Man(a Previous Victim) Kills Child Molester And Gets 9 Years.

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Man(a previous victim) kills child molester and gets 9 years.
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Server: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 993
By Pandemonium.Kajidourden 2010-06-17 16:35:49
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Ramuh.Dasva said:
Pandemonium.Kajidourden said:
Edit: That and it's seen as morally wrong in our society, so even if it was totally legit, it wouldn't fly.
And that is part of the crux of the problem. But if you look at it without getting worked up you see all around the world the age of consent is like 12-16 for the most part. At least in the countries that actually have one. Hell it is 16 in more states then it is 18.

Look back at recent history. People were getting married and having families in there teens. And not that much farther back it wasn't uncommon for the an older established man to seek a young women. It was somewhat necessariy given the life span and wanting to get in enough childbearing years

Totally agree, to me it would seem like an individual decision, not something somebody should decide for someone else. The consequences or their actions should be theirs and theirs alone to bear.

Not that it matters, people do whatever they want anyway, ever taken a look at the rate of teen pregnancies? Obviously the stigma does nothing preventative to those who are in the same age group.
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Surreal
Posts: 1533
By Caitsith.Surreal 2010-06-17 16:37:04
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Ramuh.Dasva said:
Caitsith.Surreal said:
Ramuh.Dasva said:
Caitsith.Surreal said:
Child molesters aren't people, they are monsters, I show no sympathy for people like that.
Your statement proves you deserve no sympathy and are a bigger monster
Seems like people in this thread are intentionally trying to pick fights with people that don't agree with them.
So says the person who says child molesters aren't people and deserve completely inhuman treatment

You didn't read my full posts did you? I have a reason for why I feel this way, Just like how you think you should feel the way you do.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-06-17 16:40:10
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Caitsith.Surreal said:
Ramuh.Dasva said:
Caitsith.Surreal said:
Ramuh.Dasva said:
Caitsith.Surreal said:
Child molesters aren't people, they are monsters, I show no sympathy for people like that.
Your statement proves you deserve no sympathy and are a bigger monster
Seems like people in this thread are intentionally trying to pick fights with people that don't agree with them.
So says the person who says child molesters aren't people and deserve completely inhuman treatment
You didn't read my full posts did you? I have a reason for why I feel this way, Just like how you think you should feel the way you do.
You have an excuse. Peronsal experience does not change what is just and right. It's just a omg look at me pity me. Guess what the more I look the more I see that almost everyone girl and there mom has a I was or knew someone supposedly abused story. But ya know what I can point out plenty of times when the supposed victim actually wasn't and just *** somebody over. Nor does 1 supposed crime make many more severve crimes right.
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Surreal
Posts: 1533
By Caitsith.Surreal 2010-06-17 16:42:09
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Ramuh.Dasva said:
Caitsith.Surreal said:
Ramuh.Dasva said:
Caitsith.Surreal said:
Ramuh.Dasva said:
Caitsith.Surreal said:
Child molesters aren't people, they are monsters, I show no sympathy for people like that.
Your statement proves you deserve no sympathy and are a bigger monster
Seems like people in this thread are intentionally trying to pick fights with people that don't agree with them.
So says the person who says child molesters aren't people and deserve completely inhuman treatment
You didn't read my full posts did you? I have a reason for why I feel this way, Just like how you think you should feel the way you do.
You have an excuse. Peronsal experience does not change what is just and right. Nor does 1 supposed crime make many more severve crimes right.

I don't know of any parent that wouldn't want to go after the sick *** that raped/abused their child, It's parental instinct, A GOOD MAJORITY of people that have children that are abused feel this way, Not saying I'd actually go out and kill the person that did this to my child but I'd severely want to run him down in my car.

Edit: Why should I show sympathy to the man that hurt my child when he couldn't show her sympathy? I have to do right by my child and I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels this way, and I won't feel ashamed for it.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: vinvv
Posts: 15542
By Ramuh.Vinvv 2010-06-17 16:46:17
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I haven't read this thread since like the first few pages and man.
Apparently child molestation is the topic that doesn't go off topic, that's something i need to remember.
Server: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 993
By Pandemonium.Kajidourden 2010-06-17 16:52:45
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Caitsith.Surreal said:
Ramuh.Dasva said:
Caitsith.Surreal said:
Ramuh.Dasva said:
Caitsith.Surreal said:
Ramuh.Dasva said:
Caitsith.Surreal said:
Child molesters aren't people, they are monsters, I show no sympathy for people like that.
Your statement proves you deserve no sympathy and are a bigger monster
Seems like people in this thread are intentionally trying to pick fights with people that don't agree with them.
So says the person who says child molesters aren't people and deserve completely inhuman treatment
You didn't read my full posts did you? I have a reason for why I feel this way, Just like how you think you should feel the way you do.
You have an excuse. Peronsal experience does not change what is just and right. Nor does 1 supposed crime make many more severve crimes right.

