This item is made at a loss as Red Moko Grass is reasonably difficult to obtain, therefore the thread commands a relatively higher price, but the speed at which the cloth sells due to its Gobbiebag quest Status makes it a good synth if you farm your own Red Moko Grass, preferably in Grauberg [s] where the drop rate is significantly higher than other areas, but some aside for making Mohbwa and Qiqurn Sash's later on. ^^
Ignore the comments saying this doesn't sell well, and try listing it for 50K. It'll sell because it's rarely placed on the Auction House and two are needed for Corsair AF. There are plenty of completionists out there willing to pay well for these cloths. Red Grass Threads are also kind of rare now, at least on Quetzalcoatl, so getting three of those typically takes several days. So just be the only guy listing this cloth and profit.