an easy target.

hate crime = crime against someone for association with/of a group: race, religion, color, class, disability, etc.

Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Zaps
Posts: 194
By Lakshmi.Zaps 2011-03-02 13:34:49
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Odin.Zicdeh said:
Hate Westboro, agree with the court's decision.

Westboro is just a small family (Plus or minus a few people) cult of attention ***, and like any attention ***, they'll eventually draw some kind attention they don't want (Likely resulting in their establishment turned into ash) and finally shut up. But until that day, it's not the government's problem right now.


Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: phen
Posts: 13
By Lakshmi.Phen 2011-03-02 13:36:15
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My understanding of most hate crime laws is they are sort of "bonus" penalties. In the earlier example the hacking is the issue and what is punished but the hate crime part would increase the sentence. Most of the arguments against hate crime law is that it punishes motivation which many consider not of the concern of the law.

Back on topic, supreme court right/westboro are asshats.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2011-03-02 13:39:19
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Cerberus.Zandra said:
Shiva.Flionheart said:
Cerberus.Zandra said:
Andylynn said:
To prove that a written or verbal statement is defamatory, it is sufficient for a plaintiff to prove that at least one person who received the communication believed that it was detrimental to the plaintiff's reputation. A message that decreases respect for the plaintiff or confidence in the plaintiff or causes disparaging, hostile, or disagreeable opinions about the plaintiff is detrimental to the plaintiff. Even a message that is intended as a joke may be defamatory if at least one person believes it to be serious.

The plaintiff must next prove that the defamatory statement was published. In the law of defamation, the term publication merely means that the statement, either written or spoken, was communicated to someone other than the plaintiff. It is not necessary that the statement be printed or distributed for it to be considered published slander or libel. Publication may occur when the defendant is speaking to another person or group of people. It may occur when the defendant sends an e-mail message or writes a personal letter. It may occur when the defendant speaks loudly on an elevator and other people hear. It may occur when the defendant writes a newspaper article or book or draws a cartoon and posts it on a bulletin board.

i dont think the constitution covers this even if its protesting 'peacefully.' it should be considered a hatecrime.

Aren't all crimes "hate-crimes"? If not, can you please describe a "love-crime"?

I could rob someone and not hate them.

I think that's about the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Of course you hate them or harbor some manifestation of hatetowards them, you're ROBBING them. You are judging them to be unworthy of the very thing you're stealing.

You can rob someone for pure monetary gratification.

Thieves and robbers don't ~HATE~ the people they rob, they do it for monetary gain or the buzz of it.

Moron much?
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: stikle
Posts: 6470
By Fenrir.Stiklelf 2011-03-02 13:39:29
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They should just pass a law that you cannot disturb a funeral service or something along those lines.
(Yes I realize there is more involved in making a law other than just doing it)
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2011-03-02 13:40:02
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Fenrir.Stiklelf said:
They should just pass a law that you cannot disturb a funeral service or something along those lines.
(Yes I realize there is more involved in making a law other than just doing it)

I agree with that.
Server: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2011-03-02 13:40:14
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just shoot the *** next time, that way we can have a real court case and target gun control.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 537
By Asura.Alexstaifter 2011-03-02 13:40:23
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Andylynn said:
I think that's about the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Of course you hate them or harbor some manifestation of hatetowards them, you're ROBBING them. You are judging them to be unworthy of the very thing you're stealing.
that's about the most ignorant thing i've ever heard. you dont need to hate someone to commit a crime against them. say you're a broke *** mofo, so you take up your 9mm, and rob the local gas station. it wasnt because you hate the big oil companies, its because you need to pay the bills.

you see a woman on the street, and you're a masterpickpocket. you dont take her billfold because you hate her/think shes unworthy of money, you do it because she looks like an easy target.

hate crime = crime against someone for association with/of a group: race, religion, color, class, disability, etc.

The idea of a hate crime seems a bit silly, its just crime, people try to color it with a broad brush sometimes.

