If you have the appropriate key item from Monster Rearing, you can buy a stack of 12 of these in your Mog Garden, Rank 5+ items, for the low low price of 237,600G per stack. As I'm writing this, the stack price on AH is 400k and selling "very fast," 26.797 items per day. I don't spend more than 237,600G on a stack of these, ever, just on principle alone. I mean I already have the key item to get my own in mog garden so why would I pay extra? If you do buy dragon talons x12 for more than 237,600 gil, then you're paying extra just for the convenience of never having to leave town, and that's it. I remember before I capped Bonecrafting, this item was 50k a stack, and that was just 2 weeks ago. Buying out the AH every day resulted in the price jacking up. I will say, however, that this synth wind crystal + 2 dragon talons is a ridiculously cheap way to hit 110 bonecrafting since you can keep synthing/desynthing the rings.
Right now cheap lvl 75 items like Warwolf belts are going through the roof. Just sold one for 70k. Weskits are selling for 50k, meaning Bonecrafters are skill up on, or attempting to HQ weskits at a profit right now. You should try and get a hand into these profits and stop selling your talons for 10k! 40k+! Don't be silly. They'll buy them.