To Tigster, rare/ex gear while good like iron ram, can never make buyable gear obsolete. Not everyone will be able to get iron ram, so even if it is good, it cant make adaman obsolete, just less good.
i sank over 1.8m in gil skilling up on these when they were selling for 80k each, almost break even and i havent sold a single one due to asshats undercutting all the way down to 45k.. thats right from 80k to 45k. i would understand this if there was alot seling but theres only 4 on ah and almost all are moecat..
So ive decided instead of npc im going to sell al of them for 10k each. all 23 i have. thats 20-30 days worth of sales. looks like im the new asshat undercutting asshat undercutters
the 1.5m loss is worth it to screw this item over for you for screwing it over for me
20k-30k doesnt recover the material costs. the ones floating around on ah are from the bygone purple paladin era of old ffxi.
newly forged ones should reprice to reflect material costs. which would bring the asking price to 120k. (80k for adman ingot + 20k materials + 20k smith cost) and gem should be about 12 times that cost.
This piece will take better to physical damage than the iron ram sallet. iron ram has 1 more def yeah, but for every 2 VIT you have, you will gain 1 defense. not to mention VIT counters an enemies STR. but yeah, for magic defense and more enmity, get I.R.
A paladin shouldn't be tanking in Walahra Turban unless he/she is tanking /nin on a endgame boss or soloing. I mean sure you can macro it in for flash but otherwise you shouldn't full time the turban.