It would only be a hate crime if someone admits their reason for committing the crime was purely based on the fact of their race, religion, class, disability, sexuality, etc.

And that being the case, no one would admit to that being the reason why they did the crime (seeing as hate crimes give sharper punishments) (Unless they are stupid or full of themselves or something). So you will get a normal crime with no basis on the victim, but they will paint it as a hate crime.

What are the odds of a person committing a crime and the victim is a different race, religion, class, disability, sexuality, etc? I would think probably 20-25% of hitting at least one of those things between the criminal and the victim. (at least more so in the US)
Posts: 991
By Drjones 2011-03-02 13:40:24
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Asura.Domz said:

Supreme court ruled 8-1 in favor of this group of inbred *** citing that they have the freedom of speech on their side...
Good. I'd be very concerned if they hadn't.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Zandra7
Posts: 736
By Cerberus.Zandra 2011-03-02 13:48:41
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Andylynn said:
I think that's about the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Of course you hate them or harbor some manifestation of hatetowards them, you're ROBBING them. You are judging them to be unworthy of the very thing you're stealing.
that's about the most ignorant thing i've ever heard. you dont need to hate someone to commit a crime against them. say you're a broke *** mofo, so you take up your 9mm, and rob the local gas station. it wasnt because you hate the big oil companies, its because you need to pay the bills.

you see a woman on the street, and you're a masterpickpocket. you dont take her billfold because you hate her/think shes unworthy of money, you do it because she looks like an easy target.

hate crime = crime against someone for association with/of a group: race, religion, color, class, disability, etc.

I understand the motivation to make smaller crimes with "nobler" motives less significant, but in every case of stealing, the perpetrator of the crime judges the victim to be of a lesser value. Isn't this the foundation of rac/sex-ism?.

Hate crime legislation is dumb, period. If a crime is considered worse because of words the attacker says, or the thoughts in their head, then it is only a small step to make the words and thoughts themselves a crime. Saying not all crimes are based on hate is like saying not all rape is based on misogyny.

inb4 you can rape a woman and love her at the same time.
Server: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2011-03-02 13:51:12
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so this family of religious nutjobs get to crash a wedding, shout slanderous horseshit, and they get off because they had Freedom of Speech on their side?

There should be a by-law in the First Amendment which CLEARLY says if its to spew slanderous, religious filth which in turn hinders anyone else, they can legally be shot on sight.
Posts: 138
By Andylynn 2011-03-02 13:52:50
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but in every case of stealing, the perpetrator of the crime judges the victim to be of a lesser value. Isn't this the foundation of rac/sex-ism?.
i dont think this is a valid theory, as a teenager, when i commited theft, it was because i knew i couldn't have it otherwise. i harbored no malcontent towards the store, i just wanted to fit in witht he rest of the ipod crowd. so i took some for my friends and i (500$+ = grand theft here, considered a larger crime.)

it wasnt because we deemed corporations of lesser value, we wanted to improve our -value- per se with the community of wealthier kids. to get off saying all criminals think this was is a tad ...ludicrious?

Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: stikle
Posts: 6470
By Fenrir.Stiklelf 2011-03-02 13:53:36
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Cerberus.Zandra said:
Andylynn said:
I think that's about the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Of course you hate them or harbor some manifestation of hatetowards them, you're ROBBING them. You are judging them to be unworthy of the very thing you're stealing.
that's about the most ignorant thing i've ever heard. you dont need to hate someone to commit a crime against them. say you're a broke *** mofo, so you take up your 9mm, and rob the local gas station. it wasnt because you hate the big oil companies, its because you need to pay the bills.

you see a woman on the street, and you're a masterpickpocket. you dont take her billfold because you hate her/think shes unworthy of money, you do it because she looks like an easy target.

hate crime = crime against someone for association with/of a group: race, religion, color, class, disability, etc.

I understand the motivation to make smaller crimes with "nobler" motives less significant, but in every case of stealing, the perpetrator of the crime judges the victim to be of a lesser value. Isn't this the foundation of rac/sex-ism?.

