...And now with Iron Ram Hauberk available 5 levels before this and with double the enmity and way more hp than VIT+4 can give... There is even less use for this anymore. 75k(115k) AN might take some time but it's well worth it.
Higher HP means less CE loss when you take a hit, so Gallant Surcoat is better for idle (less CE lost through +20HP > less CE lost through taking less damage by virtue of 4VIT).
There is nothing wrong with this piece, it's just the stigma attached to it because of the Paladins who use it.
This seemed good a while ago, but now with the Nuevo Coselete and the Iron Ram Hauberk... I don't think that there's a reason you shoud ever have this at least until you can get one of those 2 body pieces.
Okay everyone id just like to say its good Armour but don't let anyone tell you what to Equip its your Character you wear what you want to wear :) and play how you want to play for that matter.
Hmmm Meeeeeep, I would assume that the 20 HP can be replaced with some sort of gearing, item, food, etc, so its not a total loss. This game is a balancing act: Too much of one stat leads to less of another stat. PLD stats being enmity, HPs, VIT, and DEF. Its all a matter of what the situation calls for.
Even in end-game, +5 Divine Skill shouldn't matter because whether Flash sticks or not, you're going to create the same amount of enmity. And I don't think +5 Divine skill is worth throwing 100 MP away on a Holy to increase it's dmg by 2? Hell, with anyone's luck by one.
+HP isn't worth the +enmity you get. You can always have a healer keep your HP up. You can't always have enough enmity to assist you. Especially as /NIN.