Drops from Borealis Shadow Coffer NMs in Fei'Yin for 3,500 Accolades @ (F-9).
Battle Info:
Darkness weather:All 4 NMs WS simultaneously and have substantial regain.
No weather/blizzard: they skillchain with eachother.
Kill 1st-RDM/BLM uses BIO3/GA3s will Magic Burst for 2k+ in 50% MDT gear, 2nd-RNG tends to be the one to randomly turn and kill backline, 3rd-MNK, WAR-When alone will use Smash Axe>Decimation(Frag)>Decimation(Light).
As you kill them off they gain regain and will solo/multi-step skillchains(nonstop when it's the last enemy).
Super tanking requires DD's to remain under a certain hate threshold. If they go above it(not pull hate on the NM being tanked) one of the other 3 NMs will run over and kill them and the mages with an AOE ws.