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Miscellaneous Sets ► ►PDT Gear - 3/01/2015 ItemSet 333679 ★If Otronif/Ring/Earring augments aren't max PDT you can swap in Mollusca Mantle for Shadow Mantle ►MDT Gear - 3/01/2015 ItemSet 333680 ★You can use Mollusca Mantle if you don't have Defending Ring. ★You can swap in Otronif +1 with MDT augments without Shell V. ★Wayfarers set has high magic evasion and defense bonus, but you lose significant DPS potential. ►Hybrid Sets - 3/01/2015
★Infinite amount of combinations you can do involving Qaaxo/Taeon/Otronif +1 depending on how much accuracy/pdt/mdt you want. ★All Qaaxo is augmented with R15 B (7 STR, 15 Acc, 3 PDT) ★Higher accuracy sets can replace Ej Necklace +1/Letalis Mantle for Twilight/Mollusca and replace Qaaxo equipment with Taeon at the expense of less accuracy for more damage reduction. ►Chakra Gear - 3/01/2015 ItemSet 333681 ★If you have the inventory space (I sure don't), this is the best Chakra set ★Anchorite's Cyclas (+1) and Hesychast's Gloves (+1) should be kept on hand regardless, as they augment Chakra to remove status effects, as explained above. ★Pretty much most i119 gear will work, as they all have negligible increases in vitality. ★Handler's Earring (+1) can be used in place of Terra's Pearl when your unity is in first place. |
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