Hate crime legislation is dumb, period. If a crime is considered worse because of words the attacker says, or the thoughts in their head, then it is only a small step to make the words and thoughts themselves a crime. Saying not all crimes are based on hate is like saying not all rape is based on misogyny.

inb4 you can rape a woman and love her at the same time.
I'm going to point back at my Child post.
I doubt a child is thinking about the worth of someone while stealing to live.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Jetackuu
Posts: 9001
By Bahamut.Jetackuu 2011-03-02 13:55:09
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Cerberus.Zandra said:
Andylynn said:
I think that's about the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Of course you hate them or harbor some manifestation of hatetowards them, you're ROBBING them. You are judging them to be unworthy of the very thing you're stealing.
that's about the most ignorant thing i've ever heard. you dont need to hate someone to commit a crime against them. say you're a broke *** mofo, so you take up your 9mm, and rob the local gas station. it wasnt because you hate the big oil companies, its because you need to pay the bills.

you see a woman on the street, and you're a masterpickpocket. you dont take her billfold because you hate her/think shes unworthy of money, you do it because she looks like an easy target.

hate crime = crime against someone for association with/of a group: race, religion, color, class, disability, etc.

I understand the motivation to make smaller crimes with "nobler" motives less significant, but in every case of stealing, the perpetrator of the crime judges the victim to be of a lesser value. Isn't this the foundation of rac/sex-ism?.

Hate crime legislation is dumb, period. If a crime is considered worse because of words the attacker says, or the thoughts in their head, then it is only a small step to make the words and thoughts themselves a crime. Saying not all crimes are based on hate is like saying not all rape is based on misogyny.

inb4 you can rape a woman and love her at the same time.

you're assuming that the perp is judging anyone, they don't care, seriously.

However your second statement is very valid, you can't charge somebody because of their thoughts.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Sect
Posts: 6386
By Quetzalcoatl.Xueye 2011-03-02 13:57:40
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Asura.Domz said:
Well guess what everyone? The US's supremecourt bellied up and is allowing these mother *** to continue doing what they do best, piss off everyone with their intollerant ignorance.

Supreme court ruled 8-1 in favor of this group of inbred *** citing that they have the freedom of speech on their side...

So you mean to say that we should limit free speech further because there's a group of *** *** that abuse it?

Yes, those guys are slimes amongst slimes.

But they have the right to do what they do.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Gylfie
Posts: 605
By Shiva.Gylfie 2011-03-02 13:59:37
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It should be illegal to not be accepting of other peoples cultural/religious/sexual orientation choices.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: stikle
Posts: 6470
By Fenrir.Stiklelf 2011-03-02 14:00:05
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Shiva.Gylfie said:
It should be illegal to not be accepting of other peoples cultural/religious/sexual orientation choices.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Sect
Posts: 6386
By Quetzalcoatl.Xueye 2011-03-02 14:00:23
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Shiva.Gylfie said:
It should be illegal to not be accepting of other peoples cultural/religious/sexual orientation choices.

It's my right to be racist, sexist, etc.

Why should I give up that right?

Not to mention that it's a human survival trait.
Posts: 138
By Andylynn 2011-03-02 14:03:22
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Quetzalcoatl.Xueye said:
So you mean to say that we should limit free speech further because there's a group of *** *** that abuse it? Yes, those guys are slimes amongst slimes. But they have the right to do what they do.
i disagree, no man has a right to say someone else's race, religion, sexual orientation, etc is wrong. to use god as an excuse to back up their hatred is just plain disgusting, these westboro fools are no more tolerant than KKK members, and i find it absolutely appauling we cant do anything about it because its their 'religion.'

