Views On Astral Burning?

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Views on Astral burning?
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Server: Fairy
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Posts: 361
By Fairy.Kelvinclein 2009-02-23 08:29:36
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i said "useless ppl like yourself in this thread".

I made points. You made nothing but insults.
Server: Garuda
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user: Wooooodum
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By Garuda.Wooooodum 2009-02-23 08:31:44
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Kelvinclein said:
i said "useless ppl like yourself in this thread".

I made points. You made nothing but insults.

Ignoring the point yet a-***-gain...

BRB going to talk to my cat. Might have more luck discussing Astral Burning with her.
Server: Odin
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user: Blazza
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By Odin.Blazza 2009-02-23 08:42:24
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I can't believe you are STILL talking about this. I read this a while ago just to see what Astral Burning is, I come back, and Kelvin is STILL whinging about it.

Kelvinclein said:
I'd be done answering if you just let it go. Since everytime i place my point someone comes and say something which is far away from arguing, or either an insult to me.

People keep replying to you to tell you that YOU ARE STUPID. Surely you've noticed by now that it's you vs everyone else that's posted. You've expressed your opinion, we've all read it (100 times), now stfu!

Anyone that failed 2nd grade English as you obviously did shouldn't be allowed to post on any forum, ever. Also, you just replied to someone, saying that you don't want to speak to them, and you will ignore them... why don't you go ahead and not speak to anybody at all, and ignore all of us, by not replying.

Edit: ~4 posts have been made since I typed that... and Woooooodum, you make me laff
Server: Fairy
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By Fairy.Yakutatazu 2009-02-23 08:50:27
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lol, I'm going to have to back Kelvin against Blazza's post.

For 1,
Blazza said:
Anyone that failed 2nd grade English as you obviously did
is just ignorant b/c he is Italian and thus English is his 2nd language. He speaks English a whole hell of a lot better than you or I speak Italian I'm pretty sure.

Secondly he isn't the only one on his side. He is just the only one with his opinion that is voicing it so strongly. I personally don't agree with the gathering of mobs with a high lvl char myself. I wouldn't do it but I don't care if others do, that's their business. He just doesn't share the not caring part with myself. :D

And shame for no one talking about the deliciousness that is pizza. :<
Server: Fairy
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Posts: 361
By Fairy.Kelvinclein 2009-02-23 08:53:15
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Threads are made for this guys, you're the one wrong here. This is not made to make humor or to spam bs like you do. You're the one OT, and then again you're the one's calling me names without talking about it. You're actually having fun talking like this to me, you wait for people like me to show and say his point.
You're being so hipocrital, since you're calling me dumb since the very first thread i made lol, even if i said my point.

Yes, i might have said a bit too much times my point(because ppl kept talking back to me), and i might be a little bored at work lately, but i don't think you mind that much me talking about the stuff of the topic.

Woduum never ever argued, and he's being considered more than me, not that i mind lol, but it's just ridiculous to see someone doing just humor and funny quotes getting so much attention:p
Server: Fairy
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Posts: 588
By Fairy.Yakutatazu 2009-02-23 08:59:07
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OMG Kel!!! Tell me about the pizza of Italy /dies a little for authentic Italian pizza
Server: Fairy
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Posts: 361
By Fairy.Kelvinclein 2009-02-23 08:59:18
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Wooooodum said:
Really couldn't be bothered reading all of Kelvinclein's rubbish, here's a summary for anyone else who gave up halfway through:

Kelvinclein said:
QQQQQQQQQQ People are getting fast EXP and I'm not QQQQQ I have no good arguments QQQQQ

Hope this helps.

1st wodum post lol, i haven't said this before but it's just another troll. You're funny but you haven't made a single point, so keep trolling the normal way.
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 361
By Fairy.Kelvinclein 2009-02-23 09:00:30
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if you want real good pizza, head for naples.
Pizza in italy is good almost everywhere, but in naples is really something special. They really know what they're doin. Watch your wallet if you get in there tho lol:P

And to be honest English is my Third Language.
Server: Garuda
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user: Wooooodum
Posts: 6310
By Garuda.Wooooodum 2009-02-23 09:07:29
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I'm back, and I had a conversation with my cat about astral burning. My cat is very sensible, Kelvinclein, and she is more than willing to have a discussion with you. I'll hand her my keyboard so the two of you can discuss this without me flaming you...

Hello Kelvinclein, nice to meet you!

