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Rank 3 - Mog Bonanza (May 26 2011) Rank 3 Prizes
input /equip body "Nocturnus Mail"; input /equip ear1 "Roundel Earring"; input /equip legs "Byakko's Haidate"; input /equip body "Ares' Cuirass"; input /equip main "Nmd. Moogle Rod"; input /equip waist "Velocious Belt"; input /equip legs "Hachiryu Haidate"; input /equip body "Morrigan's Robe"; input /equip body "Usukane Haramaki"; input /equip body "Marduk's Jubbah"; input /equip body "Skadi's Cuirie"; input /equip body "Valhalla Brstplate"; input /equip sub "Nightfall"; Gearswap Set
sets["Rank 3"] = { main="Nmd. Moogle Rod", sub="Nightfall", ear1="Roundel Earring", body="Valhalla Brstplate", waist="Velocious Belt", legs="Hachiryu Haidate" }
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