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Turtle Soup Recruitment
Turtle Soup are looking for a few good Ragnarokians!

We're a casual FC that's looking to open up to some minor endgame events. While we can't promise huge 24-man dungeon spams, we'd love to be able to run 8-man dungeons on a regular basis, without relying on random people - most of whom are either too stuck up, or too retarded to see potential.

We begin simple: EXP, Quest, run around in circles, together! Why? To get used to each others playstyles - There are still lots of jobs our current members want to level, so it's the perfect time to break into a new role and have some fun in the process.

So, who are we?
We're a tight-knit group of friends from FFXI. We played on and off (mostly on) for 9 years and had a great time doing so. Now, we want to bring our unique form of adventure to XIV, but due to the "GET THIS NUMBER OF PEOPLE, NOMORE, NOLESS" that's enforced within the game - it's annoying as hell to do. So, we want to get "that number of people", and take over Eorzea! At the moment, we're a Rank 6 FC very slowly working on housing. We are 5 players overall, only 3 active at the moment though and we'd like to make some new friends. We aren't looking for random people who dart in and out of FC's like they're going out of fashion - we're looking for people who are wanting to enjoy the game and have a more, laid back approach.

What do we want?
Nothing. Zip. Nada. Niet!

The only thing we ask, is that you give us a chance! Join in with conversations (where possible), ask questions and generally enjoy your life in the FC! Partake in an EXP party, come do some Spiritbonding, whatever tickles your fancy! All we want, is a non-judgemental group that's out for epic fun in even more epic manners. (Hell, one of my favourite FFXI memories is me trying to kill my LS while we were meriting. Got all of them but the 1 bastard I wanted most :P). If someone makes a mistake, make sure they take note of it - offer advice, then move on and laugh! We don't need people who point out every minor problem and throw a hissy fit over it.

What do you get?
Admittedly - we can't offer a lot at the moment (after all, 3 people can't fund an army!). However, you'll start as a "trial member" of sorts, limited chest access until people have gotten to know you. After that though, you'll be given standard access. We have a small army of crafting materials, low-mid level gear and low materias to help get started on your way with a variety of things available. If the FC grows and becomes more and more focused on endgame, then there'll be opportunities within the FC to move up, but don't assume that'll happen soon.

Who do we want?
Almost anyone and everyone! As long as your head isn't up your ass, you're willing to ask questions, offer tips and don't mind dying - then we want you! As has been said, we're a casual group of friends, trying to enjoy the game. Drama has no place in our FC and anyone found causing drama will be removed immediately. It's no loss to our group.

Send a tell to Kin Zoku, Kitsch Katamari or Conlaed Marfitch!
Author: Hitetsu
Date Created: 2014-02-04 13:59:57
Date Last Modified: 2014-02-04 14:05:28
Updates: 2
Bytes: 3105