I thoroughly believe astral burning is a legitimate, unpunishable way of enjoying Final Fantasy XI. Remember that the whole point of this game is to enjoy ourselves and have fun with our friends. If we're having fun with our friends, we are not playing the game the wrong way, nor are we doing anything illegitimate, providing it is not fun at the expense of others. Astral burning in no way harms or impedes the efforts of other players, thusly you should not look down on it simply because you personally feel there are more honourable ways of obtaining experience points.

I understand your point of view that it's a little too easy, but the way people level and obtain their experience is their decision, providing that it, as previously stated, doesn't step on the toes of other people's effort. Referring to it as dishonest is all well and good, but if it's fun, then why stop them? It's not yours or anyone else's place to tell people how they should or shouldn't get their experience. Lord only knows that this game is hard enough on us. If we find a way of making it easier that's fun, why the heck not!

I'll hand the keyboard back to Wooooodum now. See you again!

Isn't my cat marvellous?
Server: Gilgamesh
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user: alyria
Posts: 13080
By Gilgamesh.Alyria 2009-02-23 09:10:12
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Can I touch the kitty?! XD
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 361
By Fairy.Kelvinclein 2009-02-23 09:23:08
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Ok, before answering you i want to tell that i really appreciate this from you.

Well, wasn't it allright before? If ppl didn't liked smn why did they level it thru 75, with all the problems it "apparently" had? SMN is not cool without SMN burn? I don't think so. I'm telling that this system of exp it's completely gameless, it's not FFXI, and it can be abused pretty bad.
I understand ppl want to have fun within the game, but I personally think getting exp for doing nothing it's really wrong.
And I think that ppl shouldn't argue back to me calling for other unfair thing within the game, since the topic is talking just about this AF burning.

Sorry to repeat myself but i really don't want you to think im not answering you when you get this serious.
Server: Fairy
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Posts: 588
By Fairy.Yakutatazu 2009-02-23 09:34:48
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Kelvinclein said:
if you want real good pizza, head for naples.
Pizza in italy is good almost everywhere, but in naples is really something special. They really know what they're doin. Watch your wallet if you get in there tho lol:P

/moves to Naples (aka heaven)
Server: Odin
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user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-02-23 09:35:44
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Okay, didn't realise he was Italian, so I'll have to withdraw the English comment. But I'm sticking with: you've made your point, STFU.

Kelvinclein said:
Woduum never ever argued, and he's being considered more than me, not that i mind lol, but it's just ridiculous to see someone doing just humor and funny quotes getting so much attention:p

So you're just pissed that someone else is getting more attention than you? I see, you're an attention ***.

Also, if you want me to make an actual point instead of just flaming you, it's already been done many times. The fact is, Astral burning is not cheating, it's using legitimate game mechanics. (And to those that liken it to salvage duping, NO-ONE that got banned thought what they were doing was ok, and anyone saying they thought it was legit, or it's SE's fault for allowing the bug to exist is kidding no-one but themselves, you cheated, you got caught, suck it)

So, since we've established that it's not cheating, then it's down to ethics. I believe I have pretty good ethics, as does my LS as a whole when dealing with other LS's in sky/sea etc. However, just because we don't steal NM's the moment another LS let's them turn yellow, or we don't camp on top of other LS's farming ix's or diorites, or we don't etc. etc., doesn't mean that other people don't.

So Kelvin, you obviously think it's unethical, I acknowledge your opinion, and pay you all due attention (actually I'm giving you a lot more attention than you deserve, which is *** all, so that should make you happy being the attention *** that you are). As for my opinion, I say go for it. If you can make this work for you for some quick merits or to level a SJ, congratulations.

The fact of the matter is that no matter how you get to 75, or how much awesome gear you have, some people will always suck. On the other hand, there are those people that actually know how to play, and can pick up any job pretty quickly, but don't have the time or can't be bothered levelling every job to 75. Seriously, anyone can get to 75 and max out their merits through campaign, besieged, level sync, fields of valor, exp scrolls and god knows what else. This is just speeding up the process. Don't question how people get to 75, especially since end-game is nothing like exp anyway (especially for smn), since most of the people that "earned" 75 like you say, probably did it all in campaign anyway. I have a good friend who has 17 75 jobs and is working on her last 3, she did quite a lot of that (and merits) in campaign, which does nothing for skills, and doesn't teach you a damn thing about how to play your job. However, she has taken the time to skill-up all her skills and actually learn all her jobs and is actually damn good. If she'd done all that with astral burning, I have no doubt she'd be just as good, but she'd probably have finished all 20 jobs by now and got more merits.