sure, you can say obama is an idiot, that isnt hurting his credibility/confidance in the people. calling him a terrorist muslim on the other hand is just plain slanderous remark, and isnt tolerated under 'free speech' if you go around publically publishing it. its no different if they go around hating on gays for the same idiotic reason.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: stikle
Posts: 6470
By Fenrir.Stiklelf 2011-03-02 14:04:36
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Andylynn said:
Quetzalcoatl.Xueye said:
So you mean to say that we should limit free speech further because there's a group of *** *** that abuse it? Yes, those guys are slimes amongst slimes. But they have the right to do what they do.
i disagree, no man has a right to say someone else's race, religion, sexual orientation, etc is wrong. to use god as an excuse to back up their hatred is just plain disgusting, these westboro fools are no more tolerant than KKK members, and i find it absolutely appauling we cant do anything about it because its their 'religion.'

sure, you can say obama is an idiot, that isnt hurting his credibility/confidance in the people. calling him a terrorist muslim on the other hand is just plain slanderous remark, and isnt tolerated under 'free speech' if you go around publically publishing it. its no different if they go around hating on gays for the same idiotic reason.
It's their belief that they are right, but you tell them they are wrong. Double standers suck broski
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 517
By Bismarck.Luces 2011-03-02 14:05:34
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Asura.Alexstaifter said:
Andylynn said:
I think that's about the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Of course you hate them or harbor some manifestation of hatetowards them, you're ROBBING them. You are judging them to be unworthy of the very thing you're stealing.
that's about the most ignorant thing i've ever heard. you dont need to hate someone to commit a crime against them. say you're a broke *** mofo, so you take up your 9mm, and rob the local gas station. it wasnt because you hate the big oil companies, its because you need to pay the bills.

you see a woman on the street, and you're a masterpickpocket. you dont take her billfold because you hate her/think shes unworthy of money, you do it because she looks like an easy target.

hate crime = crime against someone for association with/of a group: race, religion, color, class, disability, etc.

The idea of a hate crime seems a bit silly, its just crime, people try to color it with a broad brush sometimes.

It would only be a hate crime if someone admits their reason for committing the crime was purely based on the fact of their race, religion, class, disability, sexuality, etc.

And that being the case, no one would admit to that being the reason why they did the crime (seeing as hate crimes give sharper punishments) (Unless they are stupid or full of themselves or something). So you will get a normal crime with no basis on the victim, but they will paint it as a hate crime.

What are the odds of a person committing a crime and the victim is a different race, religion, class, disability, sexuality, etc? I would think probably 20-25% of hitting at least one of those things between the criminal and the victim. (at least more so in the US)

A hate crime only applies if you can prove that the crime only occurred because of the attackers feeling towards whatever he hates about you, in my case gay.

truck of guys drives by me walking , see me wearing a rainbow bracelet turn around throw food at me while yelling ***. This is a hate crime, it would not have occurred had the boys not been so far up the closet.(although no legal action was taken)

My friends broke up with hey boyfriend after he showed up to the bar after being told not to(as we were celebrating a friends birthday who did not like him). She ask me to stay the night in case he comes back to her place to get his things. I inform her I'll do it but I'm 3 sheets to the wind. We get back to her place, and I'm passing out on the bed before she's even done closing the door. He shows up a little bit later yelling things sees me starts yelling fagot homo, a bunch of other stuff while proceeding to throw punch after punch. This however would NOT 100% be a hate crime, because him and I have pre-existing beef because he doesn't believe any one is really gay, so he didn't like that his gf was my *** hag.
In other words his stupidity caused him to lash out at me as the one who broke him and her up when in realty it was the coke he was doing and the aggressive behavior ect... This goes to trial sometime soon it got pushed back, but it will not be tried as a hate crime just assault.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Sect
Posts: 6386
By Quetzalcoatl.Xueye 2011-03-02 14:06:10
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Andylynn said:

i disagree, no man has a right to say someone else's race, religion, sexual orientation, etc is wrong. to use god as an excuse to back up their hatred is just plain disgusting, these westboro fools are no more tolerant than KKK members, and i find it absolutely appauling we cant do anything about it because its their 'religion.'

i disagree, no man has a right to say how someone else should live, feel, and act. it's plain wrong. to use racism as an excuse to back up the limiting of one's own human experience is just plain disgusting, pretentious, extremist, fools like you are no more tolerant than KKK members, and i find it absolutely appalling that you chasticize the human experience of others because you don't understand moral relativity.

