Bay Leaves

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Bay Leaves   stack
This flavoring is made from the dried leaves of the laurel tree.
Root » Food » Ingredients
Info [Wiki] [BG Wiki] [FFXIDB]
Stock 1
Stack Price 45,000 (45,000 per)
Rate Dead Slow (0.026 sold/day)
Median 10,000
Max 10,000
Min 1
Average 8,200
Last 1,000
Price History
5 Months Ago1,000
17 Months Ago1,000
17 Months Ago1,000
28 Months Ago1,000
GilPrice History5/246/76/87/118/20k10k2.5k5k7.5k12.5kExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
Vendor Prices
Name Zone Price
Aveline Southern San d'Oria 117 - 143 gil
Attarena Northern San d'Oria 117 - 143 gil
Galdeo Bastok Mines 117 - 143 gil
Otete Windurst Waters 117 - 143 gil
Price History (25)
Aug. 24, 2024WildbluntDiscontinued1,000
Sep. 1, 2023CoreidosVwz1,000
Sep. 1, 2023GumdwopVwz1,000
Oct. 5, 2022BustersmuleAzalin1,000
Aug. 2, 2022ButrerapheZilfalion1,000
Jul. 17, 2022TinyhinyQuadrupleburger1,000
Jul. 15, 2022FurryfuryKateye1,000
Jul. 13, 2022TacotuesdayTeitaru1
Jul. 11, 2022IchigotaruBertrix8,000
Jul. 11, 2022TarusaruBertrix1,000
Comments (2)
Cerberus.Purrrfect[Report] Score: 6
Li'Telor region NPC.
2007-10-14 11:01:28
Lakshmi.Lago[Report] Score: 2
Also sold to San d'Orian citizens by Aveline in Raimbroy's Grocery in Southern San d'Oria when Sandy is 1st place in conquest.
2008-01-26 10:55:36
Screenshots (1)
id:1275 Cooking (25)
Fire Crystal0
Bay Leaves4,1670.16
Rock Salt1000.00
La Theine Cbg.1,0000.00
Frost Turnip5,0000.00
Wild Onion1,0000.00
San D'Or. Carrot100.00
Distilled Water2000.00
Total Cost11,893
Vegetable Broth432310,000-1,8930.00
Vegetable Soup45604,000-7,8930.00
id:1278 Cooking (27)
Fire Crystal0
Bay Leaves4,1670.16
Rock Salt1000.00
Land Crab Meat1671.72
Distilled Water2000.00
Total Cost4,633
Steamed Crab43423,000-1,6330.00
Boiled Crab44563,000-1,6330.01
id:1280 Cooking (28)
Water Crystal0
Bay Leaves4,1670.16
Black Pepper1,0000.00
Olive Oil1,0000.00
Rock Salt1000.00
Holy Basil1,0000.00
Wild Onion1,0000.00
Mithran Tomato1,0000.00
Misx. Parsley5000.00
Total Cost9,767
Pomodoro Sauce x451943,800-5,9670.00
id:1326 Cooking (48)
Fire Crystal0
Dried Marjoram3000.00
Bay Leaves4,1670.16
Wild Onion1,0000.00
Tomato Juice3000.00
Distilled Water2000.00
Total Cost5,967
Sunset Soup434110,0004,0330.00
Tomato Soup44206,000330.00
id:1374 Cooking (65)
Fire Crystal0
Bay Leaves4,1670.16
Black Pepper1,0000.00
Olive Oil1,0000.00
Rock Salt1000.00
Rarab Tail1,0000.00
Buffalo Meat4,0000.00
Total Cost11,267
Bison Steak51425,000-6,2670.00
Marbled Steak515710,000-1,2670.00