edit: Woooodum's cat said it better.
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Conchita
Posts: 86
By Fairy.Conchita 2009-02-23 09:38:00
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I've tried out this "AFM" (Astral Flow Madness) on my SMN and to me it was the most boring thing ever. I prefer campaigning and being LFP over it. Sure, it may be a nice way to xp for some, but just wasn't my thing. It especially sucks past midnight (sleepy u.u) and then someone screws up and you only get like 5k/pull D: Doesn't have to be that way, but it happens. To each their own tho, I rather get normal PTs :)

Oh and I don't know what people are complaining about, most of the times I was xping in PTs I was actually DDing on SMN :x lol
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 361
By Fairy.Kelvinclein 2009-02-23 09:41:52
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I already answered to your point with mine. I don't know if you don't see any point in what i say, it's just taking jobs to 75 without any effort is gonna ruin the game from many sides.

I'm sorry for the ones who's hearing this point of mine again, please i beg your pardon, i still have 50 minutes of work today.
Server: Odin
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user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-02-23 09:46:47
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Spending your working day on the forums? Isn't that getting paid for doing no work? Which could be likened to getting to 75 without working...
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 361
By Fairy.Kelvinclein 2009-02-23 09:48:21
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That's mainly the point of it. But still, i'm payed to be here too, I can't go home even if there is nothing to do, can't tell you what i do sorry:p.
Server: Shiva
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user: Phioness
Posts: 269
By Shiva.Phioness 2009-02-23 10:00:44
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For the posts on this thread this can be said: You don't actually have to have an idea, you just have to have a seemingly clever refutation. Which is only mildly amusing if someone presents a plausible idea from this debate or flames each other.

I've presented my opinions on it, some ideas that it needs to be changed, and some useless crap about character definitions (just to amuse myself the masses).

Kelvinclein though you just like eating regurgitated turd sandwiches. We know your opinion, some may agree with it, others will just ignore it. The whole broken record bit is rather as boring as farming in Zeruhn Mines.

So i vote to change the subject of this thread. Lets say to: Favorite South Park and Family Guy Character and why they are your favs.

Mine would be Cartmen because he's so twisted he convinced people to get abortions so he could grow/clone his own fast food restaurant. Also the WoW episode when he pooped on his mom was hilarious!

And Brian because he's a lush and nemesis of Stewie. The family fight scene when Stewie is riding Brian and Brian crashes Stewie into the table top was awesome!
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 568
By Leviathan.Celestinia 2009-02-23 10:16:12
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Cartmen would do Astral Burning in a heartbeat and he'd camp over others while doing it and charge them gil to get xp in his smn pt and no-one would stop him!
Server: Odin
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user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-02-23 10:28:08
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Server: Gilgamesh
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user: alyria
Posts: 13080
By Gilgamesh.Alyria 2009-02-23 10:28:56
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Celestinia said:
Cartmen would do Astral Burning in a heartbeat and he'd camp over others while doing it and charge them gil to get xp in his smn pt and no-one would stop him!

lmao yea Cartman would do that
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 588
By Fairy.Yakutatazu 2009-02-23 10:31:11
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This thread is about pizza.. not AFB or favorite characters (Stewie ftw really).. :<
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 568
By Leviathan.Celestinia 2009-02-23 11:31:31
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Yakutatazu said:
This thread is about pizza.. not AFB or favorite characters (Stewie ftw really).. :<

Hmm what's your fav toppings and place to buy them from? :P

<3 pizza
Server: Shiva
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user: Phioness
Posts: 269
By Shiva.Phioness 2009-02-23 11:56:52
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For the ladies:
"I would never let a woman kick my ***. If she tried something, I'd be like, HEY! You get your *** *** back in the kitchen and make me some pie!" Classic Cartmen

"You shut your mouth, and make babies!"

For the faties:
"Im not fat...I just got a sweet hockey body"
"Im so beef cake i cant fit through the door"

Cartmen has universal hate/ignorance, gotta love him.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 1733
By Asura.Malekith 2009-02-23 13:36:09
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Yakutatazu said:
Less "Is AFB right or wrong" more "Where can I find the best damn pizza around".. Seeing how Kelvin is from Italy I think he probably knows some of the best places.. mmm Italian pizza mmm...

Pizza as we know it was invented in NYC! Mmm... I think I'll go get lunch now
Server: Titan
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user: Rebekah
Posts: 101
By Titan.Rebekah 2009-02-23 14:43:40
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Rebekah said:
Kelvinclein said:
Eh AFBurn might be right if ppl wouldn't abuse of it, which is impossible.

