4 years ago I wrote
Gearswap for Dummies.
4 weeks ago I returned to FFXI, completely forgot how to use Gearswap and ironically had to read my own guide, to re-learn. Upon doing so I was quickly aware of the shortcomings of my previous attempt as well as how much the game (and addons) have evolved since. Therefore I present to you, Gearswap for Dummies 2.0!
If you're already sufficient in Gearswap, you may still be interested in what I believe to be, the most up to date and sophisticated Haste-Detection rules available to us via GearInfo. (Skip to Post #6)
Step 0: Files Needed
A: Windower 4
Download Here:
This is the program that makes all of the fancy applications work.
B: Notepad ++
Download Here:
This is the program that you use to actually create and edit the 'code' that spellcast uses and runs off of. For all intents and purposes, it's no more than a word document really.
Step 1: Obtaining Gearswap
Open Windower as usual. Before selecting a Profile, click “Addons”, scroll down until you see “GearSwap” and click the Download Button. Afterwards, ensure the Toggle Switch is in the “On” position, and then start FFXI as you always do.
Step 2: Creating your .lua file
Option A: Full Skeleton
Open Notepad ++
Create a new file
Copy and Paste the following file
Option B: Start with mine
Option C: Absolute Bare Minimum
See Post #5
The Skeleton is 100% functional, you just export, copy, and paste your gearsets where you like, and ignore everything you don't want to touch, with no negative impact.
If you are like me, looking at someone else's gearswap is overwhelming, my eyes gloss over, and I can't comprehend how or even where to begin editing it.
If you are the type of person who does not get overwhelmed by the full file... then you probably don't need this tutorial or maybe you just want the new haste rule breakdown, you are more than welcome to use mine and just start customizing it. From this step forward I will be focusing on the Skeleton file, as I believe that is the target audience.
*Special note my files are largely based on/stolen from Mote, Arislan, and a few others where I've hacked small pieces here and there, or altered things to fit my needs, and frankenstein'd them together. Full credit to all of those who did the hard work.
Step 3: Putting your .lua into Gearswap
Once you've created your Skeleton file:
Click on File > 'Save as'
1) At the top of the prompt you will need to tell it where you want to save the file to. (Yellow Arrow)
I use Windows 7, other Operating Systems may be slightly different, but should be close.
Local Disk C:
Program Files (x86)
2) Name the file CharacterName_Job Example: (Cambion_Dnc) (Red Arrow)
3) Save it as a .lua file ***VERY IMPORTANT*** (Blue Arrow)
Congratulation, you now have your very own Gearswap file!
In the next post we'll begin discussing how to customize it.