I don't know of any parent that wouldn't want to go after the sick *** that raped/abused their child, It's parental instinct, A GOOD MAJORITY of people that have children that are abused feel this way, Not saying I'd actually go out and kill the person that did this to my child but I'd severely want to run him down in my car.

Edit: Why should I show sympathy to the man that hurt my child when he couldn't show her sympathy? I have to do right by my child and I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels this way, and I won't feel ashamed for it.

When that is proven to be the case, sure. The problem is you instantly jumped to execution of any person convicted in a system that has thousands of innocent people who are charged with ***they didn't do because of other people's stupidity and lack of mental clarity. And you still haven't stated anything to the contrary.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-06-17 16:56:09
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Oh heres another cool story bro then.

I worked with a guy that was getting kicked out of the navy and maybe getting civil prosecutation for having sex with a potential recruit who was at the time 17.

Now first of all they ending up hooking up in a state where the legal age was 16. And no he didn't take her there. But she lied and said it was in cali and that he forced himself.

Second she had been working her way thru all the branches of the militaries recruitment offices in her hometown hooking up with at least 1 person from each branch lol. Everyone that knew her testified to that. Including her parents.

She had already pulled something similar on another one of military recruiters in an adjacent town.

She even recanted her accusation. But none of that mattered.

You know why?

Because while almost everyone wanted to drop it his Commanding Officer was a woman and a mother.

And used that whole what if it was my child mentality and went out of her way to *** him over.

And not just to get him out of her command. She checked up on him after he was sent away and put on hold to see what they would do with him/ process him out of the navy.

She made sure everyone knew he was a "child molester" and tried to get ensure that he would constantly get *** over in everyway possible all the way out of the navy with a dishonorable discharge.
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Surreal
Posts: 1533
By Caitsith.Surreal 2010-06-17 16:59:04
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Pandemonium.Kajidourden said:
Caitsith.Surreal said:
Ramuh.Dasva said:
Caitsith.Surreal said:
Ramuh.Dasva said:
Caitsith.Surreal said:
Ramuh.Dasva said:
Caitsith.Surreal said:
Child molesters aren't people, they are monsters, I show no sympathy for people like that.
Your statement proves you deserve no sympathy and are a bigger monster
Seems like people in this thread are intentionally trying to pick fights with people that don't agree with them.
So says the person who says child molesters aren't people and deserve completely inhuman treatment
You didn't read my full posts did you? I have a reason for why I feel this way, Just like how you think you should feel the way you do.
You have an excuse. Peronsal experience does not change what is just and right. Nor does 1 supposed crime make many more severve crimes right.

I don't know of any parent that wouldn't want to go after the sick *** that raped/abused their child, It's parental instinct, A GOOD MAJORITY of people that have children that are abused feel this way, Not saying I'd actually go out and kill the person that did this to my child but I'd severely want to run him down in my car.

Edit: Why should I show sympathy to the man that hurt my child when he couldn't show her sympathy? I have to do right by my child and I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels this way, and I won't feel ashamed for it.

When that is proven to be the case, sure. The problem is you instantly jumped to execution of any person convicted in a system that has thousands of innocent people who are charged with ***they didn't do because of other people's stupidity and lack of mental clarity. And you still haven't stated anything to the contrary.

If a person was charged with something they didn't do then that is horrible and by all means release them, but if it is someone that keeps abusing the system and finding new ways out of it.. People get smarter and smarter and will avoid making the same mistakes twice.

Our legal system isn't all that good, Sure I want to severely hurt/torture the *** that did this to my child because he hardly got a sentence and he is a repeated offender. We all get mad over people wrongly convicted, But what I'm trying to say is if the person already has a history.. Why keep releasing him? They could've just put him in a institution and throw away the key, That would still be better than releasing him and justice would still be served.

The people that want to kill these molesters are the people that feel the justice system failed them and they are going through severe trauma, Any parent that has a child that is abused or raped will need psychological help, But that doesn't mean that they aren't allowed to feel outraged. Two wrongs don't make a right, People shouldn't kill one another just because the legal system *** up. But it all depends on the circumstance of this, For my situation I actually walked in on it happening, and yes I did grab him by the shirt and threw him out of my house.

It took every ounce of me to not want to kill him, But I don't want my daughter to be without a parent.
Server: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 993
By Pandemonium.Kajidourden 2010-06-17 17:07:38
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Well that makes sense. But when you responded to that (and still now) you have no idea the circumstances behind it but are willing to proclaim he should be executed?

Maybe it was just a reaction, which is understandable but without actually knowing you/your personality irl all I read was "KEEL".
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Surreal
Posts: 1533
By Caitsith.Surreal 2010-06-17 17:09:30
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Pandemonium.Kajidourden said:
Well that makes sense. But when you responded to that (and still now) you have no idea the circumstances behind it but are willing to proclaim he should be executed?

Maybe it was just a reaction, which is understandable but without actually knowing you/your personality irl all I read was "KEEL".

I'm still very very bitter over it, Which is why I see a doctor for it.. But yeah it's something you'd have to talk to me on vent over, I just come across that way at times but it was just a immediate reaction.
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