Ok now, for the people like myself, why would anyone want to take that right away from us? Your not only punishing the people that "Abuse it" but you are also punishing the people that have played the job for years, just want to get a few merits out of it or xp sub jobs they will never want to make a main.

Hell I would love to do this with my Sch... will I ever play sch Full time? No lol. But I don't wanna sit in the dunes for hrs on end and once getting a party, take 1 week to level to 20. No point in that. I don't wanna know how to play the job, i just wanna be smn/sch lol.

well Kel that was my last post to you, still want to talk about it?
Server: Shiva
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By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-02-23 15:04:59
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To stay on topic, I think it's pretty safe to say this method was far from intended functionality considering the setup and needed assistance of lvl 75 pullers and complete and utter lack of action/skill on anyone's part other than the summoners simply using their 2hr.

We all know SE too well, we know how much they love us to jump through hoops to accomplish anything. Frankly I'm surprised it hasn't been patched up via emergency maintenance. But I'm sure they got bigger fish to fry, but the concept of earning 40k+ exp in a manner of minutes without anyone so much as lifting a finger doesn't sit well with me. It practically defeats the purpose of exping to begin with depending on your motive for doing so. I hate to sound like the old fart who says they had to walk up a steep hill in snow to get to school, but intentionally finding loopholes and exploiting them to no end to benefit yourself to me just means you may as well play WoW.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Malekith 2009-02-23 15:31:40
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I still think the easiest way to nerf this would be to increase the attack power of the mobs exponentially thereby endangering the puller as they tried to link more and more mobs together.

The only way this benefits the astral burn folks is to link a horde. So what would happen if the horde could strike back, kill the puller and then just disperse.

Sure a PLD puller could 2HR too, but then they'd have to time it so it didn't run out before they got slammed. Then afterwards they're in the same position as the SMN, they'd need a COR to reset. If anything they'd be slowed down...

Really if SE did anything, I'd prefer they did it this way than to actually mess with the 2hr itself.

PS. - The above is no endorsement to nerf, rather a hope that were it to occur they'd do something sensible. As is, I still am and forever will be a fan of this... go forth and burn!
Server: Caitsith
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user: Surreal
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By Caitsith.Surreal 2009-02-23 18:04:34
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brb going to go AB~
Server: Asura
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user: Korpg
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By Asura.Korpg 2009-02-23 18:51:16
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Anyone realized yet that we are getting "advice" on how to level SMN the right way by somebody who doesn't have SMN unlocked yet?

No, not me.....I'm not talking about me.....

I'm talking about that other guy you guys like to flame....

Not Thunderblaze.....

Not Malekith....

Not Wooooodum.....

Yeah, that guy.....

Anyway, Kelvin. Here is some advice for you. Level SMN to 37 (nothing hard, just to sublevel) and see how much "fun" it is to level it. How many party invites you get that actually let you DD. See the trend from 10-37 of party invites that let you DD and party invites that make you main heal.

Those of us who got SMN to 75, before the level sync, did it either 1 of 2 ways (for me, I did both, cause I got SMN to 66 pre WotG). We blew up bombs in Ifrit's Cauldrin or we Campaigned it to 75.

Most of the sain SMNs did not even bother lfp after 50 (I didn't party much on SMN after 45, I just blew up gobbies/bombs/self until 66, which WotG came out and I campaigned). Those who got SMN to 75 in less than 1/2 year actually partied and main healed, thats how they got so high so quickly.

Level Sync is a godsend from SE for SMNs. Now, us SMNs can exp/merit 20k per 2 hour like the rest of them. You want that taken away because it will help others get to 75 quickly. You forgot to realize however, that those who AB to 75 will have level 15 stats on skills. You think they really are going to do any damage with level 15 skills? Yeah, didn't think so.

You think that the players who go from 15-75 AB style will also have the good equipment for that job? Most players who AB to 75 are in 2 catagories, noobs (like you) and the elite who wants a Maat's Cap quickly. The elite don't give a ***for the jobs they are ABing, so they won't have ANY equipment for it. The noobs, unless they buy gil, won't have any abilities to farm their own equipment because farming either A) requires skill and/or B) requires knowledge. Noobs don't have either of that (which is why I put you in the noob catagory) so they can't farm their own ***yet.

So basically, ABing is a choice for people to get their jobs to 75 if they want, and it is going to gimp those said jobs until they put the time and effort to level those skills, which is basically the time they should put in leveling it to 75.

Oh, and then you got people who just AB once to gain 3-4 levels, you think thats going to gimp them that much? Lets discuss (class time, so discuss for me).
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