The price on this fluctuates quite a bit sometimes since this item can only be crafted and is a requirement for the gobbie bag x quest. However the griffon hide is easily obtained from dynamis burning and found in some pyxis in abyssea, so if the value of the leather itself is too high smarter people will tend to hunt down leathercrafters to make one for them with materials provided.
id guess that there price has gone from 7k to 150k as the other expensive items for gob bag drop from chests in abyssea so more people are doing the quest. Demand has gone up and crafters will be taking advantage of it
I don't know about on other Servers but the price of this item went from about 10k to ~100/200k On Asura Basically over-night.
Go figure, The second i start to buy my Gobbie-bag items this happens.
Seriously, I finished the quest to 75 and went to buy my Molybd/etc, and Griffon Leather was like 20k and 0 in stock, i wake up the next morning its up to 200k.
Ok guys, we buy the hides for 5k each to skill up on. Why would u put the leather on the ah for less considering its a high demand item.If they price keeps dropping we might as well npc them.