Looking at all the rate-down, I guess there isn't anything good to say about this piece. Not that it will stop me from trying;
One of the highest attack+ rating for DRK (that is AH buyable) next to the Plastron+1 and Byrnie+1. Refresh effect is quite useful if you're a DRK that makes the best out of his assortment of absorb-spells (of course including Drain) and the spamming of Stuns.
I think that every single DRK (or any melee for that matter) will agree that you want at least a Haub laying around for HNM and of course to switch in when you take hate when shadows aren't up.
By no means whatsoever a must-have, but it's good on the eyes, quite nice for your average merit PT and it's an on-the-move Refresh.
I don't see why so many feel that it's garbage, at most you can debate price/value ratio (i.e. Foragers and Amemet+1). At the end of the day you simply can't say that this is a worthless piece of gear.
this is one of the best WS bodys for drk more so on Gods and HNM's wich you will most likely be using a single hit WS like spinning slash or spiral hell. I have personaly broken the 2K mark on seiryu with SATA spiral hell and as for ppl saying that cures are waisted on you while wearing this you need to learn how to gear swap or you deserve to get your *** handed to you.
Be careful using this, and other equipment that increase "Damage Taken". You CAN be killed by Throat-Stab like abilities. Throat Stab, Homing Missile, Hell Scissors to name a few.
So there are better WS pieces... and better TP pieces... but thats not what this is about. Refresh - any DRK that solos/duos etc knows that Parade Gorget alone isn't enough even with book refresh if you're fighting mobs your cant Apsir well. If you use spells (and you should) you need one of these. And for single hit WSs - like others have said, its good - just make sure you macro swap it out ASAP.
How come nobody really seems to be commenting on the Plastron's sexiness!? The only other JSE I can think of for DRK that looks this hot is the relic body.
I'm curious as to why Archknight has been rated down significantly not only is he asking a question, which as a community you think people would welcome ...
Also he has a valid point ... it does contribute to dread spike's effectiveness...
Although to be honest i'd rather just use my hauberk with DS up for the extra acc...
As of the 95 cap, this and the Onyx set are great pieces to macro in for Scarlet Delirium (depending on how tough the blow you're aiming for is, don't get killed!)