A Windurstian dessert made for
the Starlight Celebration.
Symbolizes a legendary monster
feared by the Mithra.
HP+8 MP+5% (Max.25) INT+4
HP recovered while healing +1
MP recovered while healing +1
This food is a lil bit better than NQ Melon Pies stats-wise
but it's AoE, 3hours and really cheap
best food for manaburn PTs
(unless everyone wants to use melon pie+1 over and over :P)
This is obtained through the Christmas event, I got one for havin last years dream stocking in my MH. You talk to Moogle and he says that he found it in your stocking
good gil to be made at low levels for starlight celebration. go smash boxes for sweets and sell em to npc. luckily black pudding is one of the drops. nice.