The large, hard-shelled fruit of an Elshimo pachira. Though giving off a sweet, nutty aroma, it is nevertheless poisonous and unsuitable for consumption.
Costs ~1850 a stack from NPC, for a total duration of 1440 seconds.
Compared to what is 16k a stack on my server, Poison Potions, at a total duration of 2160 seconds.
So, you need a stack and a half of Elshimo Pachira Fruit to get the duration of poison potions (2774gil), but it will save you, at the cheapest price of potions across servers, 2/3 the price (more than 4/5 the price on my server).
Watch the duration and keep the inv space, and these are quite noticeably better.
For jobs that can use Anubis' Knife, it is the equivalent of 50 poison pots, normally up for ~2-3k on my server. Perfect for Azdaja spams.
For most other jobs, if you have a WHM who doesn't mind throwing Regen II on you, use Cantarella if you're needing to have a long-term poison effect. 10hp/tic every 3 seconds, but lasts for 10 minutes, and can easily be countered with a Regen II.