Sobek's Skin

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Sobek's Skin   stack Ex
The skin of the gargantuan bugard Sobek, as rugged as the face of a mountain.
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Comments (2)
Shiva.Khimaira[Report] Score: 8
Almace 80 + 50 Sobek's Skins -> Almace 85

Kannagi 80 + 50 Sobek's Skins -> Kannagi 85
2011-02-24 10:12:42
Sylph.Katalsar Show Score: -19
Dropped from the Bugard NM named "Sobek" in Misareaux Coast.

In order to pop this NM you must obtain the 3 key items(KI) from the prerequisite NMs (Minax Bugard, Sirrush, and Gukumatz)

Sobek Can drop up to 2 skins each kill, so be sure to proc gryellow "!!" and have a THF.

x50 of these is required to upgrade the sword or katana magian weapons to their full final stage (85).
2011-01-03 08:41:50
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