It amazes me how many people pass this particular food up for others, while the actual cap to this isn't really reached till the 70's.
It's excellent food to use, and it lasts 3 hours to boot. Definately a good choice for the Paladin that doesn't have a lot of gil to spend, but still wants to get some serious tanking done.
This is a really good synth to skill up your cooking. The shall shells are not hard to farm up, or if you have the fishing you can go fish them up and skill fishing at the same time. Or if you want you can buy them from the AH. I don't know about the other servers but the price is pretty good on fairy, I found out that I can actually purchase them a bit cheaper in the Windurst auction house.
The rest of the materials are very cheap and easily gotten from various NPC's.
Good synth and you can make a profit while skilling.
For skilling up cooking, if Shall shells sell for less than 7.2-7.8k/stack, you can NPC these for break-even and usually sell for profit. Good skill up item to make right up to the level 80 cap.