This steamed rice has been wrapped
in a bamboo leaf. Rice dumplings are
said to have the power to ward off
evil spirits.
HP+17 STR+3 VIT+2 AGI+1 Accuracy+5
Attack+20% (Max.45)
Ranged Attack+30% (Max.45)
"Resist Paralyze"+4
HP recovered while healing +2
MP recovered while healing +2
In my opinion, this is the best general purpose melee food before level 50 (when most jobs start to reach +att cap). Even though it gives a slightly lower increase in attack % and str than some foods (Dumplings = +20% att +3 str / Mithkabobs = +22% & +5 str), the key which makes this so freaking awesome is the flat +5 accuracy. At lower levels good +acc options are very limited. Because of this, this food stands almost on its own. Sure you may give up a net 4-5 attack (at the cap) and 2 str by not using the beloved mithkabobs, but I assure you, your improvement in accuracy will more than compensate for slight loss of attack and strength. At 8-10k per stack, this is cheap accuracy, folks.
If you are a melee job lvl 50 or lower (maybe even past 50), do yourself and your party a favor, bring along a stack of rice dumplings. You'll be happy you did.
To the crafters that take the time to make these despite the constant flux of the economy...THANK YOU! ^^
If you're leveling a job while utilizing a two-handed weapon (especially as a DRK) I STRONGLY recommend you always have a stack of these before you go party. I've partied with and without for a period of 30 minutes and the difference you see with +5 Accuracy is unmatched. Of course, at higher levels you may want to go with something different, but pre 40ish you'll thank me for investing in these, and so will your party.
This is, without question, the best rng food for a long time, until yellow curry at lvl 45-50. The 30% increase to ranged attack makes a huge difference and is without equal.
Meat mithkabobs have no ranged attack, so they will only have a minimal impact on ranged results from the STR+5.
Good for leveling ninja or any tank early on.
Hp, vitality, and healing bonuses all work well with the general purpose attack up and accuracy up.
+1 agility doesn't hurt, either.
In addition to the points made by Harrison, this is an exceptional food choice for BLU and DRK due to the MP regen while healing increase. Extra useful to BLU soloing with the vit, agi, and resist paralyze mods too.