Posts: 138
By Andylynn 2011-03-02 14:07:46
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Fenrir.Stiklelf said:
] It's their belief that they are right, but you tell them they are wrong. Double standers suck broski
be my guest, please explain to me how its a double standard?
where am i going around saying its ok to bash on someone for being different, while condemning these westboro idiots?
Server: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2011-03-02 14:10:56
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Im going to try that, then pull out the first Amendment and race cards in court.
Posts: 138
By Andylynn 2011-03-02 14:13:13
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Quetzalcoatl.Xueye said:
Andylynn said:
i disagree, no man has a right to say someone else's race, religion, sexual orientation, etc is wrong. to use god as an excuse to back up their hatred is just plain disgusting, these westboro fools are no more tolerant than KKK members, and i find it absolutely appauling we cant do anything about it because its their 'religion.'
i disagree, no man has a right to say how someone else should live, feel, and act. it's plain wrong. to use racism as an excuse to back up the limiting of one's own human experience is just plain disgusting, pretentious, extremist, fools like you are no more tolerant than KKK members, and i find it absolutely appalling that you chasticize the human experience of others because you don't understand moral relativity.
and you'd be ok if i just claimed you were a dumbass racist chink, based of the prejudice/presumptions based on what you're giving me here? im ok to have this opinion and use derogatory statements because its part of the 'human experience?'

lets examine everything wrong with this statement:
1. implying you are asian based on game name/avatar
2. implying you are racist because you approve of racism
3. implying you are unintelligent because you have a different opinion

it isn't "chasticize the human experience of others because you don't understand moral relativity," it's called having some class and decency. you can go around saying to yourself every racist term in the book in your head as people walk by, but the instant you do it verbally, you're just a plain bigot.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: stikle
Posts: 6470
By Fenrir.Stiklelf 2011-03-02 14:13:21
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Andylynn said:
Fenrir.Stiklelf said:
] It's their belief that they are right, but you tell them they are wrong. Double standers suck broski
be my guest, please explain to me how its a double standard?
where am i going around saying its ok to bash on someone for being different, while condemning these westboro idiots?
You're saying that Westboro is full of idiots and should not go around telling people what to believe in etc. But in doing so you're telling them not to believe in what they do.

You're pretty much doing what they are doing, yet calling it wrong when they do it. Albeit you're not doing it in the same rude way as them.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Zandra7
Posts: 736
By Cerberus.Zandra 2011-03-02 14:13:22
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Andylynn said:
but in every case of stealing, the perpetrator of the crime judges the victim to be of a lesser value. Isn't this the foundation of rac/sex-ism?.
i dont think this is a valid theory, as a teenager, when i commited theft, it was because i knew i couldn't have it otherwise. i harbored no malcontent towards the store, i just wanted to fit in witht he rest of the ipod crowd. so i took some for my friends and i (500$+ = grand theft here, considered a larger crime.)

it wasnt because we deemed corporations of lesser value, we wanted to improve our -value- per se with the community of wealthier kids. to get off saying all criminals think this was is a tad ...ludicrious?

You're suggesting that simply because some thieves aren't aware of the big picture, the big picture doesn't exist.

That's pretty shortsighted, regardless if you're conscious that it is happening, IT IS HAPPENING. You did think at some point think, "hey I deserve the store's stuff without paying for it". It's irrelevant if you did so because the store was run by a bunch of black people, jews, or rich upper class white investment bankers. You already devalued/degraded the people that run it when you stole from them.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Gylfie
Posts: 605
By Shiva.Gylfie 2011-03-02 14:14:44
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Religion does not exist in my personal world, therefore it does not exist at all.
Server: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2011-03-02 14:16:35
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Gylfie, you Jewish?
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