Escutcheons final stage
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,242
By Leviathan.Stamos 2017-09-20 16:18:04
So it's not just in the September thread, and more organized.
You need 70,000 Crafter points this time around. You can keep the shield on the whole time while crafting. There is no negative impact on it. Craftsmanship goes up slowly compared to the previous stages.
Wind Crystal Desynths:
Ancient Papyrus Impaction, Fragmentation, or Light
Beryl Memosphere Impaction, Fragmentation, or Light
Bruised Starfruit Transfixion, Fusion, or Light
Lucky Egg Transfixion, Fusion, or Light
Carbuncle's Ruby Transfixion, Fusion, or Light
Test Answers Impaction, Fragmentation, or Light
Star Spinel Impaction, Fragmentation, or Light
White Memosphere Transfixion, Fusion, or Light
Colorful Hair Compression, Gravitation, or Darkness
Demon Pen Compression, Gravitation, or Darkness
Elshimo Marble Scission, Gravitation, or Darkness
Indigo Memosphere Reverberation, Distortion, or Darkness
Orcish Mail Scales Compression, Gravitation, or Darkness
Teal Memosphere Induration, Distortion, or Darkness
Tonberry Board Compression, Gravitation, or Darkness
Lightning Crystal Desynths:
Bomb Coal Liquefaction, Fusion, or Light
Fetich Arms Liquefaction, Fusion, or Light
Ancient salt Liquefaction, Fusion, or Light
Delkfutt key Reverberation, Distortion, or Darkness
Fetich Legs Detonation, Fragmentation, or Light
Rusty Medal Liquefaction, Fusion, or Light
Frayed Arrow Impaction, Fragmentation, or Light
Shoalweed Detonation, Fragmentation, or Light
Desert Venom Reverberation, Distortion, or Darkness
Exoray Mold Induration, Distortion, or Darkness
Fetich Head Scission, Gravitation, or Darkness
Scorpion Stinger Scission, Gravitation, or Darkness
Giant Fish Bones Induration, Distortion, or Darkness
Magicked Steel Ingot Scission, Gravitation, or Darkness
Rusty Key Induration, Distortion, or Darkness
Making the light go green
As stupid as it is, Moghancement: Desynthesis helps a lot for farming spheres.
Link to items that give Moghancement: Desynthesis
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 123
By Cerberus.Resetti 2017-09-20 17:45:18
Thank you for making this topic! Can you post where to farm for spheres?! Thank you!
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,242
By Leviathan.Stamos 2017-09-20 18:31:23
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6,052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2017-09-22 09:12:54
Has anyone been able to make a visible change on skillchain progress yet? I've been hesitant to jump into that part still, since information seems nonexistant besides '***doesn't move'.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,242
By Leviathan.Stamos 2017-09-22 12:40:52
Doesn't seem like many people are trying until something is announced or figured out.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 1,432
By Asura.Toralin 2017-09-22 14:02:46
Agreed, I think most people are farming spheres but dont see alot of action at the Focuser
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,242
By Leviathan.Stamos 2017-09-22 17:24:15
My only gripe, there is only one spot to really farm spheres unless you want to farm a specific one.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 114
By Asura.Xenomorph 2017-09-22 21:11:34
With RME SE loves to makes the final stages have a fat requirement compared to previous stages (30k alex, 1500 hmp, etc). If these shields are the crafting equivalent of rme maybe the giant requirement lies in spirit points. Mewk does say that without the machine it would take a few million synths. The only thing thats special about the machine is the skillchains, so maybe hes saying that normally he gets 1 spirit per synth but with the sc combos one can get to that absurd amount more quickly. I say one spirit per synth because without a skillchain thats what you get regardless of what sphere is used.
Just conjecture. If it is that high, a thousand or so spirit points might not make a blip in the bar. I really hope for a bug or missing mechanic, but I just assume SE doesn't have enough of my soul. It is competing with a rank 1/2 mog bonanza prize after all. I mean the bigger the barrier, the more reward foe those who get it. Keep pushing regardless and good luck to those working on it.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13
By Asura.Tamamir 2017-09-22 21:18:15
Well, I can tell you that with 3k spirit the bar hasn't moved beyond a tiny sliver so that easily puts it in the 50-100k range to actually complete.
Expect a long journey on this one. And no, I don't think it's broken anymore. Either missing something with the light changing colour or it's just an EMA type of grind which is to be expected for what they do at the end phase.
