Ok so i (Along with many others) have noticed alot of different opinions when it comes to the use of Moghancement Experience. It seems many people dont know exactly how this works, so I furnished my Mules Mog House with 2 Royal Beds and various other Dark based elemental furniture to obtain a Strong Dark Energy, and of course, Moghancement Experience. Then I set out with my lvl 6 War Mule to prove the figures.
TNL Before Death: 1670 (of 1750)
TNL While Dead: 1504 (Normlly i would lose 175 exp (10% of total till next level) Notice i have lost 5% less than the 175 i would have nrmally lost)
TNL After Raise 1: 1587 (The raise 1 gave me back 50% of what i would have lost (50% of 175) This means that in this case overall i have lost 5% less EXP than i would have if i died normally)
What does this proove:
Well Firstly Moghancement DOES now work with Raise,
Secondly, 5% is the correct value for recovered EXP due to the effect.