Sorry price gougers, but we're way past this. If anyone on Shiva gets grasses, I'll gladly synth to thread and cloth for them at no cost during NA prime.
Kaibelf & Kazenkujin, you make it out as if you're doing the community a service. All you're doing is getting free skill up synths, both of you are at or below the level of Akaso Tread. For those of us crafters who are way past the level, we want to make gil, that's why we level our craft. Wonder what you two will do once you've capped on the thread? Hmmm...
Will synth AKASO GRASS into> AKASO THREAD into> AKASO CLOTH on Ragnarok server free of charge. /tell Slyshen,Crunkie,Devilsadvocate,Alector,or Sodoeye in-game. The reason I list so many names is because I'm always on, but not on a certain character at any given time. Alector is my CC character though.
I'll do the same on Cerberus bring me the grasses I'll craft for free but if I'm out harvesting and make threads from what I've gotten from the fields I'm selling! >.> Clothcraft has never been profitable for me til now. >.<