That said I'm already bored of it and 3k took me about 3-4 days. It's doable. Probably a way to get a lot of spirit that's locked behind the orb colouring mechanic. Max from a 6 step craftchain with no colour swapping is in the 45~ range, I forgot the exact number. I'll get back to it eventually but the way it works just feels unbelievably unrewarding and that's unfortunate. I wish I felt like grinding more as I do find it somewhat interesting that we've got another "mystery" on our hands. The colour mechanic is most likely the key to actually finishing one in a timely manner but for right now it feels absolutely random. Recreating the steps shown in the video wherein it happens did not reproduce the same results. During my grind I saw it not even once and he didn't get the third colour swap in the video either so there is more to it beyond that happening even when we do discover how that part itself works.
All I did was spam 5 step craftchains for 38 points per and hope for results.
Things you'd probably like to know? Just like skillchains a break or a "miss" can be recovered if you're quick to resynthesize with that orb but to redo it will add a higher failure rate and a hit to your durability. I had 2 explosions from doing this at a loss of 7 spirit per and at times I would toss 5+ spheres into the wind for nothing due to the aforementioned failure rate. Durability bar does not have to deplete to cause an explosion and can be as high as 90% when explosions happen. Timing works just like normal skillchains in that if you're too slow you won't make the chain, but with that said you can't be too fast to my knowledge.
Takes a lot of attention to sit through the process and not miss anything when you're doing 1k+ spirit at a time.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,242
By Leviathan.Stamos 2017-09-22 22:21:53
Really hope it isn't just 2938298123 spirit.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 114
By Asura.Xenomorph 2017-09-22 23:55:30
I thought Mewk said it would normally take a few million synths, but he actually says several million XD. Altana help us all..
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 157
By Carbuncle.Rajang 2017-09-23 03:52:47
I managed to get the second pixel, out of 64! A JP said they managed to get 9/64 around 14,000 spirits, so I'm starting to think this is just 100,000 spirits to fill up the bar.
By Marootsoobootsu 2017-09-23 05:14:12
I managed to get the second pixel, out of 64! A JP said they managed to get 9/64 around 14,000 spirits, so I'm starting to think this is just 100,000 spirits to fill up the bar.
This is the saddest news I've seen in a while.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24
By Sylph.Takutu 2017-09-23 07:41:29
I managed to get the second pixel, out of 64! A JP said they managed to get 9/64 around 14,000 spirits, so I'm starting to think this is just 100,000 spirits to fill up the bar.
This is the saddest news I've seen in a while.
I talked to a JP friend who said there's 64 'steps' of 2,000 spirit each. 128,000 total, if that is right. I asked where he got his information, and he tried linking me to some 2ch forum post. When I went to the link, it just redirected me to some page, and it's all in Japanese.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,425
By Sylph.Funkworkz 2017-09-23 12:18:19
Any good suggestions for 5 step (light or dark) skillchains that are rather easy to farm?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 114
By Asura.Xenomorph 2017-09-23 13:05:05
Bomb coal and ancient papyrus for 5 step light. With a ~100k spirit point requirement, would suggest 6 stepping to lessen the number of 40k catalysts that need to be purchased. The catalyst costs alone will add up so I'd also be careful buying spheres from others for now while the AH isn't stocked on them.
By Asura.Eiryl 2017-09-23 13:37:03
That's absurd.
If 6 step gets you 50? and you need 128k that's 13,000 synths. counting fails, breaks etc.
And you need a 40k thing for each 6step that doesn't break?
That's a 100 Million gil shield for the last step? (rough math etc)
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 84
By Shiva.Cahota 2017-09-23 13:41:46
yea its a bad process, the grind is real, and luck on aking spheres isnt much better.
By Asura.Eiryl 2017-09-23 13:43:29
Ok, seriously, real talk.
Who's *** stupid enough to do that? Real question. That's worse than legit fishing from 0-110.
That's worse than 5,000* relic killshots per stage pre-adjustment.
That's like getting 1 exp per kill from 0-99
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 84
By Shiva.Cahota 2017-09-23 13:45:29
here's to hope they adjust it soon, but i doubt it, was hoping was some other trick to it. but seems just grind away.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,242
By Leviathan.Stamos 2017-09-23 13:59:09
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24
By Sylph.Takutu 2017-09-23 14:29:41
That's absurd.
If 6 step gets you 50? and you need 128k that's 13,000 synths. counting fails, breaks etc.
And you need a 40k thing for each 6step that doesn't break?
That's a 100 Million gil shield for the last step? (rough math etc)
Doing a straight up level 4 skillchain, for example Transfixion Sphere > Scission Sphere = Distortion > Gravitation Sphere = Darkness > Darkness Sphere = Darkness, that gives 36 spirit assuming no HQs. 128,000/36=3555.555 level 4 skillchains. This skillchain would cost 48,600 gil. 3556*48,600=172,821,600 gil.
If we don't do the level 4 and stop after the level 3, since that is the 40k catalyst, it brings us down to 21 spirit per level 3. 128,000/21=6095.23. This however, only costs 8,600 gil. 6096*8,600=52,425,600.
That involves farming a lot more spheres, obviously. Just showing some quick math that it can be done for way less than 100m+. Just depends on how valuable your time is. I would much rather throw gil at it than farm 3000+ extra spheres, myself.
There's better ways than just doing these simple level 3s, but it does show you how much you can cut the cost if you don't do the level 4s. Just time farming spheres vs gil.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,242
By Leviathan.Stamos 2017-09-23 14:35:34
The issue is farming spheres. They kept all these items rare, and gave only one spot that you can farm multiple types of spheres. Plus, a lot of these monsters are in dungeons with slow repops.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,425
By Sylph.Funkworkz 2017-09-23 14:38:51
The worst part, is only people on the shield stage are able to make them. (besides getting lucky and getting one from the goblin box)
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24
By Sylph.Takutu 2017-09-23 14:39:29
The issue is farming spheres. They kept all these items rare, and gave only one spot that you can farm multiple types of spheres. Plus, a lot of these monsters are in dungeons with slow repops.
I agree, which is why I would much rather throw the gil at it than farm the spheres. Was just showing that there is an alternative to 100m+ gil for people who don't feel the same.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,242
By Leviathan.Stamos 2017-09-23 14:45:59
The worst part, is only people on the shield stage are able to make them. (besides getting lucky and getting one from the goblin box)
Yeah. And, not many people that are on the last stage are going to farm these and put them up on the AH.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 84
By Shiva.Cahota 2017-09-23 14:56:24
thats still alot of SC's, but atleast its something to go for instead of having no idea.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 114
By Asura.Xenomorph 2017-09-23 15:08:39
Out of all the ffxi devs that have left, why did he have to be one that stayed..
By Marootsoobootsu 2017-09-23 15:34:58
Serious question: is there a bigger grind in the game than this shield now?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 159
By Asura.Warusha 2017-09-23 15:38:02
Serious question: is there a bigger grind in the game than this shield now? AH points. Praise be unto Rooks, who giveth and taketh, blessed be thy holy name.
So it's not just in the September thread, and more organized.
You need 70,000 Crafter points this time around. You can keep the shield on the whole time while crafting. There is no negative impact on it. Craftsmanship goes up slowly compared to the previous stages.
Wind Crystal Desynths:
Ancient Papyrus Impaction, Fragmentation, or Light
Beryl Memosphere Impaction, Fragmentation, or Light
Bruised Starfruit Transfixion, Fusion, or Light
Lucky Egg Transfixion, Fusion, or Light
Carbuncle's Ruby Transfixion, Fusion, or Light
Test Answers Impaction, Fragmentation, or Light
Star Spinel Impaction, Fragmentation, or Light
White Memosphere Transfixion, Fusion, or Light
Colorful Hair Compression, Gravitation, or Darkness
Demon Pen Compression, Gravitation, or Darkness
Elshimo Marble Scission, Gravitation, or Darkness
Indigo Memosphere Reverberation, Distortion, or Darkness
Orcish Mail Scales Compression, Gravitation, or Darkness
Teal Memosphere Induration, Distortion, or Darkness
Tonberry Board Compression, Gravitation, or Darkness
Lightning Crystal Desynths:
Bomb Coal Liquefaction, Fusion, or Light
Fetich Arms Liquefaction, Fusion, or Light
Ancient salt Liquefaction, Fusion, or Light
Delkfutt key Reverberation, Distortion, or Darkness
Fetich Legs Detonation, Fragmentation, or Light
Rusty Medal Liquefaction, Fusion, or Light
Frayed Arrow Impaction, Fragmentation, or Light
Shoalweed Detonation, Fragmentation, or Light
Desert Venom Reverberation, Distortion, or Darkness
Exoray Mold Induration, Distortion, or Darkness
Fetich Head Scission, Gravitation, or Darkness
Scorpion Stinger Scission, Gravitation, or Darkness
Giant Fish Bones Induration, Distortion, or Darkness
Magicked Steel Ingot Scission, Gravitation, or Darkness
Rusty Key Induration, Distortion, or Darkness
Making the light go green
As stupid as it is, Moghancement: Desynthesis helps a lot for farming spheres.
Link to items that give Moghancement: Desynthesis