One of the top TP body's for BST.
It is hard to pick between this, porthos, and sigyn.
Lose the TP from haste and triple attack, but get dex, agi, acc. atk. crit hit and a little faster attack rounds.
@Eik: a very good option for tp and laststand if you need accuracy and don't have Khepri. As for trueshot, you don't really want to stand there at 5ish yalms on cor.
Now this is worth haveing for a Thf the "Inc rate of Crit" alone is a must have for any Vet thf along with a "Aluh jambiya" and lux dagger that can deal some serious hurt. I still like the Mustela for the crit dmg but this "one piece" got me thinking
@Eikechi Since I have played Cor recently I don't remember ever having to shoot a single bullet minus a Weapon skill. With the right quick draw set you are looking at non stop Tp. Should not have to